
We produce a number of books, magazines, reports, informational guides and cd-roms. Many are available to download, and a number of these are exclusive or significantly discounted to our members.

Use the search tool below to find out what we offer that relates to your needs:

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Note: all prices are shown inclusive of postage, packaging then VAT
BMF Marine Trends November 2011-May 2012

BMF conducts a survey bi-annually to measure current business performance and trends in the marine industry over the last six months and future expectations. The latest version of this report for the period November 2011 to May 2012 is now available to download.

Guidance for the Development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)

Untitled document

MEPC.1/Circ.683 -

The Marine Environment Protection Committee recognising the need to develop management tools to assist a shipping company in managing the environmental performance of its ships, agreed to circulate the Guidance for the development of a ship energy efficiency management plan.

The Marine Environment Protection Committee recognising the need to develop management tools to assist a shipping company in managing the environmental performance of its ships, agreed to circulate the Guidance for the development of a ship energy efficiency management plan.


Member only
IMO Report - MSC 90

Untitled document

Report of 90th session of the Maritime Safety Committee.  Topics covered include Piracy, Passenger Ship Safety and ISM Amendments.

Member only
Superyacht UK Technical Group Minutes 13th June 2012

Untitled document

Member only
BMF Business Plan - 2012/13

Untitled document

See the annual business plan of the British Marine Federation for 2012/13

Member only
Technical Report #103

Untitled document

June 2012 issue

Cruising Guide - Thames Valley 2012

Untitled document

The 2012-13 Cruising Guide to the River Thames and Connecting Waterways.

Member only
BMF Website Listing Form

Untitled document

Please complete and return this form to add/update your entries on the company search sections of the BMF and On The Water websites.

Watersports & Leisure Participation report 2011

Untitled document

This annual report commissioned by BMF, MCA, RNLI, RYA, BCU and MMO details participation and ownership for 12 boating activities in 2011 and reports trends over ten years.  This reprot also sees the return of wider water-based leisure activities. The report includes demographics, frequency, home and abroad participation, location and household boat ownership.

Member only
Association Conference Presentation

Untitled document

Presentation from Association Conference held on Thursday 1 March 2012

Member only
IMO Report MEPC 63 - February 2012

Untitled document

Topics: NOx Technical Review; EEDI (Engine Efficiency Design Index); SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan); MBM (Market Based Measures); MARPOL amendments; NOx Technical Code; Means of making Polar Code mandatory; Recycling of ships.

Report from the 63rd Meeting of the IMO Marine Environmental Protection Committee held from 27th February to 2nd March 2012.

Member only
IMO Report MEPC 62 - July 2011

Untitled document

Topics: NOx Technical Code; Requirements Related to Diesel Engines Fitted with SCR Systems; United States Caribbean ECA (Emission Control Area); EEDI (Engine Efficiency Design Index); SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan); MBM (Market Based Measures); Revised Annex V – Garbage

Report of the 62nd Session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee held from 11th to 15th July 2011.

Member only
Superyacht UK Technical Group Minutes 29th February 2012

Untitled document

Minutes of the Superyacht UK Technical Group Meeting held on 29th February 2012 at Lloyds Register. Topics covered include MARPOL Annex VI, SEEMP, EEDI, Maritime Labour Convention, Large Yacht ISO Standards and IMO Updates.

APCO Inland Boat Hire survey

Untitled document

This survey, on behalf of APCO, details the number of hire boats available on the inland waterways in 2011, including occupancy and future trends.

BMF Marine Industry Trends May-November 2011

Untitled document

BMF conducts a survey bi-annually to measure current business performance and trends in the marine industry over the last six months and future expectations. The latest version of this report for the period May - November 2011 is now available to download.

UK Leisure, Superyacht and Small Commerical Marine Industry Key Performance Indicators 2010/11

Untitled document

This report, published in January 2012, provides economic data on the leisure, superyacht and small commercial marine industry. The report includes revenue, value added,  international trade and employment. It contains essential reference data on the UK marine industry for BMF members and affiliate organisations, the media, Government and key stakeholders.

Member only
Technical Report 102

Untitled document

Member only
TR99 Dec 2010 - Fuel Quality Directive - Guidance Note to Industry

Untitled document

It will be an offence to sell gas oil containing more than 10 mg (20 mg at point of sale) of sulphur per kilogram of fuel to inland waterway craft and recreational craft when not at sea. Sea going craft, heating or stationary equipment are excluded.

