Military Department

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military department

[′mil·i‚ter·ē di′pärt·mənt]
In the United States, the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, or the Department of the Air Force.

Military Department


(Russian, Voennyi Prikaz or Prikaz Voennykh Del), the central state institution in Russia in charge of the recruitment of military personnel (jointly with the Pomestnyi [Service Fief] Prikaz, the Razriadnyi Prikaz [an older war department], and other departments), the formation of regiments and reinforcement detachments, the administration of commanders (such as appointments and promotions), the financing of the regular army, and uniforms (it controlled the uniform chanceries). It was set up on June 23, 1701 (based on the prikaz under General Commissar la. F. Dolgorukov, which existed from 1700 to 1701). It was abolished in 1711 with the formation of the Main Military Chancery, which took over the main functions of the Military Department.

References in periodicals archive ?
But this year the Texas Military Department has put in a budget request to expand a second facility at Eagle Lake.
Recommendation: The Secretary of Defense should direct the military department Chief Management Officers, in consultation with the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) and the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, as appropriate, after defining the cost accounting requirements, to utilize the requirements as input to the ERPs to help ensure that the ERPs will provide the capability to identify and aggregate cost information for the department's assets in accordance with DOD's defined requirements.
For more information: Arthur Arroyo, real property manager, Oregon Military Department, (503) 584-3494
Although the individual BCP need not be offset, the package of offsets provided by a military department has to be offset and provide a zero balance change.
Representative of the Ministry of Defense specified that military departments are under Osh State University, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy and Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture.
The Oregon Military Department still hopes it won't come to that, said spokesman Capt.
McCabe, who declared to the Military Department that our goal was to be better than the best, the Military Department set forth in a fury of checks and rechecks, going over everything two, three, four or more times.
Members of the military reserve are sworn members of the California State Military Department and support the California National Guard and play a vital role contributing to the state's homeland defense and war on terrorism.
He directed the Defense Legal Services Agency, oversaw the legal services in the military department and defense agencies, and was the department's representative on the U.
Contract notice: The waste collection service with military complexes administered by the military department of economic 2 in garrison klodzko.
Using the recomputed values, the deputy director of the P & E Policy Office will assert to the military department assistant secretaries for financial management and comptroller; the director of management, special operations acquisition and logistics center for USSOCOM; and the director of DTRA that the military equipment reported for their respective component was valued properly.