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Posts Tagged ‘Mexico City’

Bail set for anarchist comrade Yorch, but the farce continues (Mexico)

Thursday, March 10th, 2016

The Federal Public Ministry could not prove their claim that the comrade is drug dealer, so the judge had to change the charge of crimes against health in selling arrangement to simple possession of narcotics, crime considered not serious so a bail was set.

This morning the bail required for release of comrade Yorch was paid. Now it’s about time to leave the maximum security prison of Hermosillo. The process continuous, although now he will face it outside the prison.

Surely this shows clearly the gross farce that the State intends to create by arresting Yorch and although it seems that they failed to build it they continue in their efforts hand to hand with the mass media: today newspapers announced that the PGR will appeal this decision and maybe our comrade will not be released

We are not surprised. We know that the campaign against the anarchist movement will continue and we know that one of the goals of this campaign is to evict the Okupa Che squat.

In response we can only continue to extend the solidarity!

Anarchist Black Cross Mexico

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Posted in Social Control

Update about comrade Yorsh, kidnapped and framed as a drug-dealer (Mexico)

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

From ABC Mexico:

On the night of Wednesday, February 24, Jorge Emilio Muñoz Esquivel, George or “Yorsh” was arrested outside the university campus in Mexico City. Then he was accused of drug dealing by the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR). The official version was repeated ad nauseam by all government media (starting with La Jornada and ending the UNAM’s own dean’s office). When Jorge briefly left university campus that night to accompany some friends who were leaving, he was not carrying anything: no backpack, probably no sweater or jacket, because he planned to return quickly. The so-called “load” of drugs the PGR charged him with, either never existed or was planted on him on the way to their offices after being kidnapped.

Jorge is not a university student. He is neither an academic nor administrative employee of the UNAM. He has no “account number”, receives no scholarship or paycheck every payday.

He does not belong to any professors’ association nor is he an enrolled researcher with any level of the National System of Researchers (SNI). He does not got to any classroom, cubicle or institute. He doesn’t check a timecard, nor does he have a union. He does not pay any fees to the Office of University Heritage or to the Board of Trustees for the use of a vending stand. He is not the beneficiary of any university, local or federal government program, nor is he backed by any official NGOs. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Second communique of ITS – 2016 (Mexico)

Sunday, February 14th, 2016

Crescent Moon of February

“Individualists Tending Toward the Wild” (ITS) claims responsibility for the following:

January 28th, 2016
-A timer-activated explosive device against the “National Water Commission” (Conagua) located on Avenida Insurgentes Sur, Delegación Tlalpan, Mexico City.
This device led to police mobilization.

-Homemade explosive detonated at the “Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fishing, and Nutrition” (Sagarpa) on Avenida Presidente Juárez de Tlalnepantla de Baz, Mexico State.
The explosive was left in front of the Secretariat in the city center of Tlalnepantla, around 9 o’clock in the evening. The device exploded successfully leaving two people wounded. The blast and shrapnel damaged several nearby cars and generated substantial police and military

February 3rd, 2016
-We detonated an explosive package in front of the conglomerate of the apartments known as “Tec Siuts” where students of the Tec of Monterrey inhabit, located on the highway Lago de Guadalupe in Atizapán, Mexico State.
– A homemade explosive device was detonated at one of the entrances of the Tec of Monterrey in similar manner on the Lago de Guadalupe highway in the same municipality.
With these two acts we remind those associated with that academic institution that we continue the War against all who promote and develop Scientific and Technological Progress, and who hide behind the walls of that abhorrent university (as well as others).

February 8th, 2016
-A fuze-activated package-bomb composed of dynamite was abandoned at the central offices of the Sagarpa in the Tabachines neighborhood in the municipality of Zapopan, Jalisco. The package was destined for the head of that federal institution.

-Another fuze-activated package bomb composed this time of a hard cardboard tube filled with gunpowder was abandoned at the “National Science and Technology Council” (Conacyt), destined for the head of that institution, in the Vallarta San Jorge neighborhood in Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Even though both explosives did not reach their respective targets (according to the press), and failed to wound or kill them, they caused great police and military mobilization in both municipalities. The press stated the following concerning this matter: “a police explosives
specialist commented that even if the devices did not contain a large amount of explosives, they could have caused fatal harm to those who were within a close radius of their explosion.”

Let it be known that ITS is also in Jalisco. This was only a test, and we continue to be committed to terrorizing, wounding, mutilating, and even killing those cynical people who, while hiding behind an institution that claims to be “concerned” about nature, are nevertheless directly responsible
for its devastation and domestication.
This isn’t over. The War continues!
Axkan Kema, Tehuatl, Nehuatl!!

