Ambalavaner Sivanandan

From resistance to rebellion: Asian and Afro-Caribbean struggles in Britain - Ambalavaner Sivanandan

Excellent extended essay on black and Asian resistance in postwar Britain, giving a full overview of the intricate eco-system of journals, national organisations, workplace and community groups and their struggles against employers, landlords, the state and traditional organisations of the British left.

Catching history on the wing - Ambalavaner Sivanandan

Definitive collection of articles by Ambalavaner Sivanandan, director of the Institute of Race Relations and the editor of Race & Class, spanning his entire career since the 1970s. Included is a complete bibliography of Sivanandan’s writings, and an introduction by the chair of the IRR, Colin Prescod, which sets the writings in context.

The Grunwick Strike - A. Sivanandan

Grunwick strikers

An essay written during the middle of the Grunwicks strike in Willesden, north-west London. A predominatly east African Asian female workforce went on strike against poor conditions and for union recognition.