The Australian Greens policy platform, most recently reviewed in 2015, establishes the principles and aims of the party. These policies underpin all initiatives and bills developed by our members of parliament and are reviewed every three years by the membership of the Greens in a grassroots process. During an election, we release initiatives to create an election platform.

View our Election Platform

The Australian Greens support an economy that sustains the needs of people and nature, now and for future generations. Economic activity should support, rather than deplete the social and natural capital of our world - that is, the natural environment on which we all depend, and the social relationships that make people happy and healthy. These principles apply at all levels of economic activity – local, regional, national and global.

Patterns of human production and consumption in the global economy, where driven by the pursuit of economic growth at any cost, have resulted in increased inequality. The Australian Greens believe that protecting common interests, including the need to conserve natural resources and public assets for future generations, should take priority where these conflict with private interests. Governments should ensure that corporations reflect and act on the concerns and interests of all stakeholders including citizens of countries in which they operate. Not-for-profit organisations working for the common good should also be supported so that this sector is able to flourish.

The costs to our economy and environment will continue to escalate unless strong action is taken to end our reliance on fossil fuels and other non-renewable resources. The cost of addressing climate change now is far less than failing to do so and having to pay the cost later. Therefore, we support a transition to a thriving economy based on 100% renewable energy which will create new jobs and improve living standards.

Arts and culture are vital to our social wellbeing and economy. Supporting, promoting and protecting Australian artists and their work.
The climate challenge is also an opportunity to transform Australia into a carbon-neutral powerhouse that creates new jobs and a cleaner planet.
people working together
Corporate activity should consider the concerns and interests of all stakeholders — shareholders, employees, business partners and society.
The economy must be equitable, serve the needs of everyone and provide the best chance to meet the challenges of the future.
Man fixing a car
Workers deserve work laws which provide them with the protections, rights and responsibilities that come with a just and sustainable society.
Internation currency
A global economic system that promotes environmental sustainability, human rights and a decent standard of living for all.
Two scientists look at test-tubes
Innovations in science and technology are essential to meeting the challenges of climate change and transitioning to a sustainable society.