Member only
BMEA Code of Practice for Electrical and Electronic Installations in Small Craft

Untitled document

The BMEA Code of Practice for Electrical and Electronic Installations in Boats provides industry-approved guidance on such installations and interpretation of RCD harmonised standards BS EN ISO 10133 (dc) and BS EN ISO 13297 (ac).

The Code is provided in pdf format and is an indispensable tool for boatbuilders, boatyards, Boat Safety Examiners and private individuals fitting electrics in small craft. It also provides a recognised means of demonstrating conformity with the Recreational Craft Directive.

BMEA Code of Practice for Electrical and Electronic Installations in Small Craft including ISO Standards

Untitled document

This product provides the RCD harmonised standards BS EN ISO 10133 (dc) and BS EN ISO 13297 (ac) in addition to the BMEA Code of Practice for Electrical and Electronic Installations in Boats. It provides industry-approved guidance on such installations and interpretation of RCD harmonised standards.

The Code and the two ISO Standards are provided in pdf format and are an indispensable tool for boatbuilders, boatyards, Boat Safety Examiners and private individuals fitting electrics in small craft.

Price to BMF Members: £48
Price: £90
Member only
Bribery Act 2010 - A Guidance Note

Untitled document

The Bribery Act 2010 became law on 1st July 2011. This legislation is far reaching and has significant implications for all types of businesses, from the sole trader to the multinational. BMF Members can access this Guidance Note to the Act.

Member only
Technical Report 101

Untitled document

September 2011 publication highlighting Technical, Manufacturing and Environmental developments affecting our industry.

Member only

Untitled document

As previously reported the MARPOL Annex VI Tier III NOx emission limits are scheduled to come into force in 2016 in Emission Control Areas. Current technology indicates that these limits will require exhaust after treatment and the advice is that the most likely solution will be by using Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR). Regulation 13.10 of MARPOL Annex VI refers to a Technical Review and this was debated at the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee in mid-July. BMF and ICOMIA were represented at the Committee and the aim of the debate was to determine how the Tier III review would be handled e.g. whether by an Expert Group or Correspondence Group, and what the terms of reference of the review would be.

Member only
TR101 Sept 2011 - RCD Revision

Untitled document

The revision of the RCD has been under discussion since 2008 with interested parties representing Member States authorities, industry stakeholders, consumer associations, standards organisations and representatives of conformity assessment bodies. A public internet consultation took place in May/June 2009. The main areas of interest are in exhaust emissions, alignment with the New legislative framework and clarification of economic operators including private importers as well as the obligations on Notified Bodies and of national enforcement authorities. Additional clarifications were sought for some definitions and essential requirements.

Superyacht UK Survey 2010/11

Untitled document

An annual project on behalf of Superyacht UK determines the value of the superyacht sector and identifies trends.  This includes the design, build, supply chain and service of yachts over 24 metres load line length within the UK market. 

Download the latest report for 2010/11 here.

Member only
Business plan 2011/2012

Untitled document

The BMF 2011/2012 Business Plan sets out the corporate priorities and budget for the Federation for the coming year.

Member only
TR100 June 2011 - RCD and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

Untitled document

Update from European Boating Industry, EBI.

As reported in Technical Report 99, boats and personal watercraft fall under the scope of the EU directive on electro-magnetic compatibility (EMC) 2004/108/EC. In concrete terms, this means that when issuing the declaration of conformity boatbuilders should also indicate that the boat complies with the EMC requirements and how this compliance is achieved (i.e. using standards or adding a note to the technical file).

Member only
TR100 June 2011 - Maritime Labour Convention 2006

Untitled document

The MCA have made available ‘Draft Proposals for Accommodation Standards for Large Yachts to Comply with the Maritime Labour Convention 2006’. This is the culmination of over two years work by the Agency and the industry to develop substantial equivalence provisions to the prescriptive requirements of the Convention.

Member only
TR100 June 2011 - Narrowboat Paint Micro-Blistering

Untitled document

As previously reported a number of steel narrowboats suffering so-called micro-blistering to the paint finish have caused concern and expense to owners and boatyards alike. This guidance note offers some conclusions about what is now known and precautions to take when painting. Further investigations are ongoing and will be reported as more information is available.

