Website policy

We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

Listen again

Fiona Wright in conversation with Abeer Baker and Anat Matar, editors of Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Exile (Pluto Press).


Come and hear the case for the Bedouin of the Negev, Israeli citizens

Many Bedouin have lived in the Negev for centuries, with clear ownership rights. But these are not recognised by Israel which wants the land as an agricultural resource. The Bedouin are thus being evicted and deported to towns, with predictable consequences. Dr. Awad Abu Freih of ‘Recognition Now’ and others speak at venues across Britain

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Israel finally agrees that Palestinian minors are not legally adults

It has been a long-running scandal that young Palestinians over age 15 are tried in military courts. After extensive lobbying, formal complaints and reports – such as that from Defence for Children International, from which there is an extract 2nd- Israel has agreed to bring its law into line with other developed countries This move is welcomed by Caabu, 1st post, and by JfJfP.

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Happy New Year!

JfJfP wishes all signatories and supporters a happy new year. Rosh Hashanah is 29-30 September this year. The Union Juive Francaise pour la Paix and the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel also say Shana Tova (Happy New Year) to JfJfP and supporters

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JfJfP send greetings to all our Muslim readers on the occasion of Eid

JfJfP sends greetings to all our Muslim readers on the occasion of Eid. ‘Eid al-Fitr is a joyous occasion but its underlying purpose is to praise God and give thanks to him, according to Islamic belief’.

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May you have a blessed Ramadan!

The JfJfP sends its best wishes to all Muslims as they begin the month of Ramadan today. 2) Israel sends a warplane to Gaza. 3) Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa worries in Chicago about Ramadan observance in the long hot days of summer (hotter but shorter than UK days).

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Protests at IDF night time raid on Freedom Theater, Jenin

In a letter to the Israeli ambassador to the UK, the JfJfP expresses its shock and dismay at the violent arrests of Freedom Theater staff. A press release from the theatre follows, detailing the events. Last is a news report from Haaretz aking if the use of the army is connected to the murder last April of the theatre’s founder, Juliano Mer-Khamis

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All voices raised against boycott law

From a modest little leader in the JC criticising Israel’s new boycott act to tirades and cutting analysis from Israeli papers and human rights groups, all but the most short-sighted in and outside Israel condemn this bill as anti-democratic and an underhand way of protecting the illegal settlements

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Music speaks truth to power: get this song into charts

OneWorld FFP logo on black

One World has released Freedom for Palestine in response to the suffering witnessed in the West Bank. JfJfP backs it, and ColdPlay has endorsed it so joining the movers and shakers denounced by Glenn Beck,

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JfJfP condemns killings by Israel of Nakba-day demonstrators


A statement by the JfJfP executive adds Israel to the other governments of the region which have met legitimate grievance with deadly violence

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Big issues in Jewish politics

JfJfP Logo

Sponsored by JfJfP, Professor Yakov Rabkin speaks in London, Cambridge, Coventry, Liverpool and Brighton on Zionism, anti-semitism, the Arab spring amongst other conflicts

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JfJfP welcomes unity agreement


Statement from JfJfP welcomes unity agreement as essential step towards Palestinian self-determination and deplores Netanyahu’s response

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Kafka comes to towns (Berlin & Jerusalem edition)

FM hungerstrike Berlin 2010

Firas Maraghy is from Jerusalem. He is currently resident in Berlin and has been on hunger strike since July 26th in front of the Israeli embassy building. The wickedly Kafkaesque situation in which he and his family have been placed by Israeli authorities is outlined below. It forms the basis of a petition addressed to the Israeli [...]

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A Jewish Boat to Gaza


Co-ordinated by JfJfP, European, UK and US Jewish groups are uniting in another effort to demonstrate that Israel’s blockade of Gaza is ineffectual in preserving Israeli security and a blunt instrument of collective punishment on the people of Gaza. We need to raise more funds to buy, outfit and stock the ship – please consider making a donation, however small (or large).

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Rebuilding Gaza – buy a bag of cement


Help buy cement to rebuild Gaza. An appeal to contribute to the cargo of the Swedish Ship to Gaza project.

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Review – last night in Committee Room 6

Ivor Dembinalow res

The Evening Standard’s Bruce Dessau reviews Parliament’s first ever stand up gig.

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