
Feelgood effects

Eating for optimal energy

Susie Burrell Who does not want more energy? An increased sense of vitality and ability to do all the things you want to do without feeling fatigued and constantly running on empty.

Building blocks for healthy eating

Mouse eating cheese of the trap

Nicky Phillips Australian researchers are leading a rethink on what a balanced diet really means.

Eating meat: when less is better for you

Piece of grilled ribeye steak on a fork.

Paula Goodyer The Meat Free Week campaign starts next Monday to raise awareness of the impact of our high meat consumption on animal welfare, as well as on human health and the environment.

Eat well, spend less

Healthy eating on a shoestring budget


Melissa Shedden Eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet can put added financial pressure on Australians' hip pockets. Not with these seven clever ideas – your body and wallet will thank you for it.

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Healthy household

Five commandments of healthy eating for families

Susie Burrell Breakfast eaten in the car; a few dollars for a school canteen lunch and three or four different meals, at different times for each family member can ultimately lead to less than ideal family health...

Healthy eating revealed to be costly option


Lydia Hales A healthy diet hits wallets harder than an unhealthy one, although opting for the latter may not be a bargain in the long run, a study suggests.

Ryan's story

A body of struggle: men and eating disorders


Alexandra Bathman Wearing a faded T-shirt, dusty trousers and yellow Hard Yakka boots, it's unlikely anybody would ever pick Ryan as a recovered anorexic.

Midlife eating disorders - a hidden problem

Female body

Paula Goodyer You don't have to be young and female to have an eating disorder

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Midlife eating disorders - a hidden problem

Paula Goodyer You don't have to be young and female to have an eating disorder

Lunch habits

Is eating the same lunch every day bad for you?


Amy Molloy We're a nation of habitual eaters... but is it healthy?


Eating vegies could slow cancer: studies

Fruits, fruit basket

Graham Osborne Can eating your vegies really help to fight cancer and other chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes?

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Chaos and control

How stress can feed eating disorders

Peas food anorexia diet

Sarah Berry New evidence suggests eating disorders may be sparked by stress.

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Taste for exercise?

Work-off factor a weapon in encouraging healthy eating

Inside Woolworths Town Hall store in Sydney

Sarah Berry Nutrition labels are inconsistent and confusing, and governments around the world are looking for ways to make them easier to understand.

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Fixing emotional eating

Eating in secret

Paula Goodyer For emotional eaters dieting is barking up the wrong tree

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'I am eating myself to death'


Sarah Berry She's had her ups and downs, but Ajay Rochester fears her compulsive eating will kill her.

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127kg man eating more to qualify for weight-loss surgery

A British man who weighs 127kg said that he intends to put on weight because he is not fat enough to qualify for weight-loss surgery.

Mindful eating - why growing brains need healthy food


Paula Goodyer The main worry about children over consuming junk food and soft drink is usually the effect on their waistlines, but is it harming their brain function too?

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Eating to beat inflammation


Paula Goodyer Chronic inflammation is linked to heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

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Eat by numbers

Why eating times matter

Food on a clock.

The timing of meals and snacks affects health, writes Barbara Quinn.

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Jamie joins fresh push for healthier eating

Karl Quinn Andrew Muir makes a very good living selling refrigerators to Australia. Now he plans to help Australians live longer by teaching them what to put inside them.