Scarborough: 'Out of the loop' Conway talks on TV without facts

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough on Tuesday blasted White House counselor Kellyanne Conway for claiming President Trump had "full confidence" in Michael Flynn hours before the national security adviser resigned.

“She goes out and lies, and you find out about those lies a couple hours later,” Scarborough said on "Morning Joe."

“Or if she's not lying ... she is — actually what I’ve heard she is — so out of the loop. She's in none of the meetings and she just goes out without talking, without having the facts.”

During an interview Monday on MSNBC, Conway said Trump had "full confidence" in Flynn amid reports that the national security adviser misled White House officials about his conversations with the Russia ambassador before Trump was sworn in.

“Yes, Gen. Flynn does enjoy the full confidence of the president,” Conway said.
Flynn resigned hours later, blaming his resignation on the "fast pace of events" that led him to "inadvertently" give Vice President Pence and others "incomplete information" about his phone conversations with Sergey Kislyak.
In his resignation, Flynn apologized to both Trump and Pence.

Flynn's future at the White House had been a topic of intense speculation since reports first emerged last week that he backtracked on his denial of speaking with Russia's top envoy to the U.S. during the transition period about sanctions levied by President Obama against Russia for its hacking of Democratic organizations throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. 

Scarborough said Tuesday that Conway is a "free agent."

"Everybody in the White House but Donald TrumpDonald TrumpCummings: Trump made up cancelled meeting Trump clashes with Jewish reporter over anti-Semitism question Mark Cuban: Trump 'isn't smart enough to be dangerous' MORE has complained for months that she is a free agent. She goes out, she says whatever she wants to say. She doesn’t coordinate her message," he said.

"And then she comes back in and they have to clean it up."
Scarborough said Conway will lie, but "the truth comes out."
"She will say she's being victimized," he said.
"She will then go in and get a picture with the president and then she’ll get the president to tweet something, and her staff — his staff — will have to clean this all up over and over again."