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Lawrence O'Donnell is on fire
I think today is the first day of his renewed contract.  I don’t know how to post clips, but maybe someone with more skill can post a diary with a video.  About 33 minutes into the show, O’Donnell showed a clip of the Mayor of London describing the...
oc hope 06/06/2017 68 144 - -
It's not about you.. It's about them.
Walking through the main campus of the University of the District of Columbia a few mornings ago on the way to the Metro, I was pulled out of my podcast trance by an assertively shouted, “Excuse me!”  I turned to face the well-dressed woman who was...
thagerdc 06/06/2017 24 130 - -
Tillerson visits New Zealand: Kiwis respond with disdain and disgust...(and water-filled condoms)!
Whatever did we do to deserve this? First earthquakes and floods (with famine and war surely soon to follow?), but now 2017 in New Zealand has hit rock bottom with a visit from Trump’s itinerant oiler and handshaker Rex Tillerson. At least we Kiwis...
smelly pirate 06/06/2017 23 64 - -
Turns out our best ally in the fight against Trump is... Trump: Tuesday Morning's Good News.
Great Election news.  Democrats Are Overperforming In Special Elections Almost Everywhere.  That bodes well for us in 2018. in the 15 special legislative elections to pit at least one Democrat against at least one Republican, 12 have seen a net swing...
GoodNewsRoundup 06/06/2017 9 24 - -
NSA Director Mike Rogers poised to ‘drop a bomb’ on Trump admin during Wednesday testimony..
  ..That’s the headline from this article posted @ the Raw story by David Ferguson (with Ari Melber’s video segment @ the link — really worth a look see - imo)| June 4th, 2017    I’d post the video clip from Ari Melber’s new program ‘The Point’...
Eric Nelson 06/06/2017 102 161 - -
Looks like Comey is getting his Request answered
— Careful what you daily ‘scheme for’ Republicans — because your ineptness is showing, day after day, after another Do Nothing day.   What was it that Comey wanted again …? Mueller Investigation Already Expanding by Ed Brayton,...
jamess 06/06/2017 61 103 - -
Misogyny at the movies: Wonder Woman inspires one of the most sexist movie reviews ever
Last weekend, the Katwoman shared her excellent review of Wonder Woman while themis wrote about the “controversy” (among the usual mens-rights crowd) over an all-female showing of the movie in Austin, benefiting Planned Parenthood.  But around the same...
RockyMtnHigh 06/06/2017 97 123 - -
A notice taped in a girls' bathroom sums up a skewed priority in our schools (Updated)
Some memes/images that light up social media are deserving of a story. This is one of them. Too often, the way a girl is dressed takes priority over her education. Here is the image and text via Kelsea Lafferty’s Facebook page. It currently has over...
Leslie Salzillo 06/06/2017 985 587 - -
Tobin Smith, Former Fox Paid Contributor, Confirms What We Always Suspected About Fox.
In his article, FEAR & UNbalanced: Confessions of a 14-Year Fox News Hitman, Tobin Smith spills the beans.  He feels free to do so because Roger Ailes is dead. Back in 2000, when he was first hired at Fox, he had a few questions. “So Roger...
azindy 06/06/2017 310 524 - -
Morning Joe Explains Donald Trump's Failed Response to the London Attack in One Perfect Pop Quiz
Morning Joe’s pop quiz this morning effectively covers Donald Trump’s failed and ignorant response to the London attack. Of course, I’m going with all of the above. Update: It appears Trump has seen Morning Joe’s pop quiz....
First Amendment 06/06/2017 158 354 - -
Bobby Died 49 Years ago Today.
I don’t have a lot of time to write this morning, so I will let Bobby’s words fill the majority of this diary. I just wanted to make sure the anniversary did not go unrecognized here. Just two months before his own death, Bobby made one of the...
durrati 06/06/2017 9 17 - -
Senate Republicans trash their own leadership, prep for a budget 'train wreck'
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell spins away on his health care hamster wheel with visions of tax reform dancing through his head, other Republican lawmakers are a tad frustrated the GOP-controlled Congress isn't getting much of anything done....
Kerry Eleveld 06/06/2017 92 216 - -
An Art Quiz and Your New Art Mystery!
