class struggle

From resistance to rebellion: Asian and Afro-Caribbean struggles in Britain - Ambalavaner Sivanandan

Excellent extended essay on black and Asian resistance in postwar Britain, giving a full overview of the intricate eco-system of journals, national organisations, workplace and community groups and their struggles against employers, landlords, the state and traditional organisations of the British left.

International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 6

International Council Correspondence, Vol. 2, no. 6, May 1936

Labour party debate What is Socialism?

Is Labour Government the Way to Socialism 1946 SPGB pamphlet cover

Transcript of the opening remarks of a debate between Steve Coleman (for the Socialist Party of Great Britain) and Councillor Laurence Spigel (for the Labour party) taking place on 4 April 1985 at the Duke of York in London. Full audio recording also available online.

The cycle of struggle 1973 to 1979 in India

Jayaprakash Narayan addressing a rally in 1974

Gurgaon Workers News on the mass workers' struggles in India in the 1970s and their relevance for the discussion on the relation between crisis, class struggle, ‘popular movements’ and state form today.

A rede de lutas na Itália - Romano Alquati

Exposição do conceito de composição de classe, ferramenta teórica e prática que visa favorecer o movimento autônomo do proletariado. Partindo das conexões materiais e sociais (geográficas, produtivas, educativas, subjetivas...) colocadas pela classe capitalista, o proletariado cria suas próprias conexões, sua própria autonomia de classe, podendo se tornar capaz de se opor ao capital num nível mais radical.

The real movement we need

Some thoughts on building mass movements and organising, in relation to the Labour Party

Global working class - Wildcat Germany

Indonesian workers' demonstration during national strike for higher wages, 2013.

Article on the development of class struggle in the last few years by Wildcat Germany. Translated from Wildcat no. 98, summer 2015

A hundred year war - Ngo Van Xuyet

In this two-part talk given in 2001 in Paris, Ngo Van Xuyet introduces his two books about Vietnam (Viêt-nam 1920-1945: révolution et contre-révolution sous la domination coloniale [1997] and Au pays de la Cloche fêlée: Tribulations d’un Cochinchinois à l’époque coloniale [2000]), starting with a critical chronology of the 1920s, and concluding with a first-person account of the period between 1930 and 1945, when Ho Chi Minh’s Viet Minh seized power after the Japanese surrender and immediately proceeded to exterminate the Vietnamese Trotskyists, while workers and peasants formed councils that were suppressed by the Stalinist government’s military forces.

10 things the left should see the back of right now - Isla Williams

Intersectional HQ

With the Tories in power the left is in full-on reconstruction mode. But while we do this it’s important to remember the lessons of the last five years. With this in mind, here are ten suggestions the things the left should see the back of right now.

So, the government got in…

The election results are in. The Tories can form a majority government to rule for the next five years. Now what?