Valuing our Health System

All Australians deserve access to quality health care, regardless of their income.

Every Australian deserves good healthcare. Where you live, or how much money you earn, shouldn’t decide how well you get looked after when you are sick. The Greens have worked hard to protect Medicare from Government cuts, have championed Denticare, and led calls for proper investment in mental health services — especially in regional areas.

What we stand for

The Greens support Medicare as a universal, publicly funded health insurance system for all Australians, funded from progressive taxation, which includes access to publicly funded primary dental care. We recognise that adequate access to bulk-billing GPs across Australia and greater access to health care delivered in locally run community health centres are essential and must be protected.

The Greens are at the forefront of work to take a new approach to illicit drug treatment, to ensuring medicinal cannabis is available for patients who need it and providing Australians with the highest quality end-of-life care, including the right to die with dignity.

Our health system must also work to close the gap that exists in health outcomes and life expectancy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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