     I read somewhere about a group of Art experts who get a kick out of sending snippets of paintings to their buddies to see if they can guess which painting each detail came from. That sounds like fun! However, when I went looking for snippets of...
Tortmaster 06/06/2017 128 51 - -
"Republicans should be Republicans" with a veto, Gov. Sam Brownback holds KS Legislature Hostage
The Kansas Senate had barely finished passing SB30, a tax plan negotiated between the House and Senate before Governor Brownback sent word: he would veto. Despite significant gains by Democratic and Moderate Republican members, the governor knows...
Chris Reeves 06/06/2017 9 23 - -
Deutsche Bank Refuses to Cooperate in Trump-Russia Investigation
From Reuters, via Raw Story: Deutsche Bank — Germany’s largest bank — has failed to respond to a request from Democrats on a U.S. House of Representatives panel for details about U.S. President Donald Trump’s possible ties to Russia, a Democratic...
ericlewis0 06/06/2017 138 300 - -
ACLU: New Mexico Walgreens pharmacist refused to fill prescription related to IUD insertion
Last week, the ACLU of New Mexico and the Southwest Women’s Law Center filed complaints against Walgreens, alleging sex discrimination after a pharmacist refused to fill one of a female patient’s medications. The complaints are in response to a...
wagatwe 06/06/2017 201 188 - -
White woman running for office on Long Island calls black neighbors the N-word
When people hear “Long Island” or “The Hamptons,” they rarely have a visual image of black or Native American communities. Yet Long island has very old communities of color, and people who have lived in them for many generations.  The residents of...
Denise Oliver Velez 06/06/2017 11 3 - -
What TV show are you amazed that it ever got made?
This one is easy for me. I would vote for the Hitler sitcom on British TV but though it aired it was cancelled after only one episode. I’d rather go for a show that was on for a few years….Hogan’s Heroes. Oy. A comedy about Nazis… I never...
BFSkinner 06/06/2017 148 21 - -
"Jared Kushner Still Has A Job Because Washington Only Fears Republicans."
The above is the title, verbatim, of an article published in The Intercept on Friday, June, 2, authored by Jon Schwarz.  Schwarz manages to put his finger squarely on something rarely acknowledged in our country—“the extraordinarily rightward tilt of...
Dartagnan 06/06/2017 116 298 - -
Trump Destroys His Legal Argument On Muslim Ban With One Stupid Tweet. ACLU Pounces.
Donald Trump has always maintained that the Muslim Ban was not in fact a Muslim Ban; and he also blustered that he was “ready to take it to the Supreme Court.” He might want to seek out a second legal opinion on that premise, because he just blew his...
ursulafaw 06/06/2017 203 332 - -
Clinton Slams Trump for Inciting Fear and Using 'Tragedy and Terror for Political Gain'
This is real leadership and Hillary goes on to reference the fine leadership by London’s Mayor, as an example how real leaders respond in times of crisis. She never mentions Trump by name, but you know she’s slamming his inept, racist and ugly...
First Amendment 06/06/2017 41 39 - -
Russian hackers attacked U.S. voting software supplier days before November's Election
Now it appears it’s possible that the Russians tried to hack into US elections systems, as well as using trolls to spread Fake News about Hillary on US social media sites.  TOP-SECRET NSA REPORT DETAILS RUSSIAN HACKING EFFORT DAYS BEFORE 2016...
Lefty Coaster 06/06/2017 198 122 - -
Chuck Todd visibly taken aback as panelist called out Trump on domestic terrorism
It was refreshing to see this Meet The Press panelist masterfully steer a rather shallow discussion of the terrorist event in the United Kingdom into Trump's failure to address domestic terrorism by white supremacists. Chuck Todd was visibly taken...
Egberto Willies 06/06/2017 160 460 - -
Trump's London Tweets Dazzle The World With His New Classless Low
Donald Trump never misses an opportunity to capitalize on tragedy and co-opt it to further his political agenda. You may recall last August when basketball star Dwyane Wade's cousin was tragically shot while pushing a baby stroller in Chicago and Trump...
ursulafaw 06/06/2017 88 130 - -
Taking down the GOP is our #1 priority. How do we do that? Build a blue wave one doorstep at a time!
