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It feels like we’ve just started, but here we are at the KITM hump! David Waldman asks: Remember when Barack Obama did more in 30 days than any President since FDR? After Obama got that out of the way, he went golfing. If Trump was that competent, just think of how bad we’d be screwed by now.

Greg Dworkin rounds up the enablers of Chaos that make things worse for the country. Trump hires generals because he knows it’s not in their pay grade to carry the moral compass. Donald isn’t into morals, feelings, or thinking, he just wants to be enabled. Across the nation people are meeting at townhalls to question and stop the enabling of Trump’s agenda. Greg urges us to prioritize strategies for regaining power before assembling our legislative wish lists. Trump’s supporters still support Trump—So what? Conservatives might have a different set of morals, but they still need to draw the line somewhere. The Trump presidency exists in a White Power bubble, and more people are seeing this lunacy. Sebastian Gorka is one of Trumps trusted loons, and a gunFAILer.

The Judicial branch might be the branch that saves our bacon. The Fourth Circuit comes through by upholding Maryland's Assault Weapons Ban, ruling that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect the right to assault weapons.

David takes an in-depth look at the true story of the Comey letter debacle.

Get well soon Joan McCarter!

It’s another one of those Wednesdays that feels like a Tuesday, because of the Tuesday that felt like a Monday.

Hopefully, neither Greg Dworkin nor Joan McCarter will be similarly confused, and we’ll enjoy our regular Wednesday visits!

Listen LIVE right here at 9:00 AM ET!

The Kagro in the Morning show is growing by leaps & bounds! Probably because more and more of you are finding that some morning political chatter among friends is the only way to face the day.

Give it a try and see if it doesn’t make your day a little easier to take. And if you’re already sold on it, well, our Patreon account is a great way to let us know! (And let us eat!)

Say, how about a free listen to our most recent show, just to seal the deal?

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David Waldman was out shopping for a used minivan—he can check with me, I can sell him one that is just incredibly used—but lucky for you KITM puts everyone so far ahead of the information curve that there is slack built in for such outings. So where were we? Trump's Russia scandal takes an unexpected turn, expected by our regular listeners who remember Felix Sater is Donald’s guy in Russia, an FBI informant, and is connected to the mafia. Of course we know this isn’t Donald P. Trump’s only Russian connection, although some of his connections are turning up as dead ends of late. Trump’s allies have delivered a plan to lift Russian sanctions, by helping to topple the Ukrainian Government. There was also another horrific attack not happening, this time not in Sweden. Donald was forced to un-fake the news that was accurately reporting it. What do you know... this seems to have a Russian connection also! This chaos and intimidation seems to have the intended result as reporters tip-toe on all reporting now, even on Trump’s weekend golfing. The administration also attempted to chaos up any remaining reality by sending out Pence to reassure half of Europe, and Bannon to reassure the other half. Jewish community centers got bomb threats, and Jewish graves were trashed, but Ivanka tweets made it out to the fairway, so dad eventually said something. Trump’s first priority was to make his statement from a safe space. Meanwhile, Homeland Security, Stephen Miller and Jeff Sessions, unveil a sweeping plan to deport several million people. Milo Yiannopoulos is awful in many ways, but recently in ways that earned him less money instead of more. Now that Milo upset conservative sensibilities, he’s being noticed, but many were already aware of his presence in that complex pit of awfulness one can find out there if they look. Speaking of underage sex, Alexander Acosta cut a sweetheart plea deal with a billionaire accused of having sex with dozens of underage girls.

(Thanks again to Scott Anderson for the show summary!)

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David Waldman was out shopping for a used minivan—he can check with me, I can sell him one that is just incredibly used—but lucky for you KITM puts everyone so far ahead of the information curve that there is slack built in for such outings.

