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‘Forever Guilty’ -Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF (Greece)


The trials of anarchist prisoners who chose to give a violent form to their ideas and values, who chose to associate with fire, explosives and bullets their hatred towards Power, is another instance of a war between the Anarchist Revolt and the world of Sovereignty. That’s why, reaching the end of such a trial, the third one in a row I have to face due to my action as a member of the anarchist group of direct action Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I feel the need for my words to meet again with every anarchist comrade outside the walls.

Since September 2009 when I made the leap towards illegal freedom while being wanted, choosing to continue anarchist action through taking part in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire until now, it’s been six years. Six years, five of which have run through the concrete time and space and the suffocating reality of captivity. About 1825 days walking endless kilometers in circles under a piece of sky carved with barbed wire thorns. About 1825 days locked before sundown.

Five years away from wandering in the wild streets of anarchist action, away from those beautiful moments where attack shatters regularity. Five years where the appearance of comrades, friendly and loved ones is being reflected in the windows of predetermined visiting hours and days, completing a puzzle of faded portraits of so many people who have a living reason to cross the threshold of the prison hoping in “sometime together again”.

Yet in these five years there has not been a single moment when I looked back doubting whether it was worth it. Because the value and the beauty of anarchist revolt cannot be replaced by the cold mathematics of court sentences.

In these five years of continuous prosecutions, the decades of penalties imposed on me, the courts to add on more decades, more years, more exiled days in this armored Neverland, I still remain proud of my choices and for joining the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and its overall action, which undergoes your trials again and again constantly repeating the same and the same charges :

Terrorist, terrorist, terrorist…


For your own rotten civilization
For the poisoned ideals and values that you represent
For the brutality and horror on which you step building your careers


Because although being captive my heart is wherever anarchist Conspiracies are being concocted against the culture of Power, next to those who burn flatness, next to those who incite in any way the constant anarchist insurrection and next to those who live at the limits through the attack on sovereignty and for that reason


As for the overall action of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I’m a living part of it just like it is my own living part. However, this concerns only me and my comrades and in no way am I willing to assist the judicial authorities in their work. But all judges who have actively assisted in the war against Anarchist Insurrection should have in mind that responsibilities never retire and will always go after them.

And I know from history that always throughout the years there are consciousnesses who choose to walk in the trails of anarchist revolt and to arm their desires. To all those comrades who perhaps are already moving in the shadows or perhaps move there in the future, I have to say that if I occasionally feel some moments of freedom it is through the anarchist attacks which remind me that the Constant Anarchist Rebellion is being continued.

So I feel proud that even now, after five years of captivity and multiple more years hanging over me I can still yell through the cracks of your, reinforced with double concrete layers and triple rows of barbed wire, walls:


Panagiotis Argirou
Proud member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI / IRF

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This entry was posted on Friday, February 12th, 2016 at 4:15 pm and is filed under Cognitive Liberty.