I’ve been running for the Virginia House of Delegates since October and in just eight days will be our campaign’s first electoral test — the June 13th Primary. It’s been a long road already,
KBoddye 06/06/2017 4 19 - -
Trump ADMITS the REAL reason why he uses Twitter as POTUS
Courtesy of the President of the United States, via his personal Twitter account: With Trump having recently used Twitter to call his Muslim ban a “TRAVEL BAN”, despite the fact that other people in the Trump White House have tried to deny that...
DownstateDemocrat 06/06/2017 8 5 - -
Acting US ambassador to China resigns in protest over Paris Accord decision
David Rank, the acting US ambassador to China has resigned in protest over Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord. There isn’t a whole lot more to this story, which is on CNN and The Hill. "Mr. Rank made a personal decision," a...
quaoar 06/06/2017 63 147 - -
Two incidents which help me decide
I know that it is absurd to worry over whether I prefer Trump or Pence as president.  But I do.  Somewhere in the reaches of my mind, I feel a need to hope for something to change, but have felt that Pence was no improvement with his  homophobic,...
chichagof 06/06/2017 10 7 - -
Pelosi: We Won't Raise Debt Ceiling to Enable Rs to Give Huge Tax Cuts for Rich
Interesting times. A debt default may be right around the corner. Top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi says GOP leaders shouldn’t take for granted that Democrats will vote to increase the government’s borrowing cap. Pelosi told reporters Friday that...
TomP 06/06/2017 201 178 - -
Heroes of the #Resistance ... we have a Reality Winner
More interesting is how recent this blownwhistle may have occurred … within the last month, but more importantly it signals how much information was known in 2016 and how much information is available at the NSA.  It explains more about why Comey...
annieli 06/06/2017 32 23 - -
Local Flint official resigns after taped blaming the water crisis on "f---ing n---ers"
Well, that was fast. When news broke about Phil Stair, the now former sales manager for the Genesee County Land Bank, blaming the Flint, Michigan water crisis on its predominantly Black residents, the response was strong and swift. Stair, who was...
wagatwe 06/06/2017 94 151 - -
Idiot President Tweets Idiotic Crap This Morning After London Attack
drumpf ate his stupid Wheaties early this morning, eager to start another long day of being quite possibly the stupidest MFer ever to hold office in America… must be nice to have that monkey off your back Louie Gohmert.  Um, the reason we’re not...
durrati 06/06/2017 581 405 - -
Trump is losing support from all sides as the Resistance gains steam: Monday's Good New Roundup
45’s poll numbers have hit a new record low in a Gallop poll.  Wow — even in military counties his job approval in dropped sharply in the last month — from an average 51 percent approval and 41 percent disapproval in the first 100 days to 43 percent...
GoodNewsRoundup 06/06/2017 67 171 - -
Global warming. A concrete and terrible case: Florida
Enough abstraction. Below is a concrete and measurable example of the environmental danger that each of the Florida people is facing. Sorry, that each of us is facing. Joe Romm, founder of climate progress, provides us with a terrible article on what...
kennethpouchet 06/06/2017 5 12 - -
Binghamton, NY Mayoral Candidate Drops Out Due To Intimidation and Violent Threats
This has come to my attention this morning. I don’t have any great words to add, mostly I just wanted to get this situation some visibility. If we can’t even field a Democratic mayoral candidate, this really does not bode well for the state of our...
RiddleOfTheUniverse 06/06/2017 147 142 - -
HRC. Grief and loss cannot be rushed, it cannot be ridiculed.
From The Cut (and appearing in the May 26, 2017, issue of New Your Magazine) by Rebecca Traister: Hillary Clinton is furious.  And resigned.  And funny. And Worried.  The surreal post election life of the woman who would have been president. ...
Silent Spring 06/06/2017 683 277 - -
(UPDATED - 5x) For Aji and Wings: A Place to Lay Your Head ($500 Match) + Message from Aji!
For dear friends of mine — and of yours — what has passed for “home” has been a metal box filled with toxic vapors, and dangerous wiring that has already caught fire twice.   A metal box that is blistering hot in summer, hopelessly arctic in winter....
Yasuragi 06/06/2017 225 89 - -
Former UK Ambassador Meyer Wins The Internet With This Tweet About Dear Leader.