Individualists Tending Toward the Wild:
-Feral-Criminal Band (Jalisco)
-Clandestine Group “Fury of the Lynx” (Mexico City)
-Ouroboros Silvestre (Mexico State)

Postscript for federal security forces:
Are you nervous because the groups that attack and commit terrorism against civilization are multiplying?
Are you nervous that the abhorrent and sickening visit of the Pope is just around the corner, because we are still out on the street, and you haven’t caught us yet?
You have lots of reasons to be nervous.



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Posted in Direct Action

Mexico City: Police harassment of members of Anarchist Black Cross Mexico

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

In the last few years, we have seen how the escalation of repression has intensified around the libertarian and anarchist movement through the strategies used here in Mexico City: Setting very high bond amounts, and applying the same package of charges, always aggravated, without giving much importance to the specific situation, but rather to what the State dictates.

Persecution and finger-pointing in the media as a basic element of their set-up: Noting the names of groups of people or spaces (whether they exist or not), making up relationships that really don’t exist, comparing everyone and everything from a vertical point of view, trying fit us into a schematic of leadership. Of course, this demonstrates a deep ignorance and/or contempt for anarchist ideas, which have nothing to do with this kind of hierarchical logic.

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Posted in Social Control

Mexico City: Bank branches attacked in solidarity with Mario, Carlos, Fernando and Abraham (Mexico)

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

From contra-info:

A gesture of solidarity…

On the night of October 12th we used stones, slingshots and Molotov cocktails to sabotage two banking entities in Iztapalapa delegation of Mexico City.

Revolutionary solidarity is how we also show our support to the imprisoned comrades on hunger strike since the 1st [until the 17th] of October by attacking those responsible for this miserable everyday living. It is our response to the harassment of the comrades by guards, physicians and the staff of penitentiary institutions. So ours is a target easily identifiable and relatable to domination.

The insurrectionary anarchist perspective goes beyond the fetishism of fire or weapons. Our approach to anarchy is a struggle that has no interest in being a televised spectacle, nor need for “self-promotion” due to lack of promotion by the State. So ours is a simple and direct communication that corresponds to the requirement of the moment concerning the striking comrades; a simple and easily reproducible means.

The insurrectionary anarchist perspective is a method, often suitable for the generalization of individual and social conflict that subverts the normalcy. For insurrection as many other forms (and in their entirety) open up possibilities for a veritable revolution. An anarchist method for radical and profound change.

No mediation or dialogues with the State and the Capital!

For the struggle against all kinds of power, including the so-called Popular Power that is being sold to us as autonomy!

in spanish

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Posted in Direct Action

Update on the health situation of the 4 anarchist comrades on hunger strike (Mexico)

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

“If you asked me what prison is, I would answer without a doubt that it is a wasteland of defined social-economic plans, where they throw all those individuals that bother them within society: this is why prison mainly houses mainly poor people” Xose Tarrio

“A movement that forgets its hostages is condemned to fail” Harold Tobson

As of October 1st, comrades Mario Gonzalez, Carlos Lopez ‘El Chivo’, Fernando Barcenas and Abraham Cortez, imprisoned in different prisons in Mexico City, are carrying out a hunger strike indefinitely.

Four days in to the hunger strike, we make a call for solidarity to the struggle that the comrades are carrying out, fighting the society of incarceration in its heart. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Mexico City: New charges against anarchists Amélie, Fallon and Carlos, imprisoned since January 5th, 2014 (Mexico)

Sunday, May 18th, 2014

On the morning of May 16th, comrades Amélie and Fallon were notified that they would be taken to the Reclusorio Sur (Mexico City’s Southern Penitentiary) to testify on new charges under federal order.

At around 8am, both were transferred to the court, where they met comrade Carlos.

After waiting almost all morning, they were finally informed that an arrest warrant was executed for the offense of damage to others’ property, in the form of “arson in a building with some person inside.” The three comrades did not make a statement, and once the hearing was over, they were brought back to the prisons where they’re being held since February 2014 (Carlos to the Reclusorio Oriente, Amélie and Fallon to Santa Martha), after having spent 40 days in federal custody through the arraignment procedure. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

“Antagonistic violence: Approaches to the armed struggle in urban environments from an anarchist perspective” by Gustavo Rodriguez (Mexico)

Saturday, December 1st, 2012

Newly translated text from comrade Gustavo Rodriguez, which was an introductory text for a debate in Mexico about antagonistic violence, that happened in October 2011.

Text for reading

Booklet for printing

From Flying Theory.

