Military Affairs

Military Affairs


a conventional term that in its broad meaning covers all questions related to the armed forces and their development, training, and combat employment, as well as those related to the preparation of the defense of the population against the contingency of a war.

References in classic literature ?
The laws, and military affairs, and parties in the state.
As to their military affairs, they boast that the king's army consists of a hundred and seventy-six thousand foot, and thirty-two thousand horse: if that may be called an army, which is made up of tradesmen in the several cities, and farmers in the country, whose commanders are only the nobility and gentry, without pay or reward.
The Emperor had sent a viceroy into this province, whose firm attachment to the Roman Church, as well as great abilities in military affairs, made him a person very capable of executing the orders of the Emperor, and of suppressing any insurrection that might be raised, to prevent those alterations in religion which they were designed to promote: a farther view in the choice of so warlike a deputy was that a stop might be put to the inroads of the Galles, who had killed one viceroy, and in a little time after killed this.
It's a chief principle in military affairs," said he, "to go where ye are least expected.
prudence in military affairs the projectile came more and more into
The man's defence was that he had grown so used to the notices and had been so preoccupied with his work that he hadn't applied them to himself; he pleaded, in his defence, what is indeed in military affairs another serious crime, inadvertency.
Mike Berry, Liberty Institute Director of Military Affairs, To Appear Before The U.
2 (BNA): The BDF Commander-in-Chief Field Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa met the Saudi National Guard Assistant Undersecretary for Military Affairs in the Eastern Zone, Major-General Abdullah bin Mohammed Al-Mofeez, and his accompanying delegation.
They discussed aspects of co-operation between the two countries especially in military affairs.
The campaign is being streamlined under the auspices of the Military Affairs Committee in preparation for the National Dialogue Conference (NDC), beginning March 18.
19 (Saba)- The Military Affairs Committee to achieve security and stability decided on Wednesday to form a technical committee to investigate the facts about the problem of the forcibly disappeared persons.

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