The Australian Greens policy platform, most recently reviewed in 2015, establishes the principles and aims of the party. These policies underpin all initiatives and bills developed by our members of parliament and are reviewed every three years by the membership of the Greens in a grassroots process. During an election, we release initiatives to create an election platform.

View our Election Platform

Green philosophy is underpinned by a belief in grassroots democracy, in which all citizens have the right to express their views and have the capacity and opportunity to directly participate in environmental, economic, social and political decisions.

The Australian Greens seek to increase opportunities for public participation in decision-making and to break down the inequalities of wealth and power which inhibit participatory democracy. Parliaments should serve the best interests of all Australians; transparency and accountability in government decision-making at all levels are essential for democracy to flourish.

A key pillar of democracy is the free flow of information between citizens and all spheres of government, which requires locally responsible, diverse, and independent mass media, including publicly owned broadcasting.

As well as strengthening democracy at home, Australia should play an active role in promoting participatory democracy worldwide. This means promoting respect for and protection of human rights as well as social justice and environmental sustainability.

Equality between men and women is also central to democracy, particularly in developing countries where gender disparities in power and resources often exclude women and their concerns from decision-making.

Citizens take over the foyer of Parliament House
Community participation in decision-making should be an ongoing process, and participants should be free of the fear of retribution.
Parliament house
Parliament should serve the best interest of all Australians, not just those who can afford to buy influence.
The leading role of multilateral organisations in the maintenance of international peace and security must be recognised and respected.
Close-up of a baby's face
Economic, social, cultural, environmental, civil and political rights are universal, interdependent, and indivisible.
The chronic under-funding of legal aid and community legal centres results in people missing out. A just society is a healthy society.
Freedom and diversity of the press, and accessible media and communications systems are integral to a successful democratic society.