Member only
TR100 June 2011 - Fuel Quality Ditrective - Further Guidance

Untitled document

The fuel standards applicable for inland waterway vessels within the regulations are:

· BS2869 class A2 automotive fuel for non-road mobile machinery including inland waterway vessels; Sulphur 10mg/kg max (low sulphur); maximum 7% FAME (biodiesel) or FAME free.

The fuel standards applicable for seagoing vessels are:

· ISO 8217 Distillate for marine vessels. Sulphur 1000mg/kg with “de minimis” level of FAME not exceeding 0.1% volume.

Results of the Spring Trends report 2011

Untitled document

BMF conducts a survey bi-annually to measure current business performance and trends in the marine industry over the last six months and future expectations. The latest version of this report for the period November 2010 - May 2011 is now available to download.

Member only
Technical Report 100

Untitled document

Update on the latest Technical, Environment and Manufacturing issues.

TYHA Code of Practice

Untitled document

The Yacht Harbour Association Code of Practice for the Design, Construction and Operation of Coastal and Inland Marinas and Yacht Harbours.

Price to BMF Members: £25
Price: £102
Watersports Participation Report 2010

Untitled document

This annual report commissioned by BMF, MCA, RNLI, RYA and BCU details participation and ownership for 12 boating activities in 2010 and reports trends since 2002.  The report includes demographics, frequency, home and abroad participation and household boat ownership.

British Excellence Guide

Untitled document

This comprehensive guide was commissioned by the British Marine Federation in partnership with IBI editor, Ed Slack. The guide details the high levels of innovation and quality within the British leisure marine industry including boat designers, boat manufacturers, marine and environmental engineering, clothing manufacturers and training providers.

Results of the Autumn Trends survey 2010

Untitled document

BMF conducts a survey bi-annually to measure trends in the marine industry over the last six months and future expectations. The latest version of this report for the period May 2010 - November 2010 is now available to download.

UK Leisure, Superyacht and Small Commerical Marine Industry Key Performance Indicators 2009/10

Untitled document

This report, launched January 8th 2011, provides detailed information on the leisure, superyacht and small commercial marine industry.  The report includes range of economic indicators from industry revenue and value added to international trade and employment. It contains essential reference data on the UK marine industry for BMF members and affiliate organisations, the media, Government and key stakeholders.

Member only
Technical Report 99

Untitled document

Update on the latest Technical, Environment and Manufacturing issues.

Member only
BMF Training Grant Application Form 2011 / 2012

Untitled document

The British Marine Federation runs a Training Grant Scheme for its Members which have recently been updated with new rules.

Member companies can apply for grants towards the cost of relevant training courses; the normal level of award is 30% of the course fee. For small companies meeting specified criteria the award can be up to 50% of the course fee.

Member only
TR99 Dec 2010 - Vessels under 200 GRT

Untitled document

The application of the MLC to smaller vessels has been dealt with separately by the MCA, who have again taken a leading role in understanding the industry’s difficulties. The Convention contains provision for the exemption of these vessels from the cabin area requirements but a number of requirements remain which would be impractical to achieve. The MCA have developed a proposal which is currently under consideration within the Tripartite Group.

Member only
TR99 Dec 2010 - Vessels over 200 GRT

Untitled document

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency have taken a leading and extremely proactive role in the development of equivalent provisions for the implementation of the MLC for large yachts engaged in commercial activities. As previously reported significant industry and social studies were undertaken to support this work and amendments to Chapter 21 of LY2 will incorporate the substantially equivalent requirements of Title 3 of MLC. Extracts from these provisional equivalent requirements are summarised below.

Member only
TR99 Dec 2010 - RCD Revision

Untitled document

The Commission has issued changes to the original RCD revision document circulated in April 2010 as reproduced below. The proposal now has to be adopted by the Commission for presentation to the Standing committee in the New Year. Negotiations in Council and the European Parliament will take about two years taking us to 2013 before coming into force with a two or three year transitional period after that date.

Member only
TR 99 Dec 2010 - Article describing the position of the EU Commission Services

Untitled document

Boat builders and those persons responsible for placing craft on the market are reminded that the RCD Declaration of Conformity has provision to show compliance with other Community Directives. The EU Commission services were recently asked a question on applicability of the EMC Directive to recreational craft.

