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Posts Tagged ‘Italy’

Issue #4 of the radical ecology paper ‘L’Urlo della Terra’ is out (Italy)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

In this issue: in Italian language:
– Starting again from Nature
– The struggle against technology: a few thoughts
– Transplants: tears of those who receive and those who give or sell
– Post-human anti-specist crossing
– Fastidious Xylella, unbearable State – Chronology of a false emergency and considerations on the subject
– Leaps in the night…
– A letter to the Expo 2015 catering – Analysis of a counterproductive action
– Solidarity and complicity, on nocivities and the need to oppose them – Notes on the attempted attack on IBM in Switzerland by Silvia Billy Costa and their trial in Italy

What does starting again from Nature mean? Has it been abandoned?

We’re certainly losing interest in it precisely when it deserves all our attention, commitment and energy.
Hearing the urgency for green spaces, environmental dangers, more ecological catastrophes to come, yet another rare and ‘photogenic’ species at risk of extinction… being shouted out by the media every day, our capacity for empathy towards what is less and less around us or under our feet, the Earth, has become saturated.

The daily description of the ongoing ecocide is lost among many other likewise serious events such as war; in this inextricable tangle of cause and effect, one puts up with the impotence in thinking about the future and understanding the present, so much so that certain milieus now incapable of looking beyond have come to the point of even supporting misanthropic theories about human extinction. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Update on the trial against eco-anarchist comrades Silvia, Billy and Costa (Italy)

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016

2nd March: The last session of the trial took place at the court in Turin. Prosecutors and defence lawyers gave their statements. Prosecutors demanded 5 years and 8 months for Costa, 5 years and 4 months for Silvia and Billy.
The sentence is due 23 March.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Dark Nights #44 : ‘Turn up the Heat’ & ‘Communique by CCF – Urban Guerilla Cell′ – Feb 2016 (ACN)

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Dark Nights #44

1. Turn up the Heat.
2. Communique by CCF – Urban Guerilla Cell.
3. ‘Forever Guilty’ – Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF.
4. ‘Against the Slander of Civil Anarchism’ by Sureños Incivilizados (Chile)
5. Civitavecchia, Italy: FAI/FRI take responsibility for an explosive attack on the city court.
6. Athens, Greece: FAI take responsibility for two incendiary attacks.
7. Athens, Greece: FAI take responsibility for an explosion at Tax Office.
8. Direct Action Chronology.
9. Police allege helicopter escape attempt by revolutionary comrades held hostage in Korydallos Prison, implicate comrade in clandestinity Pola Roupa of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)


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Posted in Library

Civitavecchia: FAI / FRI communique for the explosive attack on the court (Italy)

Sunday, February 7th, 2016

My heart abhors and defies
The powerful of the earth,
My arm makes war on the cowardly oppressor
(Rebel Love – Pietro Gori)

We are living in a state of permanent global war, the perpetual war between oppressors, we know it and we know the main and secondary characters of dominion. Above all the oppressed know it, those who suffer arbitrary power over their lives.

Right now we are witnessing the passage of tanks and military in the streets of the rich and opulent West, the increase in controls and garrisons in defence of the order of commerce and consumption, the militarization of the territory.

Changes that strike even the most dormant minds, but which the strategy of global control will try to make us digest.

Among the exploited, gentlemen, there are two classes of individuals. Those of one class, not realizing what they are and what they might be, take life as it comes, believe that they are born to be slaves, and content themselves with the little that is given them in exchange for their labour. But there are others, on the contrary, who think, who study, and who, looking about them, discover social iniquities. (Auguste Vaillant)

We are not so short-sighted as to believe that this global war has such clear and sharp sides. Just as we recognize the enemies of freedom, we cannot bear the resignation and tolerance of those who are willing to give a piece of their lives every day. That is why we don’t delude ourselves that we are working for any revolution, we see clearly that the only anarchy realisable is what we experience when we finally free ourselves of every burden and decide to attack power. An experience that we feel we share with comrades around the world participating in the project of spreading the F.A.I / F.R.I. anarchist seed.

Tonight we planted this seed in the form of an explosive device placed in one of the key locations of State repression dispersed throughout the territory: the court of Civitavecchia. We decided to take our freedom ourselves. We have sharpened tools, analysed tactics, because we thirst for anarchy, and we are impatient.

