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That Russian spy ship Trump said he'd shoot out of the water is now off the Virginia coastby Circa News

UPDATE Feb. 17 7:00am | The Russian spy ship Viktor Leonov is no longer off the coast of Connecticut, but has moved southward to a position northeast of Norfolk, Virginia, according to ABC News.

This is the ship's latest travel progression since it first drew international headlines earlier this week.

President Donald Trump during a press conference Thursday joked that he would shoot the ship, then reported to be 30 miles off the coast of Connecticut, "right out of the water."

Trump's admin recently picked Stephen Feinberg to head US review of intelligence agencies.

[Original story]

The Russian spy ship spotted off the coast of Delaware on Tuesday was spotted again Wednesday morning, this time 30 miles off the coast of Connecticut.

Fox News reported the SSV-175 Viktor Leonov was 30 miles from Groton, Conn., which hosts a U.S. Navy submarine base.  

This is the furthest north a Russian ship has ever been spotted along the East Coast. Kings Bay, Ga. tends to be hot spot, but the ship seems to be patrolling north. 

The Pentagon expects the ship to turn south and return to the Caribbean, Fox News reports. 

Amidst the political scandal of former national security adviser Michael Flynn resigning after misleading the Trump administration about calls to Russia, Russia ramped up military activity. It deployed a new cruise missile in violation of a Cold War-era treaty. Earlier, it sent four military jets near a U.S. Navy destroyer in the Black Sea, ignoring radio calls from the ship. 

For more news, check out today's 60 Second Circa.