Member only
TR99 Dec 2010 - Advanced Composite Materials

Untitled document

Advanced composite materials with marine applications feature in several existing collaborative projects, or in bids for funding for new projects through the current Technology Strategy Board’s Technology-Inspired Collaborative R&D Call. Expressions of interest for this closed on 18 November with bids understood to include marine businesses. Bids are now passing through the various stages of the competition into the New Year and successful consortia will be known by March.

Member only
TR99 Dec 2010 - EC Type Approval of Trailers

Untitled document

This is very important information if you import, export, manufacture or sell boat trailers.

UK Regulations came into force on 29 April 2009 that apply to all road vehicles and include boat trailers. Timing will depend on whether the trailers are new or existing types, i.e. manufactured to a new or an existing design. Type approval was voluntary from 29 April 2009. For new trailer types it became mandatory from 29 October 2010 and for existing types from 29 October 2012. This information is not new and has been widely circulated before, but for new trailer types the deadline has now passed and some members are concerned about the cost and effort required to comply.

Member only
TR99 Dec 2010 - R&D; Funding

Untitled document

Following the Government’s comprehensive spending review in October there will be less funding for many things, although the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) will continue to deliver government funded support for collaborative R&D linking industry and academia. This is aimed at helping UK businesses to flourish through innovation and, as reported in TR98, there is now a Transport Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN). The Transport KTN with the Marine Industries Strategic Framework published in March and backed by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, could provide the marine industry with a range of relevant support.

Member only
TEP Storage Guidance

Untitled document

Guidance for the correct storage procedures for Time Expired Pyrotechnics

Member only
Note Regarding The Use Of Standard Form Contracts

Untitled document

A series of explanatory notes to be used in conjunction with the BMF standard contracts and agreements.

Member only
TR98 Sept 2010 - R&D; FP7 Call

Untitled document

The EU R&D Framework Programme 7 (FP7) 2011 call opened on 20 July for proposals in the field of surface transport covering road, rail and waterborne transport modes. The WATERBORNE Technology Platform is the Advisory Council for Waterborne Transport Research in Europe and has published a Strategic Research Agenda, which is a primary reference source for the Commission in assembling its work programme.

Member only
TR98 Sept 2010 - Vessels over 200 GRT

Untitled document

The Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) is expected to come into force towards the end of 2011. The potential implications of the MLC on the Large Yacht sector have been widely reported and a large study has been undertaken by the industry supported by the BMF, Superyacht UK, the International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA), the Superyacht Builders Association (SYBAss), the Professional Yachtsmans Association (PYA) and the Mediterranean Yacht Brokers Association (MYBA).

Member only
TR98 Sept 2010 - RCD Revision

Untitled document

The revision of the Recreational Craft Directive (RCD) has been under discussion for some two years and involves all stake holders including member states and industry representatives. The latest document entitled ‘Draft proposals from the Commission services for amending the RCD’ was issued in April of this year.

The main changes proposed revolve around aligning the Directive with the New Legal Framework (NFL) Decision 768/2008/EC. The responsibilities of the Notified Bodies and Member States’ market surveillance bodies are enhanced and the position of legal entities specified to align with the NFL.

Member only
TR98 sept 2010 - Vessels under 200 GRT

Untitled document

The BMF has recently attended a meeting at with the MCA to discuss the situation with regard to the implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) and it’s application to vessels of under 200GT. The Convention is concerned with the wellbeing of crew and will apply to all seafarers, defined as any person who is employed or engaged or works in any capacity on board a ship to which the Convention applies.

Superyacht UK Survey 2009/10

Untitled document

An annual project on behalf of Superyacht UK determines the value of the superyacht sector and identifies trends.  This includes the design, build, supply chain and service of yachts over 24 metres load line length within the UK market. 

Download the latest report for 2009/10 here.

Member only
Technical Report 98

Untitled document

Technical report including Manufacturing and Environmental issues

Results of the Spring 2010 Industry Trends Survey

Untitled document

BMF conducts a survey bi-annually to measure trends in the marine industry over the last six months and future expectations. The latest version of this report for the period November 2009 - May 2010 is available to download.

2010 RSG CE Guidelines

Untitled document

The RSG Guidelines are prepared to assist with conformity assessment procedures for the Recreational Craft Directive undertaken by notified bodies.

Member only
Technical Report 97

Untitled document

Update on the latest technical and manufacturing news.

