Military Administration

Military Administration


(1) The military government of a territory that has been captured in the course of military operations.

(2) The military government of a territory that has been occupied as a result of war.

(3) An academic discipline. In prerevolutionary Russia, it was a special subject in the General Staff Academy program which dealt with problems of military legislation specifying the structure and day-to-day affairs of the Russian Army. In Soviet military education institutes, military administration as an academic discipline is studied in military schools and in certain military command academies. It incorporates the study of the structure and makeup of the Soviet armed forces, the organization of formations and units, mobilization and deployment, the organization of staff operations, and so forth.

Military Administration


(1)The sum total of the military administrative bodies of the state and their activity toward the development and control of the armed forces.

(2) The military control of territory occupied in the course of military operations.

(3) A scientific discipline that studies questions of the general organization and equipment of the armed forces, the control of troops, the building up of the armed forces to prescribed strength, and military service. The conclusions and propositions of military administration are given legal force through military legislation.

References in periodicals archive ?
TOKYO, Nov 27 (KUNA) -- The Chinese National Defense Ministry said Friday that the country's plan to reorganize its military administration structure and command system will not affect the country's defense policy, state-run Xinhua News Agency reported.
Governed by a military administration, these people were not only restrained from the benefits of citizenship, they were also restricted from travel, medical care, and modern education.
A 2014 Human Rights Watch report said that between 800 and 1,000 people were killed, and described the dispersal as a pre-meditated "massacre" by the ruling military administration of the time.
Invitation to tender : The military administration - District Command of the canton of Zurich (MVZ) performs annually on behalf of the Federal release from military service by.
Jews enjoyed life under civilian law while Palestinians - supposedly equal under the law - lived under special military administration and were ruled by an appointed Jewish military governor.
The interested candidates are required to present their portfolio which comprises of their work credits, learning obtained at work, which could be through military administration, volunteer work or other courses which provides a clear identification of the field they are interested to master in.
In the military administration group, Brigadier General Gatkhor Gatluak Koryom is appointed Director for Directorate of Administration and Finance and Brigadier General Chuol Gakah Yier heads the Directorate of Officers and Personal Affairs.
Learners are provided with lectures and workshops on national and collective security, military strategy, military administration and military economy.
Umm al-Khair is a Bedouin locale in Area C, under Israeli civil and military administration.
A ceasefire was signed on 11 June 1967 and the Golan Heights came under Israeli military administration.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ylon have asked the head of the Israeli military administration in the occupied West Bank, General Yoav Mordechai, to draw up a range of options, the Hretz newspaper reported.
Netanyahu asked the head of the Israeli military administration in the occupied West Bank, General Yoav Mordechai, to draw up a range of tough options to punish the Palestinians, the Hretz newspaper reported.

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