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Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer are inventing Islamic terror attacks in order to justify the Administration’s terrible executive orders.

If and when a real attack happens, they’re going to seize the opportunity to do even worse things than George W. Bush and Cheney did.

Unless it’s right-wing extremists, then they’ll get ignored like the Quebec Mosque shooting, or the Texas Mosque arson.

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Russophile Michael Flynn is out and all eyes are on Russian influence in the White House. The Trump Administration has not yet established a kleptocracy, but they’re well on their way to establishing a QVC-ocracy. Whether it’s Donald Trump urging people to buy L.L. Bean products (since a member of the Bean family gave Trump a generous campaign contribution) or Kellyanne Conway’s now-infamous sales pitch for the Ivanka Trump brand, these people are in a selling mood.

Some of their product pitches are a tad more subtle but are far more profitable than hawking handbags and ugly women’s shoes. Let’s not forget “Friend of Russia” Rex Tillerson, who circled the globe in the name of Exxon, and now ostensibly will do the same for the United States.  

Trump, Pence and crew are shocked, shocked I say, that Michael Flynn would lie about contacts with Russia. This story is just beginning, expect more revelations to be rolled out in the coming days and weeks. Enjoy the cartoon and be sure to check out my work on Patreon!

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In case you haven’t heard about Anton’s eyebrow-raising essay, “The Flight 93 Election,” here’s a good rundown. In short, the former George W. Bush speechwriter (and now Trump national security adviser) equated the 2016 election with the hijacked Flight 93 heroically brought down by passengers on 9/11. He urged conservatives to “charge the cockpit” and support Trump despite the candidate’s flaws, because there was no coming back from a Hillary presidency. From the New York magazine article linked above:

“The ceaseless importation of Third World foreigners with no tradition of, taste for, or experience in liberty means that the electorate grows more left, more Democratic, less Republican, less republican, and less traditionally American with every cycle,” he writes. He describes the children of immigrants as “ringers to form a permanent electoral majority.”

He adds, “I want my party to live. I want my country to live. I want my people to live.” As though one more Democratic administration would dash those hopes forever. (I guess he’s not too worried about Trump’s microfingers fondling the nuclear football.)

Clearly America’s changing demographics have Republicans rattled, and the message they’ve telegraphed is clear: we can expect a massive assault on voter rights. And it’s hardly just Trump; the “voter fraud” myth has been perpetuated for years. This is the real Flight 93 situation for our country. As we’ve seen in places like Russia and Turkey, once you’ve gone down the authoritarian path, it’s hard to come back. 

I unfortunately had to cut a panel about the stolen Supreme Court seat, which is another glaring piece of evidence that we are dealing with a revolutionary force — not a political party operating within the norms of democracy.

Follow Jen on Twitter at @JenSorensen

All quotes genuine (though I had to paraphrase the one in the third panel slightly to fit the format of the cartoon).

Also: my new book would be a New York Times bestseller, if you include all the people who didn’t buy it. 

Despite his cluelessness about Frederick Douglass, the White House’s current orange occupant has his own rich history with African-Americans. It’s all bad. Housing discriminationracist ad campaigns, and his KKK-adjacent father are just the tip of a very racist iceberg.

The bloated underbelly of that iceberg belongs to Steve Bannon. Who writes the orders Trump signs without reading.

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