So where were we? Trump's Russia scandal takes an unexpected turn, expected by our regular listeners who remember Felix Sater is Donald’s guy in Russia, an FBI informant, and is connected to the mafia. Of course we know this isn’t Donald P. Trump’s only Russian connection, although some of his connections are turning up as dead ends of late. Trump’s allies have delivered a plan to lift Russian sanctions, by helping to topple the Ukrainian Government.

There was also another horrific attack not happening, this time not in Sweden. Donald was forced to un-fake the news that was accurately reporting it. What do you know... this seems to have a Russian connection also! This chaos and intimidation seems to have the intended result as reporters tip-toe on all reporting now, even on Trump’s weekend golfing. The administration also attempted to chaos up any remaining reality by sending out Pence to reassure half of Europe, and Bannon to reassure the other half.

Jewish community centers got bomb threats, and Jewish graves were trashed, but Ivanka tweets made it out to the fairway, so dad eventually said something. Trump first priority was to make his statement from a safe space. Meanwhile, Homeland Security, Stephen Miller and Jeff Sessions, unveil a sweeping plan to deport several million people

Milo Yiannopoulos is awful in many ways, but recently in ways that earned him less money instead of more. Now that Milo upset conservative sensibilities, he’s being noticed, but many were already aware of his presence in that complex pit of awfulness one can find out there if they look. Speaking of underage sex, Alexander Acosta cut a sweetheart plea deal with a billionaire accused of having sex with dozens of underage girls.

We’re back!

How was your Presidents Day, everyone?

Did you strut around, acting all smart because as a KITM listener, you already knew about Felix Sater? Because you already knew the alt-right was a wacko sex cult? Because you already knew Louise Mensch was a little… odd?

I would have, but I was looking at used minivans, so there really wasn’t that much to strut about. I did take one on a test drive, and I passed a guy who broke down while test driving a McLaren, though. So I felt pretty smart about that!

Still, we’ll probably talk about something more universally significant than that.

Listen LIVE right here at 9:00 AM ET!

The Kagro in the Morning show is growing by leaps & bounds! Probably because more and more of you are finding that some morning political chatter among friends is the only way to face the day.

Give it a try and see if it doesn’t make your day a little easier to take. And if you’re already sold on it, well, our Patreon account is a great way to let us know! (And let us eat!)

Say, how about a free listen to our most recent show, just to seal the deal?

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The first 4 people today to join at the $20 per month KITM Double Gold Level could have David Waldman rant and rave their answering machine message in his renowned Trump voice! It could happen, I’ve seen that information around. Armando calls to react to the reaction to Trump. Is this the time to leave hysterics, or exactly the time to be hysterical? It is definitely not the time for Congress to clock out early, while asking people whose life isn’t politics to work overtime. Daily Kos Political Director David Nir went on the Rachel Maddow Show to talk about the winnable, flippable special election in Atlanta Georgia. Ed Gillespie has been around a long time, but is ready to pretend to be a Trump outsider for anyone in VA wanting to believe that. Emails finally revealing Scott Pruitt’s vast corruption will be releasedtoo late. For those that have experience in this, it is all too clear that Trump is unfit to serve. Need more to rant and rave on this weekend? The Pentagon finds it has no records approving Mike Flynn’s Russian-TV pay. The Trump administration uses encrypted messaging apps which is immoral, unethical, probably illegal and what are you going to do about it? Trump feels better when you let him lie. $3 million weekends in Florida help, too.

(Thanks again to Scott Anderson for the show summary!)

Need more info on how to listen? Find it below the fold.

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Well, events have conspired to keep us from bringing you a new, live show today. It’s a holiday, so the house is full. And, as bad luck would have it, I have to go car shopping. Thanks, Trump!

Luckily, I had an extra February show lying around from last year’s Leap Day, and figured that somehow made sense.

Listen LIVE right here at 9:00 AM ET!

The Kagro in the Morning show is growing by leaps & bounds! Probably because more and more of you are finding that some morning political chatter among friends is the only way to face the day.

Give it a try and see if it doesn’t make your day a little easier to take. And if you’re already sold on it, well, our Patreon account is a great way to let us know! (And let us eat!)

