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Fifty years of safety from sharks must not be ignored in Queensland

Shark nets keep swimmers and surfers safe as places such as Burleigh Beach on the Gold Coast.

Shark nets keep swimmers and surfers safe as places such as Burleigh Beach on the Gold Coast. Photo: Chris Hyde

If there is one subject sure to attract discussion at surf lifesaving clubs, it's sharks, especially on our most popular beaches. 

Never has this been more so than since a spate of nine attacks in northern New South Wales in the past 12 months.

In what can sometimes be a strident debate, the question is: Should we remove our shark precautions and expose people to the risk of attack?

Sharks have been separated from humans for 50 years in Queensland.

Sharks have been separated from humans for 50 years in Queensland. Photo: Pascal Kobeh

Sunshine and Gold coast beaches have been free of shark attacks since a combination of netting and drum lines were introduced in the 1960s.  

As someone who grew up on the beach, and who now takes my children to the beach, I have rarely given sharks a thought.  If there were no nets, however, I would certainly not feel as safe.

Yet there are some who are vehemently opposed to the use drum lines and shark nets.  They have certainly opposed the introduction of these measures in northern NSW, where the most recent attacks occurred.

One of those people is Deakin University associate professor Laurie Laurenson, who has recently completed a study on shark attacks.  He told the ABC's Four Corners this week:  "What we specifically needed to do was look at whether there was a relationship between the numbers of sharks that are out there and the numbers of attacks."

He claims there is "no statistically demonstrable relationship" between the two.  He says the important correlation is not between the number of sharks and the number of attacks, but between the number of people and the number of attacks.

In other words, he believes there are more attacks because there are more people in the water, not because there are more sharks.  Those who oppose shark netting use his study to support their case.

That may be the case from a statistical point of view, but it does seem to miss the point.  While there may be more attacks recently for the same number of sharks in the ocean, it doesn't invalidate the argument for measures like drum lines and nets.  

If sharks are the predators, and we are their potential prey, putting a barrier between us and them will reduce the potential for attacks.

The NSW government's chief shark scientist, Vic Peddemors, certainly supports this view. 

"Without a question of a doubt," Dr Peddemors says.

"I can definitely put my hand on my heart, I can say that I believe that shark nets work, and I believe you are a lot safer on a netted beach, not only because of the nets, but also because they are at patrolled beaches."

I am not so silly as to deny that there are other animals caught by our precautions against sharks.  However, I am one of many people who are willing to live with that, if it is the cost of keeping families safe on our most popular beaches.

What those who argue for an end to nets and drum lines fail to consider is the position of the politicians who would have to agree to any reduction in shark protection.

While our current measures have been effective over some 50 years, no politician is going to vote to do away with them.  That is because they know they would expose the government to the potential for massive compensation claims (not to mention a terrified voting public) if the nets were removed and someone was attacked.

There is a calculus here, and although environmentalists might want to ignore it, they can't.  

No politician is going to trade away 50 years of protection from sharks on netted beaches to satisfy some environmentalist groups.  I am glad that on at least this issue, both sides of politics are in agreement.  

Long may it be so.


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