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Flyposter: Project Gorgopotamos – CCF Escape Trial (Greece)

February 15th, 2016

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Strength to comrade Panagiotis Aspiotis from Network of Combative Prisoners – DAK (Greece)

February 14th, 2016

On February 6th, anarchist comrade Panagiotis Aspiotis is transferred
from Navplio prisons allegedly to Koridallos prisons. In reality they
transferred him to the isolation section of the metagogon (transfer
detention cells bulding). A bit later it became known that the comrade,
while having his arms tied up behind his back, got attacked by the
cowardly hooded thugs of the anti-terrorist force who seriously injured
him during but also after the reason for their visit which was no more
than to extract a DNA sample. Later the comrade was transferred to the
hospital for exams. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

“We are on the side of Life, not Death”: Peace campaign from Women’s & LGBTI groups (Turkey)

February 14th, 2016

PDF: We are on the Side of Life, not Death

“You may remember our international call for support and solidarity for this
campaign in mid-January, when we asked women’s and LGBTI groups and
individuals across the world to sign onto our petition in the midst of an
intensifying war in Turkey. As we stated back then, the resolution process
that was started in 2012 for a political solution to the Kurdish issue in
Turkey has come to a halt. For the past seven months, we have turned back
to war – with an ever-increasing level of violence. As of the 16th of
January, 2016, 20 districts of seven different provinces have suffered 57
curfews altogether, remaining under curfew for a total of 376 days.

Currently the sieges on Cizre and Silopi have reached 59 days, while the
Sur neighbourhood of Diyarbakır has been under siege for 71 days already.
In these seven months hundreds of people – civilians, guerilla fighters,
soldiers, police forces – have been killed or wounded.

In areas where clashes are intense and curfews have been declared due to
military operations, tens of thousands of people have been forced or left
no choice but to leave their homes, becoming migrants, i.e. internally
displaced persons. Those who have been unable to leave, or who have chosen
to remain in their homes, in their neighbourhoods despite intense attacks
by security forces have been declared ‘illegal’. Their lives are under dire
threat, and all their possessions suffer serious damage. Dozens of families
have been forced to take refuge in crowded basements due to military
bombings, with nothing to eat but a loaf of dry bread which they share.
Pregnant women have either given birth early or miscarried. Many people
have lost their lives, unable to reach hospitals due to sniper fire. The
bodies of those who are killed remain in the streets for days, as people
are not allowed by the state to claim their dead. Families are not given
the right to bury their loved ones. Only this week, the naked bodies of
women who have been killed in Cizre by state security forces have been
displayed. Only this week, more than 60 people have been massacred in three
separate basements in Cizre. Those wounded in one of these basements have
been there for weeks, calling for an ambulance….”

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Posted in Social Control |

Second communique of ITS – 2016 (Mexico)

February 14th, 2016

Crescent Moon of February

“Individualists Tending Toward the Wild” (ITS) claims responsibility for the following:

January 28th, 2016
-A timer-activated explosive device against the “National Water Commission” (Conagua) located on Avenida Insurgentes Sur, Delegación Tlalpan, Mexico City.
This device led to police mobilization.

-Homemade explosive detonated at the “Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fishing, and Nutrition” (Sagarpa) on Avenida Presidente Juárez de Tlalnepantla de Baz, Mexico State.
The explosive was left in front of the Secretariat in the city center of Tlalnepantla, around 9 o’clock in the evening. The device exploded successfully leaving two people wounded. The blast and shrapnel damaged several nearby cars and generated substantial police and military

February 3rd, 2016
-We detonated an explosive package in front of the conglomerate of the apartments known as “Tec Siuts” where students of the Tec of Monterrey inhabit, located on the highway Lago de Guadalupe in Atizapán, Mexico State.
– A homemade explosive device was detonated at one of the entrances of the Tec of Monterrey in similar manner on the Lago de Guadalupe highway in the same municipality.
With these two acts we remind those associated with that academic institution that we continue the War against all who promote and develop Scientific and Technological Progress, and who hide behind the walls of that abhorrent university (as well as others).

February 8th, 2016
-A fuze-activated package-bomb composed of dynamite was abandoned at the central offices of the Sagarpa in the Tabachines neighborhood in the municipality of Zapopan, Jalisco. The package was destined for the head of that federal institution.

-Another fuze-activated package bomb composed this time of a hard cardboard tube filled with gunpowder was abandoned at the “National Science and Technology Council” (Conacyt), destined for the head of that institution, in the Vallarta San Jorge neighborhood in Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Even though both explosives did not reach their respective targets (according to the press), and failed to wound or kill them, they caused great police and military mobilization in both municipalities. The press stated the following concerning this matter: “a police explosives
specialist commented that even if the devices did not contain a large amount of explosives, they could have caused fatal harm to those who were within a close radius of their explosion.”

