Low Carb

Diet wars: why low carb's best

Generic pic of a woman with her mouth taped shut and

It's official, a low-carb diet is better at burning fat than just cutting calories.

Building blocks for healthy eating

Mouse eating cheese of the trap

Nicky Phillips Australian researchers are leading a rethink on what a balanced diet really means.

Sexy food

The taste of love: what to eat for better sex

Melissa Shedden Want an extra boost in the bedroom? Load up your trolley with these all-natural aphrodisiacs.

Comments 49

Quick cook

What's for dinner Curtis Stone?

Hot chef: Curtis Stone at the launch of his latest cookbook

Shelly Horton Internationally famous but Aussie born chef Curtis Stone had his own ''ah-ha'' moment and it wasn't when he was on Oprah Winfrey's show.

Comments 1

Food rules

Top weightloss pitfalls

Diet woman wine

Sarah Berry Are you making one of these common dieting mistakes?

Comments 32

How to stay fit and fabulous all summer


Faith Aird Shedding layers of clothes for summer is easy, but when it comes to shedding those unwanted winter wobbly bits there is no quick or easy solution.

Chew on this

No carbs after 5pm - really?

carbohydrates, bread, pasta

Paula Goodyer Why carbs on the dinner plate might help, not hinder, the war on weight.

Comments 196

How I got my bikini body

Ellie Potter

Claire Low Discover the diet which - in 12 weeks - turned Canberra public servant Ellie Potter into a champion fitness model.

Comments 9

In defence of potatoes

Roast potatoes, capsicum and olives.

Paula Goodyer Potatoes have topped the list of foods most likely to put on weight - so do they still deserve a place on the plate?

Comments 56

Bitter lesson of sweet life

Donuts, doughnuts, sweets

Paula Goodyer Why making friends with your pancreas can lower your diabetes risk.

Comments 38

Secrets of effective long-term weight loss

Cake and measuring tape.

Paula Goodyer Piled on a few extra kilos over winter? Paula Goodyer shares the weight loss secrets that will help you fight the flab all year round.

Comments 63


Health food claims 'highly misleading'

  Male  Portrait  Burger  Hamburger  Cheeseburger  Food
  Over Eating  Greed  Hungry  Overweight  Fat  Large Build  Biting

Fatty, salty and sugary foods promoted as healthy choices because of dubious labelling system, Choice says.

Comments 19

Dine with discretion


Teresa Cutter Most of us stand no chance against temptations such as double cream, wagyu beef, tempura, aioli, salted caramel, chocolate fondant, churros and creme brulee.