Website policy

We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

Listen again

Fiona Wright in conversation with Abeer Baker and Anat Matar, editors of Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Exile (Pluto Press).


Breaking the Silence – new book published


Breaking the Silence has released a new publication, “Occupation of the Territories – Israeli Soldier Testimonies 2000-2010”, as part of the organization’s wider goal of increasing access to information on the daily reality in the Occupied Territories. The 431-page volume is made up of testimonies from 101 male and female soldiers who served in the Territories over the past decade. Joseph Dana of +972 provides a brief commentary on the publication and its significance.

Crying out loud – the work of Breaking the Silence

As news comes in that Breaking the Silence, now in its sixth year, is planning a major new publication to mark ten years since the start of the second intifada, we reproduce a substantial Ha’aretz feature article on the organisation and its work.

Breaking the Silence nominated for the Sakharov prize


Breaking the Silence (BTS) has been nominated for the annual prize by the Greens and European United Left groups. The winner will be announced later this month.

Matan Cohen legal appeal – £5,000 needed

MC eye (hosp)

Refusenik and activist Matan Cohen, who almost lost an eye after being shot in the face by a tear gas canister had his case dismissed by an Israeli judge – who further imposed a £13,000 fine for bringing a “frivolous” lawsuit. Matan needs to raise a £5,000 deposit in order to lodge an appeal against the ruling.

Haaretz goes head to head with Breaking the Silence founder Yehuda Shaul

Yehuda Shaul, 27, one of the founders of Breaking the Silence, which collects and publishes eyewitness accounts of soldiers from the territories, is celebrating a minor victory over the Israel Defense Forces, the IDF spokesman and the wall of silence that Shaul says surrounds the events of Operation Cast Lead in Gaza [...]

Send messages of support to Refusenik Diane Kogan back in military gaol…


CO Diane Kogan, 18, of the Tel-Aviv suburb of Bat Yam, was sentenced on13 June to 25 days in a military gaol for her refusal to enlist. This is in fact the second time Diane is being sent to prison and the sixth time she is being sentenced for her conscientious objection. Please send her messages of support…

Refusenik Or Ben-David speaking in London


One of this year’s Shministim (courageous high school leavers who refuse to be drafted into the Israeli Army) will be speaking in London this weekend. Or Ben David has been jailed for her refusal to serve three times, not including a pre sentence detention of 7 days. She will talk about the reasons for their [...]

Courage to Refuse says “Talk to Hamas”


“A year after this brutal war, a change of strategy is needed. Israel should commence immediate talks with Hamas, negotiating not only a ceasefire but also the “core issues” to be part of an end-of-conflict agreement. An open dialogue with Hamas is clearly in Israel’s interest…”

Support the Refuseniks – financial appeal


A new “crop” of Shministim (high schoolers who announce refusal to be conscripted into the IDF) made themselves known with the publication of their letter, followed by jail terms for several. In addition, increasing numbers of reservists are again refusing to go to the Palestinian territories, many of them citing Gaza as the latest in a long and very depressing series of “last straws.” … Combatants for Peace, New Profile, the Shministim, Yesh Gvul, and Courage to Refuse – all need financial help [...]

Refusenik Or Ben-David gaoled again – support her


Our dear friend and sister Or Ben-David has been sentenced for 34 more days in military prison (after already serving 47 days) for refusing enlistment to the IDF (the Israeli army). Or, like other members of the “Shministim letter” refuses to enlist because of the IDF’s Brutal and illegal actions in the occupied Palestine…

Support the Refuser Movements


A letter from the Refuser Solidarity Network calling for support the Shministim, Yesh Gvul, New Profile, Combatants for Peace and Courage to Refuse…

Letter to South African Jewish Board of Deputies


We are writing to you on behalf of Open Shuhada Street to tell you about the recent visit of the Shministim, why we chose to bring them out, what they did while they were here, what kind of impact they had on the various audiences that they spoke to and lastly, some aspects of their engagement with the Jewish community…

Prison Term for Conscientious Objector Or Ben-David – female


Prison Term for Conscientious Objector Or Ben-David – female Dear Friends Or Ben-David, 19, from Jerusalem, a signatory of the  2009-2010 high school seniors letter of refusal, was sentenced earlier today (29 Oct.) to 20 days in military prison. This sentence follows a sentence of seven days of confinement to base given her a week [...]

First Objector from New Refusal Letter in Prison


New Profile reports First prison term for Efi Brenner, the first among the signatories of the 2009-2010 Shministim refusal letter to be sent to military prison. Full information and recommended action follow. A new collective declaration of refusal by Israeli youths, the 2009-2010 high school seniors letter, went public last week. Today (22 Oct.), two [...]

Ezra Nawi gaoled, Mohammad Othman’s detention extended


Sydney Levy, Jewish Voice for Peace, writes about Ezra Nawi , Mohammad Othman and the new wave of Shmnistim refuseniks. [...]

Support the new school-leaver refuseniks


The shministim (Seniors) letter 2009-2010 – refusing the occupation Please sign in support of the new school-leavers resisters Read the YNet News report “Students refuse to enlist due to ‘occupation’” Here is the Senior’s Letter 2009-2010 We, the undersigned young women and men, Jews and Arabs from all parts of the country, hereby declare that [...]

Meeting of Shministim members with , Bil’in Popular Committee on 13 October 2009


Today, two members of Shministim, the Israeli organization of teenagers who refuse to serve in the Israeli Army, Or Ben David and Emelia Marcovich, met with the Head of the Bil’in Popular Committee, Iyad Bornat. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss ideas for the Friday demonstration of 23 October 2009, which will be dedicated to the Shministim, to salute them and to continue to work together with the people of Bil’in.

Refuser Solidarity Network Newsletter – August 2009


This newsletter, from the American solidarity network, provides a wide-ranging update on the activities of all refusenik groups in Israel – Yesh Gvul, Courage to Refuse, the Shministim, New Profile, Combatants for Peace, Breaking the Silence – and related stories. [...]

Back in the West Bank (part I)


As I write this, I still have 10 days until the end of my reserve service in the West Bank. It is my first service in the Palestinian territories in nine years. Until then I was a platoon commander in an infantry unit, and served on a regular basis in the West Bank and on Gaza strip, both during mandatory duty and on reserve. Seven years ago I decided I will not take part in the occupation anymore, and refused to enlist to my yearly service. [...]

Another Israel exhibition in Norwich/Norfolk Peace Cycle


The Norfolk Jewish Peace Group, whose members are JfJfP signatories has been increasingly active. This article on the “Another Israel” exhibition – which you can view online: – they are mounting appeared in the Eastern Daily Press on 16 June. If you are in East Anglia or Norwich, look out for them and the exhibition at the Norwich Peace Camp and Cycle, on July 4th.