Member only
TR97 May 2010 - Article outlining the Fuel Quality Directive

Untitled document

If you use gas oil (often known as “red diesel”) for propulsion or heating there are changes from January 2011 coming into force.

EU Directive 2009/30/EC requires that, from 1st January 2011, all gas oil marketed for use in non-road mobile machinery (i.e. mobile off road equipment) must contain no more than 10 milligrams of sulphur per kilogram of fuel (virtually ‘sulphur free’). Non-road mobile machinery includes propulsion fuel for inland waterway vessels, recreational craft used on inland waterways and portable generators. Gas oil for sea-going marine use and heating or stationary equipment is not required to be sulphur free.

Member only
Technical Day January 2010 Designed for all conditions – Engineering and Technology in Lifeboat Design

Untitled document

Presentation by Steve Austen of the RNLI that describes the wealth of design, construction and operational expertise applied to the latest RNLI fleet which includes some of the most technically advanced craft afloat in their construction and equipment.

Member only
Technical Day January 2010 Human Factrors in High Speed Craft

Untitled document

Human Factors in High Speed Craft - Enhancing Boat Design, Safety and Legal Compliance for Operators by Dr Trevor Dobbins, STResearch Ltd

Member only
HYMAR Presentation BMF Technical Day Jan 2010

Untitled document

EU HYMAR project - Development of efficient hybrid marine propulsion by Ken Wittamore, ICOMIA and Triskel Marine Ltd

BMF Strategic Plan

Untitled document

The BMF Strategic Plan outlines the strategic aims of the BMF from 2010 to 2014.

Watersports & Leisure Participation Report 2009

Untitled document

This survey by BMF, MCA, RNLI, RYA and sponsored by details participation amongst UK adults in a range of 21 boating and waterbased activities.  It reports trends since 2002 such as demographics, frequency, home v abroad.  It also includes household boat ownership.

Member only
Bill of Sale

Untitled document

MCA Bill of Sale

UK Leisure, Superyacht and Small Commerical Marine Industry Key Performance Indicators 2008/9

Untitled document

This report, launched January 8th 2010, provides detailed information on the leisure, superyacht and small commercial marine industry.  The report includes range of economic indicators including industry revenue and value added. international trade and employment. It contains essential reference data on the UK marine industry for BMF members and affiliate organisations, the media, Government and key stakeholders.

Results of the Autumn 2009 Industry Trends Survey

Untitled document

BMF conducts a survey bi-annually to measure trends in the marine industry over the last six months and future expectations. The latest version of this report for the period May - November 2009 is available.

Member only
Technical Report 96

Untitled document

January 2010

Member only

Untitled document

General Topic Guide: RIDDOR

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: First Aid

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation.

Member only
General Topic Guide: Fire

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Superyacht UK Survey 2008/9

Untitled document

An annual project on behalf of Superyacht UK determines the value of the superyacht sector and identifies trends.  This includes the design, build, supply chain and service of yachts over 24 metres load line length within the UK market. 

Download the latest report for 2008/9 here.

Member only
Planning Update - June 2009

Untitled document

Planning issues for the leisure marine industry.

Member only
Technical Report 95

Untitled document

September 2009

Member only
General Topic Guide: Slips and Trips

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Safety Signs

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Manual Handling

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Occupational Health

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Welfare Facilities

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Construction, Design and Management

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Display screen equipment

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Diving at Work

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Driving at Work

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Pressurised plant and compressed air systems

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Stress

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Emergency Planning

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Asbestos

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Noise

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Member only
General Topic Guide: Electricity at Work

Untitled document

These General Topic Guides provide brief overviews of statutory requirements and some guidance on how to comply. They are not exhaustive guides and it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that his particular business complies in the context of the services they provide and the circumstances of their operation

Rabies Prevention

Animal Health have produced this sign for port facilities to prevent the introduction of animals into the UK with rabies.

Member only
Technical Report No. 94

Untitled document

June 2009

Member only
Water Supply Inspection Form

This Inspection form should be used in conjunction with the "Conditions for the provision, use and maintenance in marinas of quayside taps with check valves and hoses for filling boats with water for domestic purposes"

Watersports & Leisure Participation Report 2008

Untitled document

This survey by BMF, MCA, RNLI, RYA and sponsored by, details participation amongst adults in a range of 21 different activities and trends over the last seven years.

