The Ponce massacre, 1937

Ponce massacre: police begin firing

A short history of the massacre in Puerto Rico of peaceful demonstrators calling for the release of imprisoned separatist leader Pedro Campos by police acting on the orders of the US-appointed governor.

Baltimore and the Black Lives Matter movement

An interview with Baltimore activists looking into the social issues that fed into and inspired the Black Lives Matter movement in the city, how it developed and where they see social movements heading in the near future.

Straight Outta Compton: NWA's righteous anger at the police and reactionary view of women - Miriam

A brief review of the movie Straight Outta Compton by Miriam, a Detroit member of First of May Anarchist Alliance.

International Council Correspondence Volume 3, Number 1

The Volume 3, Number 1 (January 1937) issue of International Council Correspondence.

On Trump, fascism, and stale social science - Matthew Lyons

Donald Trump's rise as a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination set off a flurry of articles labeling him a fascist. These pieces -- which have appeared on sites as varied as Newsweek, Common Dreams, and CounterPunch -- are misguided. Calling Trump a fascist promotes a distorted understanding of fascism and obscures the fact that Trump's demagogic hate-mongering is deeply rooted in mainstream U.S. politics.

Trump: “anti-political” or right wing? - Matthew Lyons

Some leftists have declared recently that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is fundamentally “anti-political” rather than right wing. But the evidence they offer actually highlights the similarities between Trump and earlier right-wing populist candidates Patrick Buchanan and George Wallace. This debate also highlights the need to combat both Trump’s demagoguery and the political establishment he is railing against.

Announcing the Anarcho-syndicalist Initiative

A statement by U.S.-based Workers Solidarity Alliance about a new project called Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative.

Are Solidarity Networks the future of housing justice?

As tenant movements heat our cities up, what edge to solidarity networks give to the struggle?

Washington Post offers pathetic excuses after its bias is exposed

The Washington Post published 16 negative Bernie Sander's stories in 16 hours.

Excuses were made as the paper tried to explain away a viral article criticizing it for publishing 16 negative Bernie Sanders stories in 16 hours.

International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 9

The Volume 1, Number 9 (June 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.