Heart Disease

Study doubts saturated fat's link to heart disease

Anahad O'Connor New study finds no evidence that eating saturated fat increased heart attacks and other cardiac events.

Vegetarians cut heart disease risk by a third

Carrot Heap. Carrot; Vegetable; Food; Green; Orange; red; Leaf; Healthy Eating; Freshness;

Vegetarians are 32 per cent less likely to be hospitalised or die from heart disease than people who eat meat and fish, scientists at England's Oxford University say.

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Global heart disease 'tsunami' looms: study

Fat woman on the beach.

Study exposes extent of health threat posed by obesity epidemic.

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Family ties

Family history increases risk of heart disease


Having a parent with a history of heart disease almost doubles a person's risk of also getting heart disease, regardless of ethnicity or country, according to an international study.

Bad food, lazing about put younger children at risk of heart disease


Amy Corderoy AUSTRALIAN children as young as six have worryingly high levels of cholesterol, and healthy weight children seem to be at as much risk as overweight children, researchers say.

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One of the lucky ones, running free from heart disease


Mark Metherell MADDISON WATKINS is one of six children born in Australia every day with congenital heart disease whose life has depended on a series of delicate open-heart operations.

Soft drinks linked to child heart disease

There was a slightly higher association between high carbohydrate diet and narrowed blood vessels in girls than in boys.

Melissa Davey Initial signs of heart disease can be seen in children as young as 12 who have a high intake of sugary drinks, Sydney researchers have found, which could have implications for death rates in the...

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Younger Australians find it hard to shake off heart disease threat

Amy Corderoy HEALTH YOUNGER Australians are still dying from cardiovascular disease despite advances in treatment in the past 50 years because they are fatter and less active than previous generations.

Miffing link between teeth and heart disease

STOCKHOLM: People with dented smiles run a far greater risk of dying of heart disease than those who still have all their pearly whites.

Heart smart?

Heart disease linked to IQ

Heart Foundation mascot.

Differences in IQ may be one reason that lower-income individuals are more likely to die of heart disease than their more affluent counterparts, a study of US men suggests.

Risks for heart disease go unchecked

Heart on couch.

Julie Robotham Medical Editor Doctors have called on the government to overhaul the way heart disease is assessed and treated.

Lack of sleep linked to heart disease


Cutting back on sleep could increase the risk of heart disease, a study has found.

Chew on this

Let them eat hemp

Hemp Seeds

Paula Goodyer If the Americans, Brits and Canadians are allowed to eat hemp, why aren't we?

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Nutritional science

Biggest food myths

Two halves of a coconut

Susie Burrell As we learn more and more about nutrition, and the greater the number of "experts" out there publishing diet books inevitably leads to the propagation of new diet beliefs and trends, whether or not...

Comments 52

Strong at every age

Why everyone should 'bulk up'

Paula Goodyer If you still see exercise as an optional extra, not a health essential, science is finding more reasons to change your mind - including new research that suggests strong muscles are good medicine.

Why muscles make good medicine


Paula Goodyer If you think exercise is an optional extra, this could change your mind

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Strong at every age

Paula Goodyer The debate is over - the key to health and fitness is to get moving, whether you are three or 73.

Are you obese on the inside?


Sarah Berry You might be the envy of your mates as you make a meal out of meat pies and Messina while still slipping into your skinny jeans.

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Paula Goodyer

An anti-breast cancer diet? Watch this space

Paula Goodyer Plant foods may help protect against breast cancer - but they don't undo the risk of being overweight.

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Building blocks for healthy eating

Mouse eating cheese of the trap

Nicky Phillips Australian researchers are leading a rethink on what a balanced diet really means.