Let it be known that ITS is also in Jalisco. This was only a test, and we continue to be committed to terrorizing, wounding, mutilating, and even killing those cynical people who, while hiding behind an institution that claims to be “concerned” about nature, are nevertheless directly responsible
for its devastation and domestication.
This isn’t over. The War continues!
Axkan Kema, Tehuatl, Nehuatl!!

Individualists Tending Toward the Wild:
-Feral-Criminal Band (Jalisco)
-Clandestine Group “Fury of the Lynx” (Mexico City)
-Ouroboros Silvestre (Mexico State)

Postscript for federal security forces:
Are you nervous because the groups that attack and commit terrorism against civilization are multiplying?
Are you nervous that the abhorrent and sickening visit of the Pope is just around the corner, because we are still out on the street, and you haven’t caught us yet?
You have lots of reasons to be nervous.



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Posted in Direct Action |

Berlin: Burning cars and broken windows after police raid against Rigaer 94 (Germany)

February 13th, 2016

Attack on police riot van in Friedrichshain during demo of Feb 6 2015

“R94 Lives!” read the fresh graffiti. Daubed in red paint across an office of Berlin’s ruling SPD scum, which lost its windows too, the slogan (since scrubbed off) referred to a massive police raid on an East Berlin squat on January 13, one of the largest and most controversial in Berlin’s recent history.

Following an attack of a police officer nearby, a 500-strong anti-riot team backed up by special forces, dogs and helicopters stormed into the so-called “occupied house” at 94, Rigaer Strasse (or “R94”) on Wednesday night. Police raided the two houses next door the following day and kept up a heavy stop-and-search presence till now.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5Zth5-uiV8

Taking place at one of Berlin’s best-known anarchist project, the raid has sent shockwaves through the city, sparking a heated debate on whether it was a case of necessary public safety or unlawful police overreach. For the police and their defenders, the raid was an inevitable consequence of continuing disorder and antagonism coming from the squat. For their critics, the assault on the officer was an excuse used by the police to launch an only quasi-lawful attack on people who they disliked. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘Forever Guilty’ -Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF (Greece)

February 12th, 2016


The trials of anarchist prisoners who chose to give a violent form to their ideas and values, who chose to associate with fire, explosives and bullets their hatred towards Power, is another instance of a war between the Anarchist Revolt and the world of Sovereignty. That’s why, reaching the end of such a trial, the third one in a row I have to face due to my action as a member of the anarchist group of direct action Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I feel the need for my words to meet again with every anarchist comrade outside the walls.

Since September 2009 when I made the leap towards illegal freedom while being wanted, choosing to continue anarchist action through taking part in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire until now, it’s been six years. Six years, five of which have run through the concrete time and space and the suffocating reality of captivity. About 1825 days walking endless kilometers in circles under a piece of sky carved with barbed wire thorns. About 1825 days locked before sundown.

Five years away from wandering in the wild streets of anarchist action, away from those beautiful moments where attack shatters regularity. Five years where the appearance of comrades, friendly and loved ones is being reflected in the windows of predetermined visiting hours and days, completing a puzzle of faded portraits of so many people who have a living reason to cross the threshold of the prison hoping in “sometime together again”.

Yet in these five years there has not been a single moment when I looked back doubting whether it was worth it. Because the value and the beauty of anarchist revolt cannot be replaced by the cold mathematics of court sentences.

In these five years of continuous prosecutions, the decades of penalties imposed on me, the courts to add on more decades, more years, more exiled days in this armored Neverland, I still remain proud of my choices and for joining the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and its overall action, which undergoes your trials again and again constantly repeating the same and the same charges :

Terrorist, terrorist, terrorist…


For your own rotten civilization
For the poisoned ideals and values that you represent
For the brutality and horror on which you step building your careers


Because although being captive my heart is wherever anarchist Conspiracies are being concocted against the culture of Power, next to those who burn flatness, next to those who incite in any way the constant anarchist insurrection and next to those who live at the limits through the attack on sovereignty and for that reason


As for the overall action of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I’m a living part of it just like it is my own living part. However, this concerns only me and my comrades and in no way am I willing to assist the judicial authorities in their work. But all judges who have actively assisted in the war against Anarchist Insurrection should have in mind that responsibilities never retire and will always go after them.

And I know from history that always throughout the years there are consciousnesses who choose to walk in the trails of anarchist revolt and to arm their desires. To all those comrades who perhaps are already moving in the shadows or perhaps move there in the future, I have to say that if I occasionally feel some moments of freedom it is through the anarchist attacks which remind me that the Constant Anarchist Rebellion is being continued.

So I feel proud that even now, after five years of captivity and multiple more years hanging over me I can still yell through the cracks of your, reinforced with double concrete layers and triple rows of barbed wire, walls:


Panagiotis Argirou
Proud member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI / IRF

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty |

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire Solidarity Poster for Escape Case Trial (Greece)

February 12th, 2016

via insurrectionnews.