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Posted in Library

Letter from anarchist Mario “Tripa” Lopez about recent incidents of social war (Mexico)

Friday, November 23rd, 2012

Mario “Tripa” Lopez is an injured anarchist imprisoned in Mexico after being accidentally harmed by an incendiary device he was carrying.

Watching the latest news on TV and in the printed media, I have been able to see a series of events which, if we see them as an isolated manner could seem insignificant, but when seen as a whole, from the view of a conflict – even given the political discrepancies- we are met with a wider panorama of a social war in course, of a conflict which advances and that each time control seems to slip through the state´s fingers just that little bit more.

Starting with a news item from last Thursday, if I’m not mistaken, when a group of encapuchadxs1 stormed the representation of the state of Michoacán in Mexico City and occupied their offices for an amount of time.2 Last week a group of approximately fifty hooded people with cohetones3 blockaded Insurgentes Avenue, around the La Bombilla park, a clash with the police ensued and it was transmitted live and direct. One week before of all this, the news talked of clashes between Federal and State police and the normalistas4 in various points in Michoacán, who from some time ago have carried out blockades and taken buses by force as a pressure strategy. The images that were transmitted showed the clashes, with tear gas being thrown from one side and molotovs from the other. There were many buses burnt in the process.5

Also there were two police cars burnt and more than 100 detained, of which only eight were imprisoned; before this there was a report of three police cars burnt throughout various points in Mexicali, Baja California, seemingly with Molotov cocktails.6 In September, the news spoke of the actions which happened during the week of solidarity with prisoners of the Social War. In their reports they noted some of the communiqués, explicitly speaking about the actions – police cars burnt, banks bombed, attacks with firearms against the police etc. – that were lead in “protest” against the imprisonment of anarchists in Mexico and other countries. It also mentioned that these actions represent a response to acts considered “repressive” against a supposed network of international anarchist terrorism.

This response, by what is understood, was at an international level, which represents an indisputable qualitative growth in the fight against Power. A necessary response to the government´s offenses against the anarchists, nihilists, libertarians, fighters and social rebels who represent in some form a danger for Power and for the societies based on their norms and values. An anti-authoritarian response which transmits much strength, energy and support.

Now, the governor of Michoacán is trying to make us believe that the so-called (by him) “ultra radicals” aren´t residents of the state, but instead people belonging to groups outside of Michoacán and the normalista schools. According to him they are militants of opposing political parties as part of social groups, or “ultra radical elements” from Mexico City or belonging to the group denominated “Tenochtitlan” (the same “ultra-radicals” from Mexico City belonging to this inexistent group that are said to have attacked the offices of the Federal Commission of Electricity with explosives? Actions which they are trying to accuse me of?) Or do they now want to pull the “radicals” of the Oaxacan conflict of 2006 out of their sleeves- supposedly having now moved to Michoacán to create a climate of “instability” in the state? At all costs the government is seeking to justify their reaction fronted by a conflict that has “escaped from their hands”.

Personally, from my reading of the events – from the bombs to the barricades – all of these forms of confrontation form part of necessary action which reflects the incrimination of an anti-authoritarian conscience and of the growing refractionary attitude, although Power would like to present it to us as “glitches in the system”. In the specific case of Mexico City, all of these attacks are against the supposed “social peace” that the social democratic PRD government wants to sell us. According to the logic of Power, the Marginal neighborhoods with the high rate of “crime” have to be razed, when – with all our decisive critique against voluntary servitude- we have to recognize that these people are defending their vital and sustaining space.

Casually, I find myself in the same court as the 20 guys detained following the riots in the Tepito7 neighborhood on the day following my accident, and on hearing their stories it is clear to me that what happened there was nothing more than an action in self-defense against the every day theft of their lives, a well deserved violent response to the violent acts committed day by day by the police. It’s for this reason that, the same as for me, they are faced with the accusations of “attacks against the public peace” as well as attempted murder of police. Accusations which mean they are faced with sentences of between 7 and 47 years in prison. What do they want to achieve with this? An example punishment? Without a doubt, and guarding our distances, this reminds me of the riots in the marginal neighborhoods of Paris in 2006, regularly criticized but little understood.

All of these moments of conflict, whether politicized actions or not, not only make it obvious the inexistence of the system of supposed social well being, but also they show us that if it really existed, we would still fight against it, because we recognize that Power is the real enemy of all of us who aspire for Total Freedom.