Member only
Guidance for the provision, use and maintenance of hoses in marinas

Conditions accepted by the WRAS Technical Committee on behalf of all the UK Water Suppliers, who will adopt these alternative arrangements at their discretion where they consider the circumstances to be appropriate.

Member only
Marina Guidance-Liens, payments & abandoned boats

Member only
F1-Terms of Business England and Wales

Results of the Autumn 2008 Industry Trends Survey

Untitled document

BMF conducts a survey bi-annually to measure the current trends of the marine leisure sector. The latest version of this report for the period May - November 2008 is available.

UK Leisure and Small Commercial Marine Industry Key Performance Indicators 2007/8

Untitled document

This report, launched in January 2009, provides detailed information on the marine industry of leisure and small commercial craft for a range of economic indicators; from turnover and value added to international trade and employment. It contains essential reference data on the UK marine industry for BMF members and affiliate organisations, the media, Government and key stakeholders.

2009 Marina Conference

Untitled document

Read about the 2009 Marina Conference

Designing Demand MareNet Workshop

Information on Designing Demand MareNet Worshop

Member only
Working near to water guide

The purpose of this guide is to provide a brief introduction, overview and summary of one of the principal health and safety topics which has implications for many of the operations carried out by BMF members

Member only
Dangerous Substances

The purpose of this guide is to provide a brief introduction, overview and summary of one of the principal health and safety topics which has implications for many of the operations carried out by BMF members

Member only
Personal Protectice Equipment

The purpose of this guide is to provide a brief introduction, overview and summary of one of the principal health and safety topics which has implications for many of the operations carried out by BMF members

Member only
Lifting equipment and lifting operations

The purpose of this guide is to provide a brief introduction, overview and summary of one of the principal health and safety topics which has implications for many of the operations carried out by BMF members

Member only
Substances hazardous to health

The purpose of this guide is to provide a brief introduction, overview and summary of one of the principal health and safety topics which has implications for many of the operations carried out by BMF members

Member only
Provision and use of work equipment

The purpose of this guide is to provide a brief introduction, overview and summary of one of the principal health and safety topics which has implications for many of the operations carried out by BMF members

Member only
Working in confined spaces

The purpose of this guide is to provide a brief introduction, overview and summary of one of the principal health and safety topics which has implications for many of the operations carried out by BMF members

Member only
Working at height

The purpose of this guide is to provide a brief introduction, overview and summary of one of the principal health and safety topics which has implications for many of the operations carried out by BMF members

Member only
Vibration at work

The purpose of this guide is to provide a brief introduction, overview and summary of one of the principal health and safety topics which has implications for many of the operations carried out by BMF members

Economic Benefits of Inland Marinas in the UK 2008

Untitled document

This report was commissioned by BMF in partnership with the British Waterways and the Environment Agency, with support from the Broads Authority and TYHA members. The report assesses the economic significance and impacts of inland marinas in the UK at a country and regional level, and details contribution at a local level through a series of 16 case studies, based on primary research.

BMF Members can receive a complimentary copy of this report by emailing the contact below:

Price: £150
BRBA Code of Practice

Code of Practice for boat retailer and broker members

Boat Buyer's Guide

Essential Questions you should be asking when buying your boat

Planning Guide - at a glance

Planning Guide - at a glance

BMET Intermediate Registration Form

BMET Intermediate Registration Form

BMET Intermediate Practical Tasks

BMET Intermediate Practical Tasks

BMET Intermediate Flyer

BMET Intermediate Flyer

BMET Intermediate Syllabus

BMET Intermediate Syllabus

BMET Intermediate Certificate Application Form

BMET Intermediate Certificate Application Form

Your Future in the Boating Industry

A comprehensive guide to careers available in the boating industry, what skills are required and entry routes into each area.

List of Marine Related Colleges

Colleges, Training Centres and Universities providing courses in Boat Building and related activities

Watersports & Leisure Participation 2007 Survey

Untitled document

This survey by BMF, MCA, RNLI, RYA and sponsored by Sunsail, details participation amongst adults in a range of 21 different activities and trends over the last six years.

Economic Benefits of Coastal Marinas in the UK and Channel Islands 2007

Untitled document

This report was commissioned by BMF in partnership with the Crown Estate and Jersey Harbours, with support from TYHA members. The report assesses the economic significance and impact of coastal marinas in the UK and Channel Islands at a country and regional level, and details contribution at a local level through a series of nine case studies, based on primary research.

