Military Code

Code, Military


a system of conventional symbols for the covert transmission of secret military information through communications equipment.

The conventional symbols are made up by the staff headquarters and may be numbers, letters, and so forth. The simplest military codes are conversation and radio-signal tables made up for a definite span of time or the duration of a combat operation. There are combined-arms and special military codes (for one combat arm or one service of the armed forces, such as an aviation or navy code).

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The liberal military code makes provision for hanging many kinds of persons, and gentlemen are not excluded.
At that moment Boris clearly realized what he had before surmised, that in the army, besides the subordination and discipline prescribed in the military code, which he and the others knew in the regiment, there was another, more important, subordination, which made this tight-laced, purple-faced general wait respectfully while Captain Prince Andrew, for his own pleasure, chose to chat with Lieutenant Drubetskoy.
In the end, Trish and Lori learn much more than military code and take their newfound confidence back to West Point, even more determined to make it through to graduation.
Under the agreement, all sides undertake to adopt a military code of conduct and establish a Joint Monitoring Committee to investigate and adjudicate any future clashes.
Zida made himself more unpopular in June for overseeing a reform to the military code making it possible to promote a lieutenant-colonel to general "in exceptional circumstances.
THE numbers game was a real challenge for the war-time Bletchley Park team trying to crack the German military code that had 159 million million million possibilities.
Everyone is allowed to take part in events that are valuable to national unity or in support of the government, but gatherings and rallies that threaten safety or security are rejected and punishable under the military code of conduct," said Col Dr Flaifil.
The receiver card deliveries will significantly enhance the fielding of Military Code (M-Code) capable GPS receives to soldiers.
This will set example to other soldiers who don't respect [the] military code of conduct," said Oyai, while speaking to a military parade on Tuesday.
The French military code for Bonifa-cio Echevarria was "I," and that's what would be stamped on the magazine.
But two years later Adrian received a letter from the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency saying his award had been made in error because his state of health improved from grade P3 to P2 before he left the army, even though he never returned to P1 - the military code for full fitness.
Bit by bit, they start to care about the military code.

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