However, even given the imminent state of control, there are still those who aren’t frightened, those who by day or by night, alone or collectively, with fire, fire-works, blockades, explosives or firearms, show that this is not the life we want, that – at least from our perspective- this system must be totally destroyed. Their damned social peace is a myth that they attempt to impose on us. Only conflict exists. The peace imposed by the system is the peace of cemeteries that they use to try to extinguish the anti-authoritarian fight. The acts of insurrection make it clear that it is necessary to keep on doing “something more than words”, that the conflict must extend. We must take the step from the “unconscious” insurrection to a conscious and generalized insurrection, propagate attack, put up barricades, destroy the economy, attack trade, conform dozens, hundreds, thousands of affinity groups. It’s clear that we have to take control of our lives and our spaces; to be able to achieve it there is no other way out than Social War.

This permanent conflictivity which I emphasize, part of our individuality, is a “counter-value” that is sparked when fronted with the values of the system, and that constructs itself day by day to question ourselves as individuals and to confront this concrete reality. It is to maintain standing a devastating critique against the system, re-appropriating once and for all our own lives. To live, to be, to relate to ourselves in a different way, to maintain ourselves in conflict with the existent, is to revolutionize every moment. An ¡Ai Ferri Corti con la vita! But also we have to translate the permanent conflictivity into a constant and fierce attack against the system of domination. That tension and the daily confrontation against a system which tries to reduce us to mere merchandise, that consequent practice – at least for me- is much more integral than the simple occasional “rebellion”, than the temporary protest, than the revolutionary pose. It is the moments of conflict which give expression and sense to our lives.

This permanent conflicitivity can never be assimilated by the system of domination, and much less recuperated in the reconstructive cycle of Power, because it is the natural scaffolding of Anarchy. From the moment we are born the state expropriates our lives and with that it also expropriates our critical capacity and our natural resource of self-defense; turning violence into a monopoly for the unique and exclusive use of Power, so that when the excluded and the self-excluded use it they can call it “terrorism”. Anti-systematic action, anti-authoritarian attack and permanent conflict make it clear that violence is also revolutionary, and that it necessarily has to be used at the moment we face the violence of the State.

Compañer@s, sisters and brothers of affinity, here inside prison – somewhat limited – I have no other way to contribute to the anarchist struggle other than by inciting agitation. In this sense, many of my letters, notes and communications are directed.

For the moment, I have nothing more than to add other than an enormous greeting of strength and solidarity to all the anarchist compañer@s prisoners in Mexico and around the world. A strong embrace and a cordial invitation to keep moving forward, not one step back. Agitation!

For Anarchy!
For the extension of the every day conflict!
For individual insurrection!
For generalized insurrection!
Not one millimeter backwards… 9 millimeters in the heads of Power!
Social War on all fronts!

With love and Anarchy

Mario Antonio López Hernández

Anarchist Prisoner
Reclusorio Preventivo Sur, Classification and Observation Centre, Xochimilco, Mexico City
29 of October, 2012.


1. “Hooded ones”
2. Photos here: http://www.publimetro.com.mx/noticias/fotos-grupo-de-encapuchados-toma-representacion-de-michoacan-en-el-df/mljx!HFv6eEfm2nZ/
3. Firewords launched as missiles
4. Education students
5. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4Hnik7pP-Y or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-p8ijMBfRU
6. http://www.noticiasdigital.net/index.php/noticias/parte-de-guerra/item/285-prenden-fuego-desconocidos-a-patrullas-en-mexicali.html
7. Tepito is known to be one of the most dangerous suburbs of Mexico City. See: http://www.razon.com.mx/spip.php?article128003 View video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMIUc3YVybA

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Breaking news: Comrade injured by blast (Mexico)

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

Update: See also vivalaanarquia via waronsociety.

325 has received news of an injured companero, Mario Antonio Lopez Fernández, 27, who has been hurt whilst reportedly carrying an incendiary device in southern Mexico City, during the night of 26-27 June. We will print more news as we get it, but for now, these details are being reported in the mainstream press:

Last night, Tuesday 26 June at 11:37 pm, an explosion occured at an automatic payment office of the Federal Electricity Commission in Tlalpan. No one was injured or arrested. Roughly an hour later, at 00:40 am, Wednesday, at the corner of Londres and Vicente Guerrero, Coyoacán, Mario was reportedly injured after a loud explosion in the street happened. The scene was attended by paramedics that took him to hospital, under the guard of police who regard him as being responsible for both explosions. It is reported that Mario has injuries to his right leg, right arm and body. Another explosive device was found in a backpack at the scene of the blast. This was taken and deactivated by the police as evidence in their investigation which begins.

Strength to Mario and his close ones

Will and determination for all in the struggle

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