BMF Members can receive a complimentary copy of this report by emailing the contact below:

Price: £150
Managing Personal Watercraft

Managing Personal Watercraft

UK Leisure and Small Commercial Marine Industry Key Performance Indicators 2006/7

Untitled document

This report, launched in January 2008, provides detailed information on the marine industry of leisure and small commercial craft for a range of economic indicators, from turnover and value added to exports and employment. It contains essential reference data on the UK marine industry for members and affiliate organisations, the media, Government and key stakeholders.

Looking to get into the Marine Industry? Think about an Apprenticeship

Guide to Apprenticeships for those looking to get into the Marine Industry

Health and Safety Guide (CDRom)

Untitled document

This new and up to date Health and Safety Guide is complemented by three Sector Guides covering the specific needs of Boat Building and Repairs, Marinas and Boatyards and Boat Using at Work. These four resources are contained on a single CDROM in an easy to read, fully searchable format, allowing quick access to sections, topics, references and bookmarking. Also included are many of the free guides published by the Health and Safety Executive that can be easily downloaded from the CDROM.

Note to members: one complimentary copy of the report is available on request and the cost below is for additional copies. Please ensure you are logged in to receive your discounted copies.

Price to BMF Members: £60
Price: £60
Economic Benefits of the UK Leisure Boating Industry 2006

Untitled document

This report quantifies the economic impact of the leisure marine industry at a total UK and regional level. It covers the economic benefits for manufacturing, distribution, retail & brokerage, marinas, moorings & boatyard services, charters & sea schools and other services. An evaluation of related tourism spend further demonstrates the added value that the leisure boating contributes to the economy.


Note to members: one complimentary copy of the report is available on request and the cost below is for additional copies. Please ensure you are logged in to receive your discounted copies.

Price to BMF Members: £30
Price: £250
Member only
Customer Care Policy

A two page document setting out the commitment that staff at Marine House have made to the policy of customer care.

Apprenticeships for the Marine Industry, An Employers' Guide

An Employer's Guide to Apprenticeships in the Marine Industry.

Member only
WFD Review

A review of the EU Water Framework Directive

Port Waste Management Planning: The 2003 Regulations

This booklet provides guidance on waste management planning at marinas and coastal clubs.

Member only
Agency and Distribution - BMF Guide 1

Member only
Declaration of Freedom of Lien

Member only
F2- Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of a Second-Hand Vessel Subject to Survey and Sea Trial

Member only
F3- Agreement for the Unconditional Sale and Purchase of a Second-Hand Vessel

Member only
F4- Agreement for the Conditional Sale and Purchase of a Second Hand Vessel Including Conditional Part Exchange

Member only
F5- Agreement for the Listing of a Second-Hand Vessel

Member only
F6- Agreement for the Construction of a New Boat for a Fixed Price

Member only
F6a- Agreement for the Construction of a New Boat for a Fixed Price-GUIDANCE NOTES

Member only
F7- Agreement for the Sale of an Existing New or Second Hand Stock Boat

Member only
F9- Terms of Business - Scotland

Member only
Internet Domain Names - Guidance Notes

Member only
Rejection of Goods-Presentation by Tim Reynolds

PowerPoint presentation on the 'Sale and Supply of Goods and Services Regulations 2002-Dealing with Rejection' as presented by Tim Reynolds of Dyer Burdett & Co at the Southampton Boat Show 2007.

Member only
Travel Package Regulations

Member only
TYHA Berthing & Mooring Ashore Licence

Untitled document

A revision of TYHA terms made in accordance with and on behalf of TYHA.

Member only
UK Money Laundering Regulations

Does your Business Comply?

Member only
Executive summary: The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002 and Rejection

A brief on the law

Requirements for Membership

This document outlines the criteria in which members must adhere to before being welcomed in to membership.

BMF Membership Application Form

Download the BMF membership application form.

Membership Direct Debit Form

If you wish to convert your membership payments to direct debit, simply print, sign and return this form to the accounts department at Marine House.

BMEA Booklet

The BMEA booklet serves a guide to the marine electronics industry including detail on; Radars, GMDSS, Power suppliers and much more. It also includes a full list of BMEA Members, who are also Members of the British Marine Federation, the list is split in to two sections Manufacturers and Waterside Dealers.