Courts and prisons are simply outposts of dominion; places that are not just symbolic, but physical, where the State and the authorities stamp those who do not conform to the dictates of global control with the brand of condemnation, guilt, imprisonment and exclusion.

While holy doors are opening wide to spread miserable feelings such as mercy and compassion, we are breaking down ideological and real walls to allow the real hatred that motivates us to be reconciled with the love of a free life. Today we acted convinced that we don’t want to carry the experiences of the comrades we have lost, like those who are locked up or on the run, in some antrum of our heart, but to free them, leaving them to arm our hands, warm our flesh.

That is why our greeting goes to the comrades and prisoners who with their non-submission contribute to the spreading of joyful conscious subversion.


Fireworks committee for an extraordinary year, F.A.I / F.R.I.


via informa-azione
Translated by Act for freedom now

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Posted in Direct Action

Trial update of eco-anarchists Silvia, Costa & Billy + Week of Agitation against Technoscience (Italy)

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

On January 13, the first hearing of the proceedings against Billy, Silvia and Costa accused of possessing, transporting and receiving stolen explosives and for attempting to sabotage the IBM international nanotechnology research centre in Zurich was held in Turin. Comrades from various parts of Italy were present in court in solidarity.

To support their thesis the prosecution presented two witnesses: Digos inspectors [political police] from Turin who had followed the investigations that began immediately after the comrades arrest in Switzerland. Only one of the two witnesses was cross examined by the prosecution and the defence. Apparently it seems that the trial will be quicker than was said at the beginning, the next hearing was set for March 2 where the prosecutor and lawyers will speak.

For a complete hearing report refer to www.tgmaddalena.it

From the solidarity meetings in view of the trial there was a strong desire to continue a radical critical path and struggle against the technosciences.

From 22 to 28 February there will be a WEEK OF AGITATION throughout Italy against the techno-sciences and the world that produces them. On February 26, a PROTEST AGAINST EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) in front of the EFSA headquarters in Parma, and many initiatives are being planned in various cities of Italy.

To read the callout for the week and for contacts:



From actforfree.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Trento: Two repeaters sabotaged in solidarity with Silvia, Costa and Billy (Italy)

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

From informa-azione, via actforfree:
We receive from anonymous email and spread:

“On January 14 we burned and destroyed two repeaters in Trento. Let’s stop electronic control and electromagnetic pollution. For Silvia, Costa and Billy, still on trial.”

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Posted in Direct Action

Brescia: Claim of the attack on the police training centre and communiqué of Cellula Anarchica Acca (Italy)

Thursday, January 14th, 2016

During the night between 17th and 18th December we placed a device (8kg of gunpowder) at the police ‘training centre’ in Brescia. A symbolic action intended to cause material damage. We chose that time so as not to harm people indiscriminately.

With this action we began our projectuality of Anarchist attack as Cellula Anarchica Acca (C.A.A) in affinity with the black international, and add ourselves to the call for action for a BLACK DECEMBER.

We are joining this trajectory because:

We like the idea of an international coordination of anarchists for direct action.
Our idea of ‘complicity’ goes beyond groups and factions.
We are using the means we consider appropriate, seeking growth in the minimal details of the action. In that sense this action is nothing in terms of material damage, but it is important in arming our self-organization, especially at a time when we sense great resignation among anarchists in Italy.

We attacked one of the armed wings of the state. Cops from all over Italy and other states are trained at this ‘school’. This is also a little signal against war.

We are in solidarity with all those who struggle against all states and capital.
Our thoughts go to the many comrades who are repressed, locked up, tortured or killed at the present time and in the past. In solidarity with all prisoners in struggle.

This is a signal of complicity to those who are locked up: To Alfredo for shooting Adinolfi; to Chiara (NO TAV anarchist) for the attack on the construction site; to Nicola Gai, who with Alfredo kneecapped the Ansaldo managing director, which is the least he deserved; to Nico (NO TAV anarchist).

To Monica and Francisco, who are resisting in the Spanish prisons with simplicity and dignity.
To Tamara Sol, who showed us how to avenge our comrades.
To Nikos for his simple and humble contribution to a call for struggle.
To the comrades of the CCF.
To the comrades who struggle in prison and outside.


Reply to the text entitled ‘Under pressure’.
The main push to action is not pressure that makes us explode, but unlimited passion that liberates.
That is what pushed us to arm ourselves that night in Brescia: The passion of trying to free ourselves from exploitation, that of a life that deserves to be lived, the passion for freedom.
Passions are desires transformed into action, the most wonderful gestures of life in the face of the pervasive banality of the spectacle. It is this passion without limits that exploded that night in Brescia.