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Saronno: Rotodyne headquarters attacked (Italy)

February 9th, 2016

In the night between 28 and 29 January the headquarters of Rotodyne offices in Saronno was hit by a Molotov cocktail. Rotodyne develops equipment for the maintenance and construction of helicopters and warplanes (EH 101, NH-90, EuroFighter Typhoon), including the Lockheed F35 Lightning, designed and used by the Marines, the aeronautic and the US navy, as well as by many other NATO countries, including Italy.

The distributors of its products, and the companies with which it collaborates, are Alenia-Airmacchi, Augusta Westland (Finmeccanica group), Aereotech, Patria Helicopters.

Its products have been adopted by the Danish, Irish, Greek, Oman and Italian armed forces; by the Dutch, Swedish and Italian police; by the army, coast guards and the Italian navy.

It’s impossible to remain passive in the face of those for whom war is a business.

It is right to attack them before their products can contribute to causing death and devastation.

To stand by without acting would have made us accomplices.


via actforfree, informa-azione.

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Solidarity with anarchist prisoner Sean Swain (USA)

February 7th, 2016

Warren Correctional Institution, not content with merely restricting Sean’s communications with the outside world, has now assigned a lieutenant to read through all printed materials sent to Sean.

Please take a minute to send Sean some reading material. That stack of zines in the bathroom? That one book you’ve had for years but will never read? All those fancy new publications you designed? Send them all! Let’s help Sean (and the fuckweasels who intercept his mail) something to pass the time.

Send reading material to:

Sean Swain #243-205
Warren CI
P.O. Box 120
Lebanon, Ohio 45036


We receive & transmit:

Bloomington, Indiana (USA): Banner hung in solidarity with Sean Swain

We hung a banner in solidarity with Sean Swain’s struggles against the prison system in Ohio. Despite repeatedly being transferred and having his communications cut off, Sean remains uncompromising in his pursuit of freedom, putting his life on the line in struggle against the state. We keep his words and deeds with us as we carry out our own struggles against prison society.

Fundraising, letters, demonstrations, banners, graffiti, and direct attacks form a bright tapestry of revolutionary solidarity. Let’s always be searching for new ways to break down the isolation of imprisonment and build complicity through the prison walls.

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Civitavecchia: FAI / FRI communique for the explosive attack on the court (Italy)

February 7th, 2016

My heart abhors and defies
The powerful of the earth,
My arm makes war on the cowardly oppressor
(Rebel Love – Pietro Gori)

We are living in a state of permanent global war, the perpetual war between oppressors, we know it and we know the main and secondary characters of dominion. Above all the oppressed know it, those who suffer arbitrary power over their lives.

Right now we are witnessing the passage of tanks and military in the streets of the rich and opulent West, the increase in controls and garrisons in defence of the order of commerce and consumption, the militarization of the territory.

Changes that strike even the most dormant minds, but which the strategy of global control will try to make us digest.

Among the exploited, gentlemen, there are two classes of individuals. Those of one class, not realizing what they are and what they might be, take life as it comes, believe that they are born to be slaves, and content themselves with the little that is given them in exchange for their labour. But there are others, on the contrary, who think, who study, and who, looking about them, discover social iniquities. (Auguste Vaillant)

We are not so short-sighted as to believe that this global war has such clear and sharp sides. Just as we recognize the enemies of freedom, we cannot bear the resignation and tolerance of those who are willing to give a piece of their lives every day. That is why we don’t delude ourselves that we are working for any revolution, we see clearly that the only anarchy realisable is what we experience when we finally free ourselves of every burden and decide to attack power. An experience that we feel we share with comrades around the world participating in the project of spreading the F.A.I / F.R.I. anarchist seed.

Tonight we planted this seed in the form of an explosive device placed in one of the key locations of State repression dispersed throughout the territory: the court of Civitavecchia. We decided to take our freedom ourselves. We have sharpened tools, analysed tactics, because we thirst for anarchy, and we are impatient.

Courts and prisons are simply outposts of dominion; places that are not just symbolic, but physical, where the State and the authorities stamp those who do not conform to the dictates of global control with the brand of condemnation, guilt, imprisonment and exclusion.

While holy doors are opening wide to spread miserable feelings such as mercy and compassion, we are breaking down ideological and real walls to allow the real hatred that motivates us to be reconciled with the love of a free life. Today we acted convinced that we don’t want to carry the experiences of the comrades we have lost, like those who are locked up or on the run, in some antrum of our heart, but to free them, leaving them to arm our hands, warm our flesh.

That is why our greeting goes to the comrades and prisoners who with their non-submission contribute to the spreading of joyful conscious subversion.


Fireworks committee for an extraordinary year, F.A.I / F.R.I.


via informa-azione
Translated by Act for freedom now

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