
Stephen Fry warns his illness may lead him to commit suicide

British actor and comedian Stephen Fry says his depression may one day lead him to suicide and that bipolar disorder should not be dismissed as a "celebrity designer accessory".

Revealed: Australia's suicide epidemic


Ruth Pollard Investigations Editor AUSTRALIA has dangerously miscalculated its suicide statistics - by as much as 30 per cent in NSW and Queensland - leaving a silent and growing epidemic of mounting deaths.

Jane Fonda: 'I'm sore, so I must exist'

PALM SPRINGS, CA - JANUARY 04:  Actress Jane Fonda arrives in style with Mercedes-Benz at the Palm Springs International Film Festival on January 4, 2014 in Palm Springs, California.  (Photo by Chelsea Lauren/Getty Images for Mercedes-Benz)

Sarah Berry For Jane Fonda, fitness is not just physical.

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Life after London

Life after London: from green and gold to post-Olympic blues

Dan Noonan

Sarah Berry Olympic athletes who put everything into competing can later crash into depression whether they win or lose.

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Body brutality

Eating disorders more than double your risk of death


Anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders put sufferers in mortal danger.

All in the mind?

Controversy hasn't killed off electric shock therapy

Carrie Fisher

Made famous in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, electroconvulsive therapy is still used more often than you might think.

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Outdoor play linked to children's mental health

Generic pic of a child playing, little girl on a carousel.

Too much time indoors contributing to rise in developmental problems.

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Crossing the great divide

Jessica Irvine, Nick O'Malley and David Humphries Something's wrong in the bush. Rural people, we're told by some of their newly empowered representatives, are not getting their fair share.

Beating anorexia can come at a price

A clinic in Cape Town claims a 70 per cent success rate in aiding sufferers.

Sweet poison

Party drinks and the perilous spoon of sugar

Various soft drinks, Coke, Coca-Cola.

Mark Metherell There's sobering news for drinkers this Christmas, and that includes people who do not drink alcohol.

Stress at work

Middle-age single parents at highest risk of work stress

Rachael Robertson

Kelly Burke WORK is making more than one in 10 people ill, with high levels of stress prompting 13 per cent of employees to say they fear for their emotional or physical safety in their job.

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Smoking-drug link to heart attacks

champix smoking

Kate Hagan Australia's drug regulator will review the safety of popular quit-smoking drug Champix following research linking it to a 72 per cent increased risk of serious cardiovascular events such as heart...

At life's close, a joyful new awakening

Julie Robotham After being given only months to live, a change in treatment offers new hope to a cancer patient.

Wheels keep turning for inspired Ivo

Ellen Lutton FOR the first time since Ivo Kornel lost five of his friends to suicide, he is feeling inspired again.

Maturing girls grow breasts by age 7

Young girl.

A US study has found almost one in four black girls and one in 10 white girls have developed breasts by the age of seven.

Diet psychology

What's your eating personality?

Generic pic of a woman eating dinner with huge cutlery, steak, meat, low-carb, diet, obesity, overeating.

Rachel Browne It is the most important tool in weight loss and often the most overlooked. No, it's not a high-tech exercise machine or a set of digital scales. It's the human brain.

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Chew on this instead


It is the most important tool in weight loss and often the most overlooked. No, it's not a high-tech exercise machine or a set of digital scales. It's the human brain.

Gay times, bad times

Sean Miles with Hannah Williams and Savannah Supski.

Farrah Tomazin Young homosexuals are suffering more abuse than ever, particularly in schools.

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High-risk teens all but ignored in depression advice

JILL STARK BEYONDBLUE has been branded negligent for ignoring gay and lesbian young people in new guidelines to help doctors diagnose and treat depressed teenagers.

The tortured path to a fatal admission

A North Coast family struggles to find why their adored 23-year-old committed suicide in hospital, writes Ruth Pollard.