
From resistance to rebellion: Asian and Afro-Caribbean struggles in Britain - Ambalavaner Sivanandan

Excellent extended essay on black and Asian resistance in postwar Britain, giving a full overview of the intricate eco-system of journals, national organisations, workplace and community groups and their struggles against employers, landlords, the state and traditional organisations of the British left.

Catching history on the wing - Ambalavaner Sivanandan

Definitive collection of articles by Ambalavaner Sivanandan, director of the Institute of Race Relations and the editor of Race & Class, spanning his entire career since the 1970s. Included is a complete bibliography of Sivanandan’s writings, and an introduction by the chair of the IRR, Colin Prescod, which sets the writings in context.

Migration, refugees and labour

In depth analysis of EU migration and the 'refugee crisis' in relation to labour market restructuring and working class composition

Autonomous social center Klinika attacked by Nazis

Klinika social centre

On 6th of February in Prague, the autonomous social center Klinika was attacked by Nazis after solidarity demonstration against Fortress Europe.

States, Nations, Borders. Bullshit! Oppose Fascists in Dover! - Plan C

Anti-fascists in Plan C on why they are supporting the call out by the Anti-Fascist Network (AFN) to mobilise against the far-right in Dover on 30th January, encouraging people to participate in the demonstration.

Opposing the far-right in Dover

On Saturday 30 January, fascists and assorted racists from a range of far-right groups will descend on the port town of Dover. Their aim is to incite racial hatred, primarily against Muslims, exploiting the so-called ‘migrant crisis’ to call for cast-iron border controls and white unity.

Racist tide in the Netherlands encounters opposition

"No against asylum seekers center"...

The Netherlands is experiencing a wave of racist, sometimes openly violent, actions andstreet mobilizations, mainly against refugees and the sheltering of refugees.

The Paris effect: Looking for ISIS in the wrong place

A look at how the supposedly anti-ISIS crack down across Europe has been used against social movements in Italy.

1937 cigar industry strike

Mary Zuk addresses sit down strikers, 1937

A history of the sit down strikes by predominantly Polish women workers in Detroit during the great depression: part of a national wave of sit-ins.