

Pregnancy diet affects baby's DNA

What you eat during pregnancy will shape your child's metabolism: study.


Pregnancy diet overkill

Mixed sushi, sashimi plate.

Food rules for pregnant women may be doing more harm than good.

Comments 34


Post 45 pregnancy risky for mum and baby: study

Kelly Preston

Donor eggs may be a better choice for 45+ mums, says expert.

Call for clearer guidelines on alcohol intake during pregnancy

Kate Hagan AUSTRALIAN guidelines on alcohol intake during pregnancy are inconsistent and research is urgently needed to establish the effect of low to moderate drinking on the unborn child, researchers say.

Fertility facts

Pregnancy: Fact v fiction

Generic pic of a pregnant woman.

Does cough syrup really increase your chances of conception? Yes. Expert puts popular pregnancy myths to the test.

Comments 3

No bones

Emily Deschanel's vegan pregnancy diet

Emily Deschanel

Bones actress prepares for birth with new vegan diet.

Comments 52

Gel to prevent pregnancy, infections

Australian scientists are working on a new gel-based contraceptive that will protect against sexually transmitted infections as well as preventing pregnancy.

Comments 6

Calls for alcohol labelling to help stamp out drinking during pregnancy

Mark Metherell THE high risk of foetal alcohol syndrome to the babies of drinking mothers has spurred a bipartisan group of federal MPs to call for the introduction of health warnings on liquor products.

Child health

Folic acid in pregnancy linked to asthma


Mums who take folic acid supplements throughout their pregnancy, in a well-intentioned attempt to boost baby's health, are increasing their risk of having a child with asthma, a study has found.

Comments 8

Health concern

Many mums smoke through pregnancy: report

A pregnant woman.

Many Australian women who smoke don't quit during pregnancy, a study shows, and when they cut back it's only by a couple of cigarettes a day.

Early warning

Australian university develops test for pregnancy complications

A pregnant woman.

A genetic test that can predict which women are at risk of suffering pregnancy complications is being developed in Australia.

Pregnancy death rate could be higher


Julie Robotham Medical Editor Women who die as a result of pregnancy or childbirth may be nearly double official figures.

Pregnancy stress affects child

Generic pregnant woman.

Julie Robotham Even minor, everyday stress during pregnancy may affect the brain of the growing foetus, study finds.

Chew on this

Why is childbirth still such a pain?

25 weeks pregant

Paula Goodyer In an age of medical miracles how come childbirth can still hurt like hell?

Comments 113

Strong at every age

Why everyone should 'bulk up'

Paula Goodyer If you still see exercise as an optional extra, not a health essential, science is finding more reasons to change your mind - including new research that suggests strong muscles are good medicine.

Why muscles make good medicine


Paula Goodyer If you think exercise is an optional extra, this could change your mind

Comments 73

Strong at every age

Paula Goodyer The debate is over - the key to health and fitness is to get moving, whether you are three or 73.

Nude yoga: the naked truth

The Age: News: 30 December 2012: Yoga Instructor Masha Gorodilova who is taking a New Years Eve Yoga Class from 10pm to 12:30am at Power Living Yoga Centre in South Melbourne.
Photo: Joseph Feil

Sarah Berry Look, any excuse to get our kit off in public, right?

Comments 105

Building blocks for healthy eating

Mouse eating cheese of the trap

Nicky Phillips Australian researchers are leading a rethink on what a balanced diet really means.

Not such a healthy choice

Diet drinks may not be so sweet for your health

soft drink

Sandy Smith You may think choosing a diet soft drink over a can of sugary fizz is a healthy choice. After all, they contain virtually no kilojoules right? Think again.