Say, how about a free listen to our most recent show, just to seal the deal?

YouTube | iTunes | LibSyn | Support the show via Patreon

The first 4 people today to join at the $20 per month KITM Double Gold Level could have David Waldman rant and rave their answering machine message in his renowned Trump voice! It could happen, I’ve seen that information around. Armando calls to react to the reaction to Trump. Is this the time to leave hysterics, or exactly the time to be hysterical? It is definitely not the time for Congress to clock out early, while asking people whose life isn’t politics to work overtime. Daily Kos Political Director David Nir went on the Rachel Maddow Show to talk about the winnable, flippable special election in Atlanta Georgia. Ed Gillespie has been around a long time, but is ready to pretend to be a Trump outsider for anyone in VA wanting to believe that. Emails finally revealing Scott Pruitt’s vast corruption will be releasedtoo late. For those that have experience in this, it is all too clear that Trump is unfit to serve. Need more to rant and rave on this weekend? The Pentagon finds it has no records approving Mike Flynn’s Russian-TV pay. The Trump administration uses encrypted messaging apps which is immoral, unethical, probably illegal and what are you going to do about it? Trump feels better when you let him lie. $3 million weekends in Florida help, too.

(Thanks again to Scott Anderson for the show summary!)

Need more info on how to listen? Find it below the fold.

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The first 4 people today to join at the $20 per month KITM Double Gold Level could have David Waldman rant and rave their answering machine message in his renowned Trump voice! It could happen, I’ve seen that information around.

Armando calls to react to the reaction to Trump. Is this the time to leave hysterics, or exactly the time to be hysterical? It is definitely not the time for Congress to clock out early, while asking people whose life isn’t politics to work overtime

Daily Kos Political Director David Nir went on the Rachel Maddow Show to talk about the winnable, flippable special election in Atlanta Georgia. Ed Gillespie has been around a long time, but is ready to pretend to be a Trump outsider for anyone in VA wanting to believe that. Emails finally revealing Scott Pruitt’s vast corruption will be released… too late

For those that have experience in this, it is all too clear that Trump is unfit to serve.

Need more to rant and rave on this weekend? The Pentagon finds it has no records approving Mike Flynn’s Russian-TV pay. The Trump administration uses encrypted messaging apps which is immoral, unethical, probably illegal and what are you going to do about it? 

Trump feels better when you let him lie. $3 million weekends in Florida help, too.


OK, you all saw that, right?

The “press conference?” You definitely saw it. Or, you can at least say that it really happened. Right? It did, didn’t it?

It did. Oh my God, it did.

Listen LIVE right here at 9:00 AM ET!

The Kagro in the Morning show is growing by leaps & bounds! Probably because more and more of you are finding that some morning political chatter among friends is the only way to face the day.

Give it a try and see if it doesn’t make your day a little easier to take. And if you’re already sold on it, well, our Patreon account is a great way to let us know! (And let us eat!)

Say, how about a free listen to our most recent show, just to seal the deal?

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You don’t need to invest a fortune to listen in on the latest in political thought… throw us a buck or two a month and David Waldman will talk to you for hours. Donald Trump hates low life leakers, and the drip, drip, drip is just wearing him down. Good thing America loves him and will come cheer him up this weekend. Greg Dworkin shares his latest secrets over our secure line: Trump declares war on intelligence. Donald seems a few cartridges short of a full clip, but he might have more ammo than you think. Trump’s new hired gun has big gun dreams. The war on media still rages on even after General Flynn falls, that’s because Michael Flynn does not matter. All of them are either stupid or lying. James Comey seems to have a extra helping of both. Are we on the road to another Watergate? Who the hell told Flynn to call Russia? It's funny 'cause it's treason. Watch the Anti-Semitic Jewish Russian faction to see how the Administration really is doing. The Russians are sad to see puppets leave so early, yet they have collected a few chips to cash in. We now have refugees fleeing the United States. How can we fix this? Time to look at the 25th Amendment and study qui tam cases, and always keep it slow. Obama White House photographer Pete Souza helps us reminisce about… when things weren’t like this. The Trump HandshakeWhat is he thinking? How can we defend ourselves? More leaks in the sieve: Trump's F-35 calls came with a surprise: a rival CEO was listening in on the call. Leaked emails show Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife was pushing the Travel Ban. Who will be the next one to slip bombshell information to the press? Who knows?

