Berlin: Attack against arms company Thales (Germany)

November 23rd, 2016

It is getting warmer, concerning the preparations for a hot July against the G20-Summit. In the night from 11th to 12th November property of the Thales Company was destroyed.

Thales is one of the eleven biggest armaments companies with an annual sales of 14 billion Euros and above this part of some technology programs, like the satellite range Galileo.

Initially conceived only for civil use, like smartphones, navigation systems, etc. decided the European Parliament in July 2008, that this technic should be available to the European Security- and Defense Politics (ESVP). Thales developed the project „Watchkeeper“, too. On commission for the British Forces an unmanned drone (Thales Watchkeeper WK450) was produced. They got ready in 2012 and flew until 2014 some 140 times over Afghanistan and were consistently upgraded in 2016. Since this year it is possible to load the drone with a 2-kg-warhead and laser- and GPS-control. At last the technology from Thales can kill directly. Read the rest of this entry »

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Attack against Deutsche Telekom in Berlin (Germany)

November 23rd, 2016

Eight month before the G20 – Summit in Hamburg, clandestine connections carry out their attacks against the current order in whole Europe every night. Mostly without knowing each other, our fires find similar targets in the hotspots of anarchist subversion, which are placed over the state-owned construct of the European Fortress. Often in a local frame of reference and too rare with the perspective of an international sabotage against the instruments of dominion.

So is the net of people, aggressive and poised to attack, always on the search for opportunities to direct the attacks to a common focus. We should have more courage to arrange to meet us, to travel in order to find places were we get in exchange of ideas and multiply our related experiences. But we want to conduct actions as well in the places where we live, which build relations above the local and specific context, which ignore temporary borders and get incalculable with it. Read the rest of this entry »

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Anarchist arson of council vehicle in South Shields, Tyneside (UK)

November 18th, 2016

An anonymous person (anarchist) set fire to a council vehicle in Pine Avenue, South Shields (Tyneside) in the early hours of Wednesday 9th November 2016. There was no media coverage at all of this fire.

This van was set alight as a direct attack against the council, local authority and councilors to cause disruption and cost money. The normal working class person in the U.K. is getting poorer each month and finding it harder to survive, meanwhile the rich fat cat councilors get richer by means of parking tickets, fines for dropping litter, putting a bin out at the wrong time and other so called offences.

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“Solidarity: A crack of the time in captivity” by CCF (Greece)

November 18th, 2016

There are many times where the harsh awareness of our weakness to express ourselves like we would’ve wanted comes, with its dithyrambic countenance of a winner tightening our hearts. It always irritated us to limit our manifestation of desires, let alone to just trap them with just ink in a piece of paper, transforming them into words that are being repeated so often, that their power has begun to perish from the burden of this almost typical repeatability. But there are also some words, that no matter how much they get worn down by their repeated use, they keep radiating by the glimmer that camaraderie gives to them. Words that give you strength, that give smiles upon our faces, that break through the imprisoned solitude. Words like solidarity.

We would’ve of course preferred if these words were accompanied by the vital strength of an action, an attack, the intensity of a fire in the dark, the sound of an explosion, the twisting of a bullet in a barrel. Read the rest of this entry »

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London solidarity event for anarchist communist Tasos Theofilou (UK)

November 15th, 2016

“Concrete and wires prevail everywhere.
Looking out from the window of my cell, behind the bar,
I see a piece of sky decorated with some barbed wire.”

Tasos Theofilou

Join us on Friday 18th of November for our info night event in solidarity with the anarchist communist Tasos Theofilou who is currently in prison, after being sentenced on the basis of forged and non existent evidence. He was convicted just because he is an anarchist. He was convicted because he didn’t lose his smile even when the court of first instance announced his sentence.

Projections, case updates, phone call interventions and presentation of Tasos’ inspiring writings…
Bring your insurrectionary poetry for our open mic!

Starting at 18:00 sharp at L.A.R.C. (62 Fieldgate Street E1 1ES London)
18:30 Phone call intervention with comrades in Athens, Greece
20:00 Phone call intervention with imprisoned comrade Tasos Theofilou.

Live music will follow, starting at 21:00.
Bar will run throughout the evening. Entry on free donation.

Feel free to spread the word!!!
See you all there!

P.S. Please respect the fact that we do not wish this event to be republished on social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc.
Anarchists in Solidarity

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Interview with released anti-fascist prisoner Alexei Gaskarov (Russia)

November 15th, 2016

Alexei Gaskarov was released from prison 27th of October, here is a great interview which was translated from Snob by the Russian reader.

Alexei Gaskarov: What Politics?

Alexei Gaskarov: Many People Ask Whether I Am Going to Take up Politics.
But What Politics Are There Nowadays?
Olesya Gerasimenko

November 1, 2016

Anti-fascist Alexei Gaskarov has been released from prison after serving three and a half years in prison for alleged involvement in the Bolotyana Square riot in Moscow in 2012. Snob asked Kommersant special correspondent Olesya Gerasimenko to meet with Gaskarov to discuss the Bolotnaya Square case, life and education in the penal colony, and the death of the protest movement.

“Why would they ask me about organizing a riot if they knew no one organized it?”

Was your trial fair?

