Geneva peace talks must have goal of long-term and transparent process of reconciliation to spark hope

Geneva peace talks must have goal of long-term and transparent process of reconciliation to spark hope

One thing is clear: both global and regional powers have much to answer for in the tragedy that is Syria.

The Geneva peace talks now under way offer a glimmer of hope.

The last three months have seen two positive developments. First, last November the key international players, including the United States and Russia, agreed on the need for a nationwide ceasefire in Syria. More ambitiously, they envisaged a transitional authority to be created within six months of the launch of the Geneva talks, and UN-monitored elections to be held within 18 months.

Smoke rises after three bombs exploded in Sayyda Zeinab, a predominantly Shiite Muslim suburb of the Syrian capital. The triple bombing claimed by the extremist Islamic State group killed at least 45 people on Sunday, overshadowing an already shaky start to what are meant to be indirect Syria peace talks.

Smoke rises after three bombs exploded in Sayyda Zeinab, a predominantly Shiite Muslim suburb of the Syrian capital. The triple bombing claimed by the extremist Islamic State group killed at least 45 people on Sunday, overshadowing an already shaky start to what are meant to be indirect Syria peace talks. Credit:Uncredited

Secondly, despite ongoing disagreements about who should be represented and threatened walkouts, the UN Special Envoy, Staffan de Mistura, has managed to get most of the relevant parties to agree to come to Geneva.

For now we will have only proximity talks, with the various parties entering into discussion with de Mistura but not among themselves. And the focus of discussion, at least initially, will not be the settlement of the conflict but three more immediate objectives: a possible ceasefire; release of prisoners; and humanitarian aid to the worst-hit areas.


Significantly, the future of the Assad regime is not on the agenda, and just as well. For too long many of the protagonists – global powers, regional players and warring parties – have used arguments about the legitimacy or otherwise of the regime to conceal their own interests in the conflict. Their strategic competition, including military intervention and the flow of arms, money and oil, helps to explain the scale and brutality of the war.

Russia's support for the Syrian government reflects a desire to maintain its strategic toehold in Syria. Importantly it wants to be treated as a key player in the Middle East, whose interests and priorities others cannot afford to ignore.

Iran is concerned to thwart Saudi Arabia's regional ambitions, and in particular its support, both direct and indirect, for Sunni extremism. More broadly Iran wants to be accepted as a major regional player.

Hezbollah supports Assad for fear that another government in Syria would work to weaken its military position in Lebanon. More immediately it wants to secure its supply lines that run from Iran via Syrian territory.

For the United States the primary goal, generally shared by its allies, has been to maintain Western dominance in the Middle East and prevent Russia from re-establishing a significant presence. Regionally, US policy has sought to limit Iran's influence while maintaining the Saudi connection which it deems vital to its strategic and economic priorities. To this end it has been prepared to turn a blind eye to the oppressive character of the Saudi regime and its known support for Islamist movements, not least in Syria.

For the Saudi Royal Family the highest priority remains regime survival. This has meant implacable hostility to Iran, the use of its immense wealth to export its brand of Wahhabism, and the sharpening of Sunni-Shia tensions to advance its self-proclaimed role as protector of Sunni interests, hence its unrelenting opposition to Assad.

Erdogan's Turkey seeks Assad's removal for different reasons. Syria's reliance on Shiite backers may be a factor. More telling has been Assad's tacit understanding with Syria's Kurds, which made it easier for them to repel the IS assault. This has raised the spectre of cross-border Kurdish collaboration and a reinvigorated Kurdish rebellion inside Turkey.

One thing is clear: both global and regional powers have much to answer for in the tragedy that is Syria.

As for the opposition to Assad, it comprises an assortment of some 1000 armed groups, commanding an estimated total of 100,000 fighters and reflecting diverse and at times contradictory objectives and strategies. Determining who would represent the Syrian opposition has posed a major problem for the UN mediated talks in Geneva.

In the end the UN Special Envoy invited the Saudi-backed High Negotiations Committee to act as the principal opposition bloc, even though it includes Islamist groups, notably the Army of Islam, which both the Assad government and Russia have denounced as terrorist organisations. He has balanced this decision by inviting a number of other groups viewed more favourably by Moscow and Damascus, but only in an advisory capacity.

Where does all this leave the peace talks? No doubt, precariously poised. But the political environment appears more promising than at any time since Syria descended into civil war. First, the success of IS in seizing and maintaining territory, attracting foreign recruits and launching a wave of terrorist attacks around the world has crystallised in the minds of many the need for concerted action. The debilitating war in Syria is widely seen as an impediment to such action

Secondly, many of the protagonists and their backers are becoming war weary. Decisive military success is proving elusive and the military, human, financial and diplomatic costs of the fighting, not least an unprecedented refugee crisis, are taking their toll. Notwithstanding Russian military support, Assad's use of force is rapidly exhausting Syria's infrastructure, the patience of the Syrian population and the resources even of his most ardent supporters.

Thirdly, the US administration now recognises that it has no option but to take Russian actions and sensitivities into account, while Putin understands that Syria may offer an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate the promise of a multipolar world.

Finally, the nuclear agreement with Iran appears to have opened up new possibilities for collaborative diplomacy and a willingness on the part of the United States to pursue a more guarded approach in its relations with Saudi Arabia.

Two ingredients remain nevertheless vital for success.

First, all parties represented in Geneva and the wider international community must recognise the need for a political solution centred on the creation of a secular, unified, independent Syria as well as an internationally supported large scale reconstruction program to be overseen by the United Nations.

Secondly, the Geneva talks must set in train a long-term and transparent process of reconciliation, which fully engages Syria's Sunni Arabs, Alawis, Christians, Kurds, Druze, Bedouin, Ismailis, Turcomans, Circassians and Assyrians. The process must also have the active participation of the country's business, professional, academic and cultural sectors.

This will take some doing but the alternative is too bleak to contemplate.

Joseph Camilleri is Emeritus Professor La Trobe University.