(Thanks again to Scott Anderson for the show summary!)

Need more info on how to listen? Find it below the fold.

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You don’t need to invest a fortune to listen in on the latest in political thought… throw us a buck or two a month and David Waldman will talk to you for hours.

Donald Trump hates low life leakers, and the drip, drip, drip is just wearing him down. Good thing America loves him and will come cheer him up this weekend.

Greg Dworkin shares his latest secrets over our secure line: Trump declares war on intelligence. Donald seems a few cartridges short of a full clip, but he might have more ammo than you think. Trump’s new hired gun has big gun dreams. The war on media still rages on even after General Flynn falls, that’s because Michael Flynn does not matter. All of them are either stupid or lying. James Comey seems to have a extra helping of both. Are we on the road to another Watergate? Who the hell told Flynn to call Russia? It's funny 'cause it's treason.

Watch the Anti-Semitic Jewish Russian faction to see how the Administration really is doing. The Russians are sad to see puppets leave so early, yet they have collected a few chips to cash in. We now have refugees fleeing the United States.

How can we fix this? Time to look at the 25th Amendment and study qui tam cases, and always keep it slow.

Obama White House photographer Pete Souza helps us reminisce about… when things weren’t like this. The Trump HandshakeWhat is he thinking? How can we defend ourselves?

More leaks in the sieve: Trump's F-35 calls came with a surprise: a rival CEO was listening in on the call. Leaked emails show Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife was pushing the Travel Ban. Who will be the next one to slip bombshell information to the press? Who knows?


Time to fasten your seatbelt, strap on a helmet, and read the news. And then, read Twitter, to find out how much of the news we read is no longer operative truth.

For all I know, somebody else might have resigned while I was typing this.

Listen LIVE right here at 9:00 AM ET!

The Kagro in the Morning show is growing by leaps & bounds! Probably because more and more of you are finding that some morning political chatter among friends is the only way to face the day.

Give it a try and see if it doesn’t make your day a little easier to take. And if you’re already sold on it, well, our Patreon account is a great way to let us know! (And let us eat!)

Say, how about a free listen to our most recent show, just to seal the deal?

 YouTube | iTunes | LibSyn | Support the show via Patreon

Big stuff happening today! But it’s the stuff KITM has been telling you about for a while now.

David Waldman brings Greg DworkinArmando and Joan McCarter together for a discussion repeated at kitchen tables across the country, at least the ones with polaroids, newspaper articles, thumbtacks and twine along the walls:  

The MSM kicks into gear! Specifically, specificity is what is making this stick.

We know Mike Flynn wasn’t alone, and it wasn’t the first time. Democrats are on fire, Republicans are becoming concerned, at least the ones not Putinphiles. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions remains a good confederate, even as we move into Benedict Arnold territory. The GOP circles the wagons: House Select Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes rolls over for Trump. McDonnell says nyet. Jason Chaffetz demands answers! No, not really. Rep. Adam Schiff, top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, doubts that Americans can get an impartial Trump inquiry.

We are one step away from putting on our freakout pajamasTrump’s team, of course keeps their cool. Donald will try everything but the kitchen sink today. He might quit trying Kellyanne, though.

If you guessed that North Carolinian-Russian Trump-colluding Weiner-hacking Catfishers were behind all of this, you might be right. Louise Mensch isn’t totally nuts. Greg Dworkin can see Russia from his house.

(Thanks again to Scott Anderson for the show summary!)