I regret we agreed to be involved in it. Like Soviet political prisoners, we should have stood with our backs turned and kept our mouths shut, and not treated it as an attempt to get at the truth. I had illusions after Khimki. [In 2010, Gaskarov was arrested and charged with attacking the Khimki town hall during a protest in defense of Khimki Forest, but the court acquitted him. — Snob] Several videos showed clearly that the incidents involving me happened before the riot kicked off, according to police investigators themselves. In the end, I ticked off the evidence, the judge nodded her head, but there was no reaction.

The entire trial looked as if the decision had already been made, the sentence written out, and let’s get this over as quickly as possible.

Read the rest of the interview here.

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Apoist Youth Initiative attack fascist organizations in London (UK)

November 15th, 2016

The Apoist Youth Initiative has attacked a London-based organization that is close to Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı (Presidency of Religious Affairs) and the Turkish Islamic Society in Newington Green / London.

The 30 youths who attacked these two fascist organizations declared that they had targeted them because of their dirty policies against the Kurdish freedom movement.

Both organizations were bombarded with fireworks, the windows were smashed and ‘Turkey = ISIS (DAESH)’ was spray painted on the walls.

The young people declared that similar actions would continue.

via Rojaciwan, translated by Insurrection News

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Bremen: Arson attack destroys 18 military vehicles causing 15 million euros worth of damage (Germany)

November 15th, 2016

From the German corporate media we learn that on the 23rd of October unknown attackers targeted a civilian system engineering company in Bremen that was equipping Bundeswehr (German armed forces) vehicles with new communications technology.

The attackers lit three separate fires at the premises which resulted in the complete destruction of 18 military vehicles.

The damage bill from the attack has been reported as being around 15 million Euros.

via Insurrection News

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Immigration raid disrupted in Bristol (UK)

November 8th, 2016

A couple of weeks ago the Home Office once again sent their uniformed bullies into Easton. This time things did not go smoothly for them.

Early evening on a weekday in mid-October: word spread that ‘immigration enforcement’ vans had been spotted near an off-license in the backstreets of Easton, Bristol. People soon started to gather. Some had heard what was happening, others were passing by and stopped to watch.

Several of the ‘enforcement’ thugs were inside the off-license, and a couple of people went inside briefly, presumably to make sure everyone inside knew their rights. Before long someone from inside was marched out and put in the van. The small crowd followed, heckling and shaming the racist quasi-cops as they went.

Then the van drove off, leaving two of the ‘enforcement’ bods behind in the offie. People stuck around to see what they were up to next. As they loitered we overheard them on the phone sounding mildly rattled.

Then they made a silly mistake – they came back again with the same van to pick up these stragglers. By now the crowd of people wanting to challenge them was just a bit bigger, and a bit more confident – enough to make the difference between heckling and resistance.

Finding their van blocked on several sides, while louder chants filled the air, they panicked and turned down a one-way street – the wrong way! As they realised their mistake and came to a halt, they were quickly surrounded and blocked. One of their tyres started to lose some air, albeit very slowly.

A standoff ensued: those inside the van sitting tight waiting for the police to rescue them, those outside unable to find a way to free the person imprisoned inside. Someone was holding up useful phone numbers next to the window, but who knows if they had a pen, let alone their phone?

Eventually, a group of cops turned up, on foot, running and somewhat out of breath. Apparently the rush hour chaos on the main roads had combined with the various one-way backstreets of the area to make life a bit stressful for them.

Bizarrely, their first demand (to someone standing in the road nearby) was: “Who are you with?”. Cue a certain amount of confusion, causing even more grumpiness on their parts.

After a certain amount of shoving and threatening arrest, they pushed us out of the road. The van drove off, in spite of the low tyre, with its kidnapped captive still inside. Not what we might have hoped for, but at least we made it difficult for them – and began to prove to ourselves that it is possible to stop them.

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Posted in No Borders |

Statement of imprisoned comrade Nikos Maziotis at the ongoing trial of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

November 4th, 2016

The armed attack of Revolutionary Struggle against riot police in Exarchia was one of the most important actions of the organization. It was a legitimate political and social action in retaliation for the murder of 16 year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos by the policemen Korkoneas and Saralioti, which took place on December 6, 2008. This murder was the result of the intensification of police violence in recent years, and was formed under conditions of intensive neoliberal reforms and the “war against terrorism” in the same period.

In particular, this development took on larger dimensions in the spring of 2007, when there were violent clashes and attacks in the center of Athens between students, youths and anarchists against squads of riot police, in the protests that were against the bill of the Ministry of Education to promote the privatization of education.

The then minister of Public Order, Byron Polidoras, when taking office truthfully addressed the police as “Praetorians”, and when after these riots followed anarchist attacks on police stations in Exarchia and Papagos, he had stated that “the police have steady nerves” and can safely pull out their guns. Essentially, this more or less gave the green light to fire against unarmed demonstrators, youths and anarchists. At the same time there was a climate promoted by the state and the Ministry of Public Order, with declarations from this same minister and also the police union, promoting the cleaning of anarchists from Exarchia, speaking of the reclamation of Exarchia for the state. A similar debate and counter-debate exists now between Syriza government and the main opposition party of New Democracy. Read the rest of this entry »

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