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Big stuff happening today! But it’s the stuff KITM has been telling you about for a while now.

David Waldman brings Greg DworkinArmando and Joan McCarter together for a discussion repeated at kitchen tables across the country, at least the ones with polaroids, newspaper articles, thumbtacks and twine along the walls:  

The MSM kicks into gear! Specifically, specificity is what is making this stick.

We know Mike Flynn wasn’t alone, and it wasn’t the first time. Democrats are on fire, Republicans are becoming concerned, at least the ones not Putinphiles. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions remains a good confederate, even as we move into Benedict Arnold territory. The GOP circles the wagons: House Select Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes rolls over for Trump. McDonnell says nyet. Jason Chaffetz demands answers! No, not really. Rep. Adam Schiff, top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, doubts that Americans can get an impartial Trump inquiry.

We are one step away from putting on our freakout pajamasTrump’s team, of course keeps their cool. Donald will try everything but the kitchen sink today. He might quit trying Kellyanne, though.

If you guessed that North Carolinian-Russian Trump-colluding Weiner-hacking Catfishers were behind all of this, you might be right. Louise Mensch isn’t totally nuts. Greg Dworkin can see Russia from his house.

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