Election 2016

Now more than ever is the time for some courage and vision in Australian politics. Join us in making this happen.

Our Flagship Campaigns

Hardy Reef

Clean energy. Clean water. A Healthy Reef.

Scientist in a lab

The Greens will redirect the $12 billion currently subsidising the fossil fuel industries of the past to the jobs growth areas of the future.

Australian bank notes

The Greens have put a costed plan on the table to raise billions of dollars in revenue to fund our schools, hospitals, services and infrastructure by ending unfair tax breaks that benefit the very wealthy.

Image of solar panels and wind turbines on a sunny day

Our plan to create Australia’s new clean economy with at least 90% renewables by 2030.

Image of health professionals in a hospital

All Australians deserve access to quality health care, regardless of their income.

Refugee Children

Closing the camps and creating a safe way for people to seek asylum in Australia

Our election platform

The Greens are the only party with the courage to tackle catastrophic global warming & transition Australia away from coal towards a clean energy economy.

Two women sitting together

The Australian Greens will stand up for a fairer Australia, where everyone can get world-class public health care, education and services.

Australian bush land

The Greens were founded on the vision of a robust and healthy environment. We'll always stand to protect our precious places now and for future generations.

Clean city at sunset

The Greens are committed to renewing our economy from the declining industries of the past to one providing jobs and opportunity.

Children playing in the sun

A prosperous country with a proud tradition of a fair go, we have the strength to offer a hand to people seeking a better life for themselves and their families.

Parliament House

Refreshing our democracy is vital to ensure that we all have a say in the decisions shaping our future and that our representatives are accountable to us.