on-the-job action

Building a community: construction workers in Stevenage 1950-1970

Construction workers in Stevenage

Interesting pamphlet about the workers who built the new town of Stevenage, commissioned by the government in 1946. Constructed from interviews with the workers themselves, they discuss their disputes with the employers and their building of a community.

Building the Barbican 1962-1982: taking the industry out of the dark ages

Workers on the Barbican site, 1965

Fantastic pamphlet on the workers' struggles during the construction of the brutalist masterpiece the Barbican in central London. Told largely in the words of the workers themselves.

Industrial action by NHS doctors, 1975 - Steven Johns

Junior doctors taking action in 1975

A short history of the three sets of industrial action which were undertaken by consultants and junior doctors respectively in the UK in 1975. Though both were very different in content, both were largely successful.

Jimmy John's Workers Picket in Baltimore

On October 19th, members of the IWW Jimmy John's Workers Union picketed their workplace to demand the rehiring of a worker who was targeted for his union membership.

Baltimore Jimmy John’s workers stop work, march on boss

On August 22nd, Jimmy John’s workers in Baltimore engaged in a short work stoppage and marched on the boss to demand the right to organize without retaliation.

Sabotage: a study in industrial conflict - Geoff Brown

Industrial Workers of the World post advocating sabotage

A superb and detailed 1977 study of the practice of worker sabotage of production, particularly by go-slows from the late 19th century to the late 20th.

Work to rule

An account by a Starbucks Workers Union organizer of a successful work-to-rule.

How I got fired and won my job back

An article from an IWW organizer about his organizing that led to his being fired and returned to work.

Just say no

A short of account of a low-level direct action - a collective refusal to undertake a certain aspect of work - that occurred at a small language school.

An account of winning reinstatement for a suspended worker

A short account from a friend of ours of how he and his colleagues managed to get a member of staff who had been suspended on disciplinary grounds reinstated.