A confident Australia

A prosperous country with a proud tradition of a fair go, we have the strength to offer a hand to people seeking a better life for themselves and their families.

The tradition of a fair go is part of who we are as a nation.

When there is a need for a humanitarian response to challenges across the global, we can be at the front of the pack offering assistance, and as an outward-looking, future-focused country, Australia must have the self-confidence that can only come once we are a republic.

We recognise that restoring our foreign aid is an investment in peace and security, helping reduce conflicts over scarce resources and assisting with technology transfer to reduce global warming. We have a proud history of welcoming people to our country and helping those who are in need.

People seeking asylum have been an asset to Australia for generations and they can help make our country stronger than it has ever been. We are a generous and caring nation. We can welcome people seeking asylum who will help build our communities and contribute to our economy.

We can end the cruel offshore detention regime supported by the Liberal and Labor parties and invest in regional cooperation rather than wasting resources and destroying lives in shameful offshore camps. Increasing our humanitarian intake to 50,000 per year will allow these people to make a contribution to the nation in the way that millions of immigrants before them have done. We can treat people the way we would want to be treated while saving lives in our region and enriching our nation.

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