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We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

Listen again

Fiona Wright in conversation with Abeer Baker and Anat Matar, editors of Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Exile (Pluto Press).


Water: one law for Palestinians, quite another for settlers

To collect and store water in the occupied West Bank there is a planning process. Israel has changed the laws to limit representation of local Palestinians in the process. Settler representation is guaranteed by military order. A disturbing document from the Swedish NGO Diakonia,

Settlers’ aggression crosses line into terrorism; what is Israel doing?

West Bank settlers have moved from harrassment, land seizure and house demolition into acts to terrorise Palestinians into leaving. Two news reports from Ma’an News are followed by a blog from One Democracy

Arming against ‘September’ lets Netanyahu avoid reform

Caught between hysteria at the prospect of ‘September’ and inertia as history moves on, Netanyahu’s government – and settlers – prepare for violence after the UN vote Thus they destroy hopes of reform writes Uvi Avnery

Ultra-Orthodox settlers set fire to Nablus mosque

Smashing windows, hurling Molov cocktails and torching tyres, settlers attack a mosque near Nablus. It is one of many such attacks, say residents, on Muslim and Christian places of worship. Palestinians fear government-settler plan to terrorise them. Two reports from Ma’an News

Subaru denies any link to ad showing Subaru running over Palestinian teens


This story of an advert for Subaru in which a settler runs over 2 Palestinian children was put out, and translated, by the Chinese news agency Xinhua

The State of the Settlers


“[So] the settlers can do whatever they want: build new settlements and enlarge existing ones, ignore the Supreme Court, give orders to the Knesset and the government, attack their “neighbors” whenever they like, kill Arab children who throw stones, uproot olive groves, burn mosques. And their power is growing by leaps and bounds…”
Avnery promises to show, in a future article, how the settlements can be removed…

Are the settlers annexing Israel?


Uri Avnery reflects on “two obnoxious racist laws” that the Knesset has finally adopted, both directed against Israels’ Palestinian citizens. But he reserves his most vitriolic for a third bill, that to outlaw the boycott of Israel – which includes “the boycott of Israeli institutions and enterprises in all territories controlled by Israel”. This includes, of course, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

Outburst of racist hate following settlement murders

Five members of the Fogel family were stabbed to death in their home in the Itamar settlement, on the northern West Bank and home to some of the most fervent settlers, in a suspected terrorist attack. Netanyahu immediately rounded on the Palestinian Authority and blamed it for the attack; the government then approved the building of a further 500 new homes in the settlements – as a direct response. Anshel Pfeffer and Yaniv Kubovich tell what is known so far; and Richard Silverstein looks at the way the Israeli government and the right-wing are exploiting what he condemns as a “heinous, savage crime” to fan the flames of hatred further.
The Magnes Zionist is unequivocal: “The murders at Itamar are just that — murders. All decent people condemn them, or should condemn them. They are not to be condemned because Jews were murdered, or because settlers were murdered, but because human beings were murdered.”

In the land of King David


As the Israeli government endorses school trips to the Occupied Palestinian Territories, inclduing Hebron, Israelis protest against the arrest of four hikers who killed a Palestinian during a similar tour. Lia Tarachansky blogs on JNews about the tours organised by David and Ahikam Tours under the motto, “Where the Jewish traveler passes, the Jewish border shall pass”. Meanwhile B’tselem reports on the continued lockdown of Hebron’s city centre, still in place 17 years after Baruch Goldstein’s murder of 29 Palestinian worshippers in the Ibrahimi Mosque…

The assault on Sheikh Jarrar


Author Mike Marqusee writes of a recent visit to East Jerusalem and Sheikh Jarrar. He says of Jerusalem: “The city is a metaphor, an object of longing, a place from which we are all exiled, a better world to which we all aspire. In some parts of the tradition Jerusalem is an ideal of social justice. The literalism of Zionism, and of many pro-Zionist Christians, is very much a modern, reductive twist. At Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan and elsewhere, it is thin cover for a naked land grab.”

Settler impunity


Yesh Din – Volunteers for Human Rights, an Israeli NGO that monitors the investigation of offences against Palestinians, finds that very few ever reach the stage of an indictment. Failure to proceed is particularly high in the case of investigations into offenses of violence against Palestinians and damage to their property…

Louis Theroux on The Ultra Zionists


A BBC2 television broadcast, 2nd February 2011: Louis Theroux spends time with a small and very committed subculture of ultra-nationalist Jewish settlers. Plus a BBC Magazine account of his experiences…

Rabbi Asherman of Rabbis for Human Rights under attack in israel


The Israeli settler far-right, as part of its campaign of vitriol and intimidation is stalking Rabbi Arik Ascherman, founder of Rabbis for Human Rights. Richard Silverstein reports on Tikun Olam and JfJfP sends message of support.

Settler violence against peace observers


Peter, a member of the international Solidarity Movement reports on settler violence. This time he and an ISM colleague were the victims…

Who is proposing the one-state solution? Right-wingers and settlers…

” Therefore, I say that we can look at another option: for Israel to apply its law to Judea and Samaria and grant citizenship to 1.5 million Palestinians.” These remarks, which to many sound subversive, were not voiced by a left-wing advocate of a binational state. The speaker is from the Betar movement, a former top leader in Likud and political patron of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a former defense and foreign affairs minister – Moshe Arens…
Ali Abunimah welcomes this development; Uri Avnery is horrified, and Reuven Kaminer dismissive…

Green lights in Jerusalem


Demonstrative report from Al Jazeera’s Jacky Rowland on the differences in access to central Jerusalem for two sets of commuters trying to get to work: residents of the illegal settlements and Palestinians from Shuafat and Beit Hanina.

The Harlot’s Grave – Uri Avnery on holy sites


Gush Shalom’s Uri Avnery on the motives and mistakes that lie behind the recent announcement of a list of Jewish national heritage sites, several of which are in the Palestinian Occupied Territories including Hebron and Nablus.

Sheikh Jarrah Jews praise Baruch Goldstein on Purim – YNet

Protest at eviction of Palestinian residents

Shocking story from Israeli mass circulation daily & website YNet about how East Jerusalem settlers celebrate mass murder in Hebron 16 years ago.

Open Shuhada Street, Hebron

Shop closed on Al Shuhada Street

Today, around the world, solidarity activists are taking part in an international day of action in support of Open Shuhada Street. Take a look for yourself (click on hyperlinks): In Berlin In London In Philadelphia In Tel Aviv And, of course, in Hebron (This post will be updated as more pictures and vidoes come in.) [...]

Confronting Settlement Expansion in East Jerusalem


In an informative overview published in Middle East Report Online, Joel Beinen details the Jewish colonisation of the Arab centres of Sheikh Jarrar and Silwan in East Jerusalem and the struggle against it [...]