Good thing Trump did that foreign tour to support our friends. And now maybe the rest of the world is beginning to understand how most Americans feel.
pollwatcher 06/06/2017 97 300 - -
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Justice League
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is tasked with overseeing the Russiagate case from investigation to litigation. It’s a job of daunting magnitude due to its diversity, pace and burgeoning ...
Mopshell 06/06/2017 211 180 - -
"Murdering Journalists Has Become A Technique"
. Today I fulfilled a long-term pledge to myself, by attending the annual rededication of a memorial to slain journalists that is housed in the Newseum building -- the museum of journalism in downtown Washington, D.C. This year, 14 more names...
Clio2 06/06/2017 19 32 - -
"Moscow And Beijing Are Laughing At America" Must Read From Der Spiegel and Dan Rather
Detachment and distance yield perspective always, hence, "Can't see the forest for the trees," is a favorite homily. Der Spiegel recently published an article, “It’s Time To Get Rid Of Donald Trump,” which it behooves us all as Americans to read. Why?...
ursulafaw 06/06/2017 13 32 - -
Clay Higgins R-La Rants of: "war with Islamic horror" wants "radicalized Islamic suspects" killed
Louisiana Republican Congressman “Captain’” Clay Higgins’ religious bigotry is chillingly scary glimpse into what these fanatics beleive.   GOP rep on radicalized Islamic suspects: 'Kill them all' BY MALLORY SHELBOURNE  A Republican...
Lefty Coaster 06/06/2017 12 13 - -
The Slacker President: Donald Trump Isn't Doing His Job, But Sure Likes Whining and Blaming Others
For all of his rancid bluster during the campaign, Donald Trump has proven to be one of the laziest presidents in modern times. Trump demeaned Hillary Clinton as lacking stamina, but on his recent nine day trip overseas he was tuckered out after the...
News Corpse 06/06/2017 12 16 - -
IAN: Tuesday, June 6, 2017: IAN Picnic!! With a Pootie Bonus.
Tuesday: A day to have a picnic. As you can see by Itzl's concerned look, this group gives Kossacks a safe place to check in, a daily diary where we can let people know we are alive, doing OK, and not affected by such things as heat, blizzards,...
ejoanna 06/06/2017 9 10 - -
Trump Replacement for Preet Bharara settles Russian Money Laundering case for Pennies on the Dollar
— It was a $230 million Tax Fraud case against a Russian holding company, initially brought by Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara.  Trump’s “acting” replacement for Preet, Joon Kim, recently let the Russian interest “walk” instead facing a...
jamess 06/06/2017 43 126 - -
The Daily Bucket--Late Score From the Pacific Northwest; Lilies 5, Irises 2.
Gaia was clever when she created the lily pad.  Many tiny critters exploit its access to surface waters for bathing and drinking, like this Junco. We love the Junco Enviromental Trust  waters!
6412093 06/06/2017 2 2 - -
Trump Sinks to Historic New Low in Approval Due to His Asinine Actions on Climate Change
There seems to be no bottom for Donald Trump in the minds of the American people. His job approval rating continues go down with almost every action, statement, or tweet that he excretes. He is a political avalanche that is hurtling down the...
News Corpse 06/06/2017 204 184 - -
Moondai Furbutts Farewell the Darling Tweets of May
May, we hardly knew you. But we did go gathering tweets in May and there’s certainly a few nuts among them!  For those who cannot view tweets, we made the effort to recode them. Only those with animated media were not recoded.  Because I am...
Mopshell 06/06/2017 210 84 - -
Kellyanne Conway's husband calls out Trump's travel ban tweets with a tweet of his own
How bad has it gotten inside the Trump White House? Kellyanne Conway’s husband, George Conway, takes Trump to task for his tweets about the travel ban: OSG is the Office of Solicitor General that would defend Trump’s travel ban at the Supreme...
Bob Johnson 06/06/2017 65 95 - -
London Mayor: 'more important things to do right now than to respond to Trump's ill informed tweets'
The Mayor of London has no time for Donald Trump. Leaders lead during a tragedy, Trump spews propaganda. Here are a couple of Trump’s ignorant and ill informed tweets. He has plenty of them. Using this tragedy to grift his failed travel...
First Amendment 06/06/2017 98 197 - -
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