Need more info on how to listen? Find it below the fold.

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Big stuff happening today! But it’s the stuff KITM has been telling you about for a while now.

David Waldman brings Greg DworkinArmando and Joan McCarter together for a discussion repeated at kitchen tables across the country, at least the ones with polaroids, newspaper articles, thumbtacks and twine along the walls:  

The MSM kicks into gear! Specifically, specificity is what is making this stick.

We know Mike Flynn wasn’t alone, and it wasn’t the first time. Democrats are on fire, Republicans are becoming concerned, at least the ones not Putinphiles. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions remains a good confederate, even as we move into Benedict Arnold territory. The GOP circles the wagons: House Select Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes rolls over for Trump. McDonnell says nyet. Jason Chaffetz demands answers! No, not really. Rep. Adam Schiff, top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, doubts that Americans can get an impartial Trump inquiry.

We are one step away from putting on our freakout pajamasTrump’s team, of course keeps their cool. Donald will try everything but the kitchen sink today. He might quit trying Kellyanne, though.

If you guessed that North Carolinian-Russian Trump-colluding Weiner-hacking Catfishers were behind all of this, you might be right. Louise Mensch isn’t totally nuts. Greg Dworkin can see Russia from his house.


Whaddya want me to tell you, at this point?

We’re just going to have to read whatever comes out in the morning together, and make what we can of the insanity.

Joan McCarter and Greg Dworkin will be here to help. And then, the show will end, and something else unbelievable will happen.

I confess, I’m a little bit excited to find out just what the hell the next thing could possibly be.

Listen LIVE right here at 9:00 AM ET!

The Kagro in the Morning show is growing by leaps & bounds! Probably because more and more of you are finding that some morning political chatter among friends is the only way to face the day.

Give it a try and see if it doesn’t make your day a little easier to take. And if you’re already sold on it, well, our Patreon account is a great way to let us know! (And let us eat!)

Say, how about a free listen to our most recent show, just to seal the deal?

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HOLY MOLY!!! How does this guy get a half dozen live video feeds and KITM doesn’t have any? Donate today! Donald & Shinzo hung out on the terrace talking about Kim the other night surrounded by the wellest of wishers. Spies? NO SPIES! David Waldman has been saying it for a while, but today we all are saying so long to Mike Flynn. The White House and Republicans have put a lot of thought into the Flynn situation. In fact, so much thought that they really don’t want to think or talk about it anymore, and wish we would all move on… But, it is just so hard to choose who we should move on to. How about Donald Feckless McGahn? Andy Slugger PudzerStephen Brains Miller? It’s like a candy store, or a pizza buffet! Kellyanne is keeping her job by keeping out of the loop on almost everything. Meanwhile Donald has done almost nothing, except for being inspirational in his personality, performance and his appearance. Want to see the Trump phenomenon played back to you on the big screen? Seek help. There are many more important things to remember, which are more pleasant.

(Thanks again to Scott Anderson for the show summary!)

Need more info on how to listen? Find it below the fold.

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HOLY MOLY!!! How does this guy get a half dozen live video feeds and KITM doesn’t have any? Donate today!

Donald & Shinzo hung out on the terrace talking about Un the other night surrounded by the wellest of wishers. Spies? NO SPIES! David Waldman has been saying it for a while, but today we all are saying so long to Mike Flynn. The White House and Republicans have put a lot of thought into the Flynn situation. In fact, so much thought that they really don’t want to think or talk about it anymore, and wish we would all move on… But, it is just so hard to choose who we should move on to. How about Donald Feckless McGahn? Andy Slugger PudzerStephen Brains Miller? It’s like a candy store, or a pizza buffet!

Kellyanne is keeping her job by keeping out of the loop on almost everything. Meanwhile Donald has done almost nothing, except for being inspirational in his personality, performance and his appearance. Want to see the Trump phenomenon played back to you on the big screen? Seek help. There are many more important things to remember, which are more pleasant.