Lee Rhiannon

Senator for NSW

Lee is a Senator for NSW, and has been a passionate activist for environment and social justice movements over four decades. Her portfolios include housing, democracy, industry, animal welfare and gun control.

Lee is an Australian Greens Senator for NSW. Prior to this, she was a Greens MP in NSW Parliament for over a decade.  Lee spent this time pursuing reform in key areas like the environment, mining, public education, industrial relations and public transport. One of her most influential campaigns has been to stop the corrupting influence of political donations.

Lee is well-known for her energetic work in environment and social justice movements over four decades. She co-founded AID/WATCH and was its director for five years. Lee has been a long-time advocate for asylum seekers and refugees and regularly visits Villawood Detention Centre.

Lee was an organiser of the Pine Gap peace camp in 1983, Secretary of the Union of Australian Women (NSW Branch) and an organiser for Women Against Global Violence and Women for Survival.

In 2001 Lee initiated the annual Juanita Nielsen Memorial Lecture to honour the achievements of the community activist who was murdered in the 1970s for her stand against overdevelopment in Kings Cross.

Lee has worked with the Rainforest Information Centre and for a number of trade unions.  She trained as a zoologist and botanist.

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It’s well past the time for reform for political donations in Australia. Join the campaign for a ban on for-profit donations, increased transparency and real-time online disclosure.

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One of the biggest failures of the Turnbull government is shaping up to be their inability to ensure all Australians have access to secure affordable housing, Greens housing spokesperson Senator Lee Rhiannon said in response to reports that the National Housing Affordability Agreement will be scrapped in the May Budget.

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Politicians of all persuasions should represent the public interest. This is best served by a clear separation between politics and business. Recent revelations by state corruption watchdogs make it clear that sadly this is often not the case in Australia.