A suggestion for those hostile to Donald Trump's political platform, but have no faith in electoral politics.

Far-right anti-refugee protest in Dover

Anti-fascists blocked streets to delay a far-right anti-refugee march in Dover which only took place because the police cleared its route.

While the left press continues to praise the "Bolivarian Revolution," it has brought the country to the edge of a humanitarian disaster. Here are just a few of the problems, and not even the...

The Tribune Media Company's holdings.

The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board has published a hate-filled rant chock-full of misinformation in an attempt to discredit Chicago teachers who are engaging in a one-day strike today.


Excellent extended essay on black and Asian resistance in postwar Britain, giving a full overview of the intricate eco-system of journals, national organisations, workplace and community groups...


Workers on the Barbican site, 1965

Fantastic pamphlet on the workers' struggles during the construction of the brutalist masterpiece the Barbican in central London. Told largely in the words of the workers themselves.


Libcom's organising toolkit - guides to organising at work, in your local area and more.