Hottest Jokes Today

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Hi is that American Express? The company that promises to find me an English speaking Doctor in an emergency.

Yes sir that's us how can we help.

Well I've had an accident but I'm struggling to communicate, nobody understands me.

Ok sir, please tell where you are.

Right, I'm in Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
My daughter went out wearing her Burka today.

She's not a Muslim. It just makes a great disguise for robbing a bank.
UK School children face a 'tough' new national curriculum, to prepare them for "life in modern Britain".
French has finally been replaced by Urdu, then?
I see Ryanair is now charging £10 for a blanket and pillow.

Well, at least you can get a good solid 8 hours sleep while you're waiting on the runway.
Manchester United getting Falcao and Di Maria is the equivalent of giving somebody who needs heart surgery fake tits. Looks brilliant, but isn't what's needed.
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Hottest Jokes This Week

Three Indians walk into a bar. The barman says, "Is this some kind of Sikh joke?"
Three Israelis walk into a bar. The barman says, "Jew can't be serious!"
Three Muslims walk into a bar. The barman says, "Fuck off, you Paki bastards."
What's better than seeing the look of disappointment on the faces of Celtic supporters, after crashing out of the Champions League?

Seeing it twice.
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Hottest Jokes This Month

Martin Scorsese's film "The Wolf of Wall Street" broke a record by using the word "Fuck" or "Fucking" 506 times.

That actually beats a record set by my dad in 2003, trying to put an Ikea chair together.
A woman walks into a marriage counselling office.

The counsellor says, "I know exactly why you're here. Your husband doesn't want to make love to you anymore, instead he prefers watching porn and masturbating."

She exclaims, "Wow! that's correct! How did you know without even having a session with me?"

The counsellor replies, "Because you're fat."
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Newest Jokes Today

A sex doll was held up in front of the camera on Sky Sports today.

Rumours have it the fan was showing Wenger a better signing than Danny Welbeck.
I felt ill when I was walking in the forest earlier.

I'm a bit better now but I'm not out of the woods yet.
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