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Questionable claims

Just eat well - most exercise supplements are bunk

I am always amazed by the wide range of sports nutrition products on sale in gyms.

Comments 18

Angry fat: the new lifestyle hazard to watch

fat belly

SARAH BERRY It is estimated that as much as 70 per cent of cancer is lifestyle-related.

Comments 26

Chew on this

Butter is a healthy fat - who says?

Slice of bread with heart shaped butter

Paula Goodyer After decades of being told to avoid butter because of its saturated fat content, why is it being hyped as a health food?

Comments 124

Five ways to keep running when you're out of routine


Pip Coates Does the sight of your abandoned running shoes in a corner makes you feel a little uncomfortable?

Surprise research

Sweat your way to more youthful skin

Fatigued Caucasian woman holding water bottle

Gretchen Reynolds Exercise not only appears to keep skin younger, it may also even reverse skin ageing in people who start exercising late in life, according to surprising new research.

Is fit shaming jealousy in disguise?

Maria Klang

Cassy Small Why are images of inspiration so commonly viewed with humour and sometimes contempt?

Comments 156

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Why is childbirth still such a pain?

25 weeks pregant

Paula Goodyer In an age of medical miracles how come childbirth can still hurt like hell?

Comments 113

Researchers use sound waves to treat shin splints

Assistant Professor Physiotherapy Phil Newman.

LARISSA NICHOLSON It is a painful condition which plagues runners, but an effective treatment could be within reach.

Food festivities

Healthy Easter treats

Sweet easter

SARAH BERRY Whether you are a raw foodist, part of the popular Paleo brigade or on a sugar-free crusade, you don't have to miss out on the foodie festivities over Easter.

Paleo push

Food for thought in fad diets

Broccoli stems in a heart shape

SARAH BERRY It turns out that there is good food for thought behind many so-called fad diets. In addition to this they are not as different as first appearances suggest.

Comments 28

Chew on this

Let them eat hemp

Hemp Seeds

Paula Goodyer If the Americans, Brits and Canadians are allowed to eat hemp, why aren't we?

Comments 25

Disaster diets

Disaster diets: don't try these food fads at home

It's a lemon: the lemon-juice detox diet can be dangerous.

Damon Cronshaw Health experts have warned against crazy fad diets, after reports of people eating orange-juice soaked cotton balls and losing teeth from a lemon-juice detox.

Comments 32

Not what you eat, but how you eat it

Blond Girl with Summer fruits

Susie Burrell How you consume your calories each day could be all that you need to improve your nutrition.

Comments 2

Nutritional science

Biggest food myths

Two halves of a coconut

Susie Burrell Here are a few big myths of the moment and what nutritional science has to say.

Comments 52

Feelgood effects

Eating for optimal energy

All Is Love

Susie Burrell How simply getting the right balance of nutrients can improve your energy levels.

Comments 19

Bob Carr's wild oats

Steel-cut oats

Bob Carr's new autobiography is packed with peculiarities. It also contains an inordinate amount of information about his diet.

Comments 3

What's your nutrition IQ?

Hand holding a red apple

Sometimes what's best for us, from a nutritional point of view, isn't quite so obvious.

Why muscles make good medicine

fitness woman exercising push ups

Paula Goodyer If you think exercise is an optional extra, this could change your mind

Comments 73

Strong at every age


Paula Goodyer The debate is over - the key to health and fitness is to get moving, whether you are three or 73.

Salt remains hidden killer in fast foods

salt shaker SPECIAL 7889

Kate Hagan Though fast foods are becoming less salty, many items including pizzas and burgers still contain very high levels of salt, prompting calls for targets to achieve further reductions.

Strong at every age

Why everyone should 'bulk up'


Paula Goodyer If you still see exercise as an optional extra, not a health essential, science is finding more reasons to change your mind - including new research that suggests strong muscles are good medicine.


Some gyms are fit for danger, don't follow Fitness Australia guidelines


Bridie Smith, Kim Arlington Researchers have raised concerns about the number of gyms and fitness centres failing to comply with industry guidelines to minimise the risk of injury when exercising.


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Your mood is suddenly cloudy. It's as if your heart is water-logged with sentimental memories and feelings. Face and release these emotions.

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