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We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

Listen again

Fiona Wright in conversation with Abeer Baker and Anat Matar, editors of Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Exile (Pluto Press).


The joint is jumping! CodePink update on the boycott Ahava campaign


CodePink reports on the successes of its Boycott Ahava campaign to date and call for renewed energy and exertion in the months ahead… Seven Brooklyn rabbis wrote to the campaign claiming that the kibbutz Mizpeh Shalom, where Ahava is based, is in Area C of the West Bank, so it is all right. Brooklyn for Peace answered politely but firmly, pointing out the error in the rabbis’ position…

Campaiging against Ahava in South Africa


Open Letter to the SA Zionist Federation: Why are you supporting occupation, settlement and oppression?

We are members of Open Shuhada Street (OSS) an organisation committed to peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians. We have called for a boycott of products made by Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories Ltd (Ahava) because these products are manufactured illegally in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) by a company owned by illegal settlements in the OPT… On 25 August 2010, in response to the call to boycott the settlement-made products of Ahava, the SA Zionist Federation (SAZF) Cape launched a vicious personal attack on us…

Boycotting Ahava – anyone can join in


The campaign to boycott settlement goods can and should be a worldwide campaign. Here’s a good example of a well-thought through and targeted intervention from South Africa. On the 16 August 2010, Open Shuhada Street sent the following letter to Wellness Warehouse; a Cape Town-based retailer of wellness products and services which stocks Ahava products…

Ahava four found not guilty


Palestine solidarity activists who chained themselves inside a shop whose owners stood accused of financially supporting illegal Israeli settlements were found to have acted lawfully on Tuesday…

Support the occupation! Free Ahava cleaner for every reader of the Jewish Chronicle!


As an exclusive offer for all Jewish Chronicle readers, Ahava UK is providing a FREE Ahava Source 3-In-1 Mineral Toning Cleanser (25ml)*. This highly innovative face care product effectively tackles three basic skin care challenges in just one product [...]

The Case Against Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories


A Codepink update on Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories, producing their products deep inside Palestinian territory: “Not only does Ahava profit from the occupation by locating its main plant and store in an illegal Israeli settlement, it also uses in its products mud from the Dead Sea, excavated in an occupied area, and thus it exploits occupied natural resources for profit…” That doesn’t stop it from labeling its output as ‘product of Israel’ [...]

Boycott of Ahava Dead Sea products makes an impact


The international campaign to boycott Ahava beauty products has recently won the support of a Dutch parliamentarian and an Israeli peace group. During the past few months, activists in Canada, the UK, Ireland, Israel, the United States and the Netherlands have campaigned against the sale of Ahava products because of the company’s complicity in the Israeli occupation…

Gush Shalom call on Ahava – press release, 17 November 2009


Gush Shalom Press Release: The Dutch Foreign Minister: products from the Palestinian part of the Dead Sea are not Israeli products and deserve no tax exemption. Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen ordered an urgent investigation to confirm unequivocally the origin of the “Ahava” cosmetics marketed in the Dutch market, so as to confirm that they [...]

Who profits from Israeli occupation?


An eleven-minute video for the Real News, pinpointing the role of the Livnat family and Ahava cosmetics in maintaining, constructing or profiting from the occupation. keyword: boycottahava

It’s time to take the profit out of occupation


AHAVA, an Israeli cosmetics company, is violating the basic principles of international law and Jewish ethics by profiting from the occupation of Palestine. Using resources from the ancient waters of the Dead Sea, AHAVA manufactures beauty products in an illegal Israeli settlement in Occupied Palestine. [...]