
Building a community: construction workers in Stevenage 1950-1970

Construction workers in Stevenage

Interesting pamphlet about the workers who built the new town of Stevenage, commissioned by the government in 1946. Constructed from interviews with the workers themselves, they discuss their disputes with the employers and their building of a community.

Battles on the Barbican: the struggle for trade unionism in the British building industry, 1965–7 - Charlie McGuire, Linda Clarke and Christine Wall

Construction workers at the Barbican. Photograph by John Steeden.

History of the industrial disputes and workers' struggles on the Barbican construction site 1965-1967.

Building the Barbican 1962-1982: taking the industry out of the dark ages

Workers on the Barbican site, 1965

Fantastic pamphlet on the workers' struggles during the construction of the brutalist masterpiece the Barbican in central London. Told largely in the words of the workers themselves.

Reflections on The lump by Dave Lamb - Dave Walton

Building workers rally in Liverpool against a union sell-out

A couple of decades on after the publication of the controversial Solidarity pamphlet on the lump (a way of casualising construction work), Dave Walton, a former construction worker looks back on it and the struggles of the time.

The lump: an heretical analysis - Dave Lamb

1974 pamphlet by Solidarity criticising the standard left and union response to "the lump": the paying of building workers by lump sums for a job instead of union rates on national terms and conditions. Deeply controversial at the time, it criticised the slogan "Defend the unions, smash the lump!" and pointed out that the building unions agreeing to enforce a government pay freeze in "national interest" bore much responsibility for the development.

Brazil World Cup 2014: workers' deaths, racism, gentrification, and cultural terrorism

A brief look at the deaths of four construction workers at the World Cup 2014 stadium construction sites, and at several other scandals associated with next summer's tournament, FIFA, event organisers, and the Brazilian political elite.

Worker in Poland almost killed by capitalist

News about a worker who was almost killed just because he wanted his money.

Construction workers clash with police on Melbourne picket line

Police have clashed with striking construction workers in Melbourne. The strikers have been blockading entrances to a $250 million construction project for the last week.

Balfour Beatty construction workers win swift victory in unofficial action

Balfour Beatty construction workers - the majority non-union - take successful unofficial strike action after management failed to keep their promises about time off for weekends.

Hammer and Tongs - Workers Playtime

An article by Workers Playtime arguing for independent action on behalf of workers by detailing a personal account of the 1981 Crossword strike at the Scott Lithgow shipyard, Clydeside and the shop stewards committee's breaking of it.