Association of Pleasure Craft Operators 'Guide to the Inland Waterways' Booklet

The Association of Pleasure Craft Operators is a Group Association within the British Marine Federation and this booklet provides you with a definitive guide to boating holidays, day trips or shared hire on the Inland Waterways. It also includes a full listing of Members who offer these services.

UK Leisure and Small Commercial Marine Industry Key Performance Indicators for 2005/6

Untitled document

This report, launched in January, provides detailed information on the marine industry of leisure and small commercial craft for a range of economic indicators, from turnover and value added to exports and employment.  It contains essential reference data on the UK marine industry for members and affliate organisations, the media, Government and other key decision makers. Click on the icon to download this report.

UK Leisure Marine Industry Bulletin 2004-2005

Untitled document

British Marine Federation maintains a computer model of the Leisure Marine Industry, based on detailed turnover and employment data received each year from BMF members. These statistics were announced in January 2005 to industry, government officials and press.

Marinas & Moorings National Audit 2003/4 - Inland Sectors

Untitled document

This report outlines findings from a survey of inland waterway providers.  It details number of berths and moorings, broken down by type and ownership; current and forecasted mooring demand; and constraints to extending provision. One complimentary copy of the report is available to Members.

Note to members: One complimentary copy of the report is available on request and the cost below is for additional copies.

Price to BMF Members: £25
Price: £95
Marinas & Moorings National Audit 2003/4 - Coastal Sectors

Untitled document

This report outlines findings from a survey of coastal waterway providers.  It details number of berths and moorings, broken down by type and ownership; current and forecasted mooring demand; and constraints to extending provision. One complimentary copy of the report is available to Members.

Note to members: One complimentary copy of the report is available on request and the cost below is for additional copies. Please ensure you are logged in to receive your discounted copies.

Price to BMF Members: £25
Price: £95
European Overview 2004 - Leisure Marine Industry at Your Fingertips

Untitled document

This is a 100-page strategic report on the leisure marine industry across 30 European countries. It details ownership, participation and spending; companies, employees and revenues; domestic boat production; infrastructure and facilities; major boat shows. One complimentary copy of the report is available to Members.

Note to members: One complimentary copy of the report is available on request and the cost below is for additional copies. Please ensure you are logged in to receive your discounted copies.

Price to BMF Members: £30
Price: £495
SoundBoat presentation at METS 2004

Presentation given by SoundBoat project team at METS 2004.

RCD Workshop Manual CDRom

Untitled document

Click on the image across for more details on the RCD CDRom that has been recently published by the BMF.

Price to BMF Members: £50
Price: £100
FAQ for RCD 2003

Frequently asked questions guide for recreational craft directive 2003/44/EC amending directive1994/25/EC. The ICOMIA questions and answers to the RCD amendment for 2005

Guide to LPG Training and Assessment (Nationally Accredited Certificatation Scheme)

A comprehensive guide to help you through the LPG Approved Certification Scheme (ACS).

National Guide to Hire Boat Handover including Audit pack

Guide and Audit Pack fully explaining the Hire Boat Handover Auditing Scheme, including examples of recommended practices.

Directory of LPG Training & Assessment Providers

A list of colleges and training centres in the UK offering training and assessment in LPG on boats, including contact details.

RCD - A Boatbuilders Guide

A boatbuilder's guide to the Recreational Craft Directive (April 2006)

TIS 030904 Sound emission assessment

Sound emission assessment calculation method - Froude/Power-Displacement method

TIS 021104 Products on market

Status of products already on the market when new RCD is implemented

TIS 041104 Emission Matrix

Emission compliance requirements matrix

Member only
TYHA Berthing & Mooring Ashore Licence - Scotland

Untitled document

Results of the Spring 2009 Industry Trends Survey

Untitled document

BMF conducts a survey bi-annually to measure the current trends of the marine leisure sector. The latest version of this report for the period November 2008 - May 2009 is now available.

Member only
ICOMIA Recreation Boating industry Statistics 2008

Untitled document

BMF has taken up the opportunity to purchase the rights to the ICOMIA Boating Industry book 2008 for the benefits of its members. This is a new scheme for members to purchase the book at a special rate of £50 (excluding VAT) from the €300 cover price. Non-members can still purchase the book directly from ICOMIA for €600.  The price below is inclusive of VAT.

Price to BMF Members: £58.75