The Australian Greens policy platform, most recently reviewed in 2015, establishes the principles and aims of the party. These policies underpin all initiatives and bills developed by our members of parliament and are reviewed every three years by the membership of the Greens in a grassroots process. During an election, we release initiatives to create an election platform.

View our Election Platform

The key to social justice is recognition and action to support the rights of all people. All people have equal economic, social and cultural rights, regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, class, religion, disability, sexuality or membership of a minority group. Everyone should have the opportunity for personal development and be able to fully participate in society without discrimination. A more equitable distribution of resources should eliminate poverty.

Australia’s diversity is to be respected and reflected in our social institutions. In particular, we recognise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a unique relationship with the land, and their rights and obligations as custodians must be respected.

The Australian Greens aim to develop a culturally rich, participatory and equitable society that enables the flourishing of progressive change and the promotion of an ecologically sustainable future.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a unique relationship with the land and water, and their rights and obligations as custodians must be respected.
Children and young people must have greater opportunities to participate in decision making affecting their lives.
People with disability, their families and carers, should be able to actively participate in policy, service planning and delivery.
Transparent chemistry glass tubes filled with substances.
Harm minimisation policies are those directed towards reducing the adverse health, social and economic consequences of drug or substance use.
school girl in uniform
A strong public education system is key to investing in the next generation and building a fair, successful and cohesive society.
Image of health professionals in a hospital
Everyone has the right to timely, quality health care. The fairest, most efficient way to achieve this is a well-resourced public system.
Image of a man building a timber-framed house
New developments should be environmentally sound, close to employment and public transport, and should facilitate community interaction.
Image of a smiling girl wearing a headscarf
Australia has humanitarian and legal obligations to accept refugees and reunite families. Australian society benefits from immigration.
Harmony Day — image originally supplied to Wikipedia by DIAC
All people, regardless of ethnicity, culture, religion, language or place of birth, have equal rights economically, socially and culturally.
Older man reading near a window
Older people have a right to choose their level of independence, and to social, economic and political participation.
Child receiving injection
Australia has a responsibility to contribute to both long term development aimed at eliminating global poverty and to emergency relief
two older people laughing intimately
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer communities deserve equal treatment in the law and the community. Sexual and gender diversity benefits our society
Homeless man with a sign: Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up
A socially just, democratic and sustainable society requires the provision of an adequate income and essential services for all its citizens.
Well-behaved women seldom make history
Women have the right to equal participation in political, social, intellectual and economic decision-making processes.