
The cold-pressed truth: juice cleanses to combat cocaine

Sarah Berry We power through our yoga, party at an equally accelerated pace and then furiously go on a fast. We want to have our activated almond nut mylk liquid cake and chew it at least 20 times.

More young women becoming cocaine users


Julie Robotham YOUNG women's cocaine consumption has risen quickly in the past three years, according to federal government statistics that confirm the drug has achieved mainstream status among educated,...

Demon drink

Alcohol more dangerous than crack cocaine and heroin: study

Generic party, bbq pic, drinking wine.

Alcohol is more dangerous than illegal drugs such as heroin and crack cocaine - when the ripple effect on society is taken into consideration, a new British study has found.

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Cocaine use doubles in a decade

Generic pic cocaine use pic.

New report details surge in cocaine use amongst Australians.

Comments 16

Cheating hearts

Cybersex: the 'crack cocaine' of the online era


Jackie Frank Sex addiction can be so intense that some psychologists compare it to crack cocaine dependency.

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Cocaine use by women in 20s soars

Women and Cocaine

Julie Robotham and Kate Hagan Young women's cocaine consumption has skyrocketed in the past three years - and the drug is most popular among educated, high-earning city dwellers, federal government statistics show.

Comments 72

Cocaine has bees dancing and humans buzzing

Bee Keeper Rod Whitehead is pictured with  his bees at Milawa , some of the bees  may end up In The United Staes  Picture by Pat Scala  Tuesday the 10th of April 2007  AGE NEWS BEES

Richard Macey ANDREW BARRON gets a buzz watching dancers high on cocaine. To help unravel mysteries of the brain, the Macquarie University researcher supplies the drug to bees and then videos them strutting on...

Killer high

Getting drunk without drinking

A dangerous diet:'smoking' alcohol.

Jessica Montague A trend overseas is seeing people 'smoking' alcohol to get high with fewer calories. But experts warn it's more dangerous than downing a glass or two. Here's why...

Comments 66

Bitter sweet

Sweet assassin

Angus Holland Sugar is leaving a bad taste in the mouth of some food campaigners, who claim it’s an addictive health hazard. But does their argument have any bite? By Angus Holland.

Smoking gun

Sweet assassin

Sugar. Afr. Generic. 051218. Pic by Michel O Sullivan. AFR FIRST USE. Pic shows sugar cubes and a spoon.    Michel O Sullivan/MAO SPECIALX 045547

Angus Holland Sugar is leaving a bad taste in the mouth of some food campaigners, who claim it’s an addictive health hazard. But does their argument have any bite?

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Fine print

Deciphering food labels

Generic pic of a woman shopping for food, groceries at the supermarket.

What to look for, what to avoid, and how much of it you need.

Comments 17

Cannabis a 'gateway' to other drugs


Michelle Griffin SMOKING cannabis daily sets users up for a lifetime of multiple drug use, a major study has found.

Craving buster

Drug helps to curb the sweet cravings

Chocolate tart.

Rachel Browne AUSTRALIAN researchers have developed a drug that may combat overeating by making sweet food less pleasurable.

How hard can it be to cut sugar?


How hard can it be to cut sugar from your diet? A lot harder than you think, as one successful slimmer found out. Amy Corderoy reports.

Comments 39

Beating anorexia can come at a price

A clinic in Cape Town claims a 70 per cent success rate in aiding sufferers.

Drug use falling out of favour among young Britons

LONDON: A generational shift away from drugs may be under way in Britain, addiction experts suggested, after figures showed illegal substances were declining in popularity among all age groups.

Myth conceptions

Fertility: facts v furphies

Generic pregnancy, childbirth pic.

Stress? Too much sex? WiFi waves? What's really stopping you from conceiving?

Comments 9

Kick the habit

Kristie Lau We all have our vices but if you are a slave to your habits there are ways to get the better of them.

Pot more potent than ever

Man wearing cannabis glasses.

Marijuana potency increased last year to the highest level ever recorded, according to a US study.

Weighty issues fuel drug abuse

High heels and scales.

Caroline Marcus One in 10 young women have taken illicit drugs to lose weight.