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We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

Listen again

Fiona Wright in conversation with Abeer Baker and Anat Matar, editors of Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Exile (Pluto Press).


Come and hear the case for the Bedouin of the Negev, Israeli citizens

Many Bedouin have lived in the Negev for centuries, with clear ownership rights. But these are not recognised by Israel which wants the land as an agricultural resource. The Bedouin are thus being evicted and deported to towns, with predictable consequences. Dr. Awad Abu Freih of ‘Recognition Now’ and others speak at venues across Britain

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No body gains from the siege of Gaza, no body has the political will to end it

Former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband observes the stunted children, overcrowded schools, power cuts and wrecked buildings in Gaza, and deplores the irrationality of the inertia of all political agencies

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Hamas plays trump card, gives Netanyahu a prize

Since his capture in 2006, Gilad SHalit has been an emblem of the impotence of Israel and intransigence of Hamas. Now the prisoner swap will bring rewards for many of the players (including Egypt) – but not Abbas or high-profile Palestinians whom Israel wants to hang on to. Reports from Al Arabiya and Haaretz

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Why Israel reduces America’s presidents to Jell-O

Obama is condemned by the tea party and Israel for appeasing Palestinians – and by everyone else for doing Israel’s bidding. The shift of Israel from left-leaning to right-wing ethnic nationalist has made it the darling of the US right – and ‘Islamo-fascist’ the name of all its critics. Ian Buruma, Ersamus prize winner, pinpoints the realignment

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Support Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike

The Palestinian prisoners’ hunger strike continues. Please consider signing the petition of support, disseminating information about the strike and sending messages to the the Israeli embassy, the International Committee of the Red Cross and to other human-rights organisations asking them to act swiftly to demand that all Palestinian political prisoners and detainees are freed from punitive isolation

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Who cooked up Livni’s keep-out-of-jail card?

Not content with changing the law under which citizens could get warrants for the arrest of suspected war criminals the British government also awarded Tzipi Livni instant above-the-law Special Mission status. Lawyers who presented the case to the DPP charge both the DPP and FCO for unaccountable blocking of due process. (1 and 2) BICOM was happy to report that Foreign Secretary WIlliam Hague then reaffirmed the strength of UK-Israel relations (3).

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Young American Jews turn away from parents’ victim customs

The mainstream American-Jewish idea that Israel must be supported at all costs and anti-semitism is everywhere is no longer holding younger Jews in the customs of their forebears. Mitchell Plitnick’s blog on one such clash in Jewish heroes’ poll and Richard Silverstein on how success has done away with customs born of persecution

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When any day can become a disaster

A visitor from Abahlali, the Durban shack-dwellers’ movement,, witnesses a house demolition in Palestine, and makes connections with what oppresion means, from Palestine to South Africa and on….

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Israel needs allies for huge gas fields in Mediterranean

The Levant Basic Province is one of the largest deposits of natural gas in the world. While Israel hopes to be the main beneficiary of this bonanza, maritime borders are disputed by Lebanon, and Turkish-controlled North Cyprus

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‘Price-tag’ settlers out of control

‘Price-tag’ thugs – whose violent assaults on Palestinians is the price the settlers exact for any infringment of settlers’ ‘right’ to occupy what land they want – have increased their reach- more Palestinian homes, mosques, people and now an IDF base. Netanyahu wonders how to control the monster he has nurtured

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I’m Israeli, not Jewish, it’s official

Writer and war veteran Yoram Kaniuk, Jewish but not religious, has finally won a court ruling that his Jewish desigation in the Interior Ministry registration can be deleted. Many others wish to follow him. What does this mean for the insistence on Jewish marriage and a ‘Jewish state’?

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Casting out the traitors

Uri Avnery, familiar with accusations of treachery in his own life, looks back to the founding myths of Israel and finds that many accused as traitors are the peace-makers who build societies while the heroes may have been crazy zealots

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Hundreds of Jews declare in unison at #occupywallstreet: We will hold ourselves accountable for the occupation of Palestine

There is no intrinsic connection between Jews and the occupywallstreet movement But the large Jewish presence sparked Occupy Yom Kippur, drawing 1000 in which atonement for failing to act on the occupation of Palestine played a large part.. 2 pieces on this, and Ezra Klein/David Graeber and Naomi Klein on the character and aims of this protest

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Sexual fury of settler mob in assault on protesters

The two assaults by Anatot settlers on protesters last Friday (see ‘Phone record’ this page) have had wide repercussions because these settlers had been seen as peaceful, non-ideological types. 4 reports of the attack, from eye-witnesses and journalists, and an account of how those just wanting a home end up at Atantot – with an aggressive attitude. Link to the revealing video in item 5.

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How the CST got the Home Secretary’s ear

Asa Winstanley attends Salah’s appeal against his banning order, hearing that the evidence for Theresa May’s actions relied on the Community Security Trust, the CST standing for ‘the Jewish Community’ and Israel’s critics for anti-semites. 2, A letter of support for Salah to the Home Office from JfJfP gives the lie to both those assumptions. 3, Tony Greenstein, quoted at the hearing, on why he finds the CST disreputable, 4, the CST rebuts the charge that it either doctored, or passed on doctored, quotations

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Israel finally agrees that Palestinian minors are not legally adults

It has been a long-running scandal that young Palestinians over age 15 are tried in military courts. After extensive lobbying, formal complaints and reports – such as that from Defence for Children International, from which there is an extract 2nd- Israel has agreed to bring its law into line with other developed countries This move is welcomed by Caabu, 1st post, and by JfJfP.

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Palestinians left on the fringe at most party conferences

Israel/ Palestine featured in the speeches of Ed Miliband (1 and 2) Douglas Alexander (3) Richard Burnside MP(4) John McCarthy (5) at Labour conference or fringe debates and but only at MAP/NS fringe meetings for the Conservatives (6) and Lib Dems (7).

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Foreign Office steps in to declare Tzipi Livni on ‘special mission’ in London

Britain’s Foreign Office has stepped in at the last moment, to declare Kadima leader Tzipi Livni is on a ‘special mission’ to London and immune from prosecution (1). Ms Livni, a former member of Mossad, has been accused of war crimes for her hard-line role in Operation Cast Lead. Palestine Solidarity Campaign leads protest at her visit and another act supporting Netanyahu’s government by the UK coalition (2 and 3). 4) Richard Irvine on the change in UK law on war criminals. (see also

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Revenge of US Congress threatens to deepen Palestinian poverty

Palestinians are preparing for their hardship to increase if the US Congress follows through its threat to cut aid if Palestinians win statehood recognition. Hamas in particular has been active in pairing poor Gazan families with rich Gulf ones. A detailed report from Irin news of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

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Palestinian bloggers denied entry to fount of Arab Spring

One hundred bloggers meet in Tunis for the Third Arab Bloggers meeting. The bloggers, instrumental in creating new life in Arab societies, come from 15 countries – but not Palestine. Eleven of the twelve who planned to attend have been denied entry visas by the new government. No reason has been given

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