The questions we put to who wrote that text are:
Do actions not speak for themselves?
Why talk about actions now?

We didn’t like reading ‘this is the pressure that exploded that night in Brescia’, concerning that action, even it was written in ‘good faith’. We didn’t live it like that. Actions per se don’t always speak for themselves, and this is proof of it.

Anarchist Cell Acca


[Editors’ note: we assume that the text referred to is 'Sotto pressione' published by finimondo.org]

Translated by act for freedom now

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Posted in Direct Action

CNA: October 2015 edition of Crocerna out now (Italy)

Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

The new printed issue of Crocenera is now available:
2 euros per copy plus 1.30 euro postal fees.

After several months here we are with another printed issue, as we see our editorial project growing and becoming real: through talks during presentations all around Italy, the publication of information and actions which we keep track of punctually on the blog, contributions from outside the editors’ circle and imprisoned comrades, who are actually editors and not simple people to be supported; this is demonstrated by both the articles of historical analysis and those of analysis and critique on more recent topics and legal choices coming from the AS2 unit of the prison of Ferrara and other places of repression. Furthermore the proposal for a solidarity fund for anarchist prisoners is taking shape, as we explain in the first page of this issue.

Before going any further, we want to take the occasion offered by the Report on the policy of information on security 2014: in other words, the annual report on various ‘subversive’ threats, national as well as international, drafted by the ‘intelligence’ (with all the required commas…) and addressed to Parliament; particularly, their conviction that Crocenera was born to ‘re-unify the area surrounding revolutionary solidarity with comrades in prison, with the idea of creating a sort of openly offensive project.’ (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Il Buco – Informazione e Traduzione Anarchica (Italia)

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

via CNA Italia:

Segnaliamo la pubblicazione di un nuovo blog di informazione e traduzione anarchica,dal loro testo di presentazione:

Il Buco è un nuovo blog di traduzione e diffusione di notizie del mondo anarchico, sarà un blog multilinguistico ed aperto alla più ampia collaborazione.

Il nostro appoggio da sempre va a tutti i prigionieri rinchiusi nelle celle della democrazia di tutto il mondo e a tutti i compagni sparsi su questa terra. Agli anarchici d’azione, ai nostri compagni e fratelli che si muovono tra le tenebre della notte per colpire la falsa tranquillità della borghesia che vuole dominarci.

“IL BUCO” era una botola che scendeva in un sotterraneo in cui si riuniva il movimento Anarchico clandestino di cui fecero parte Pedrini E Lucetti, da qui abbiamo preso il nostro nome, da chi prima di noi ha scelto di lottare per l’Anarchia!

Il buco

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Posted in Autonomy

Communiqués of three comrades on trial following an act of sabotage on a high voltage pylon that took place in 2005 (Italy)

Sunday, November 22nd, 2015

Translated by actforfree from silviacostabillyliberi:

The appeal hearing due on 5th October 2015 was postponed to 19th October because an expert appointed by the prosecution and a DIGOS officer [political police] from Pisa in charge of the investigation were absent.

The comrades’ communiqués:

Silvia and Costa:
A high voltage pylon run by Terna [electricity company] on the La Spezia-Acciaiolo railway track was sabotaged in 2005 with two dynamite charges. The action seriously damaged the pylon but did not cause it to fall down.
In the days that followed an anonymous letter sent to press agencies and the Pisa editorial group of the radical eco paper Terra Selvaggia explained that the action had been carried out against renewed plans to reinstate nuclear power. These plans had never been really dismissed after the referendum following Chernobyl, but they continued to be pursued in numerous research centres, such as the Faculty of Nuclear Engineering of the University of Pisa, considered an institute of excellence on a national level. In the same area, at the S. Rossore natural park, another structure stands out: the CISAM, site of an experimental nuclear reactor and a military research centre. This plant recently caused controversy because of the dumping of radioactive water in the Navicelli canal linking the city of Pisa to the sea. Toxic water, which has been declared safe by the usual local servants of ARPAT [state agency dealing with environmental matters] and ASL [state health agency]. On the contrary this poisonous water reminds us that there’s no way out of nuclear power: what has been produced or left as waste is the legacy of a world where energy production and military control come before anything else, even if all they give is a landfill-like world. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle