Does Herschel Walker Lie To His Own Campaign? You Betcha! Any More Secret Kids? You Never Know!

We think we may be starting to see why Donald Trump really loves Herschel Walker so much, namely that it appears Walker might be even more of a prolific liar than Trump is.

It was already clear Georgia's Republican Senate nominee had a wee problem with the truth. How many secret kids does Herschel have? Oh, who knows. What businesses does he own? He'll tell you about them, but it'll be lies. What about his education? Lies. Soooo many crazy fucking lies. Tell us some old cop stories about being an FBI guy, Herschel! OK, but they're gonna be lies.

But listen, it turns out that, according to the Daily Beast's reporting, it's even worse than we thought, because he even lies to his own campaign. The source? People on his campaign.

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Maaaaaybe Cop Who Shot Tamir Rice Should Go Learn HVAC, Stop Trying For Cop Jobs!

The former Cleveland, Ohio, police officer who shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice in 2014 has somehow managed to get hired as a cop again, this time as the sole member of the police department in Tioga, Pennsylvania, population 700. That's still far too many people he might put in danger.

Tioga Mayor David Wilcox said he hadn't actually had anything to do with the hiring of Timothy Loehmann, and that he was unaware of Loehmann's background. Wilcox explained that all hiring and firing decisions were made by the borough council, and that he was under the impression that Loehmann had been vetted by the council. Also, what is a search engine, or these "inter nets" you big city folks speak of?

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New York Times 'Ectopic Pregnancies' Op-Ed Is Everything You Never Hoped For

Over the past two days, the New York Times published two opinion pieces on abortion. One was written by a high-risk obstetrician who chairs the Ohio section of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the other should never have been published at all.

In case you were blessedly off Twitter on July 4, the paper of record gave space to a Leah Libresco Sargeant, a fervently anti-choice religion writer, to weaponize her own ectopic pregnancy to muddy the waters of the fetid swamp we're swimming in after the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

"Now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, states face a new reality about where to draw the line in pregnancy for when abortion is permitted," she begins. "In these debates, ectopic pregnancy is a key issue."

Well, yes ... sort of. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg attaches itself somewhere other than the uterine wall, most often to the fallopian tube, and starts burrowing into tissue where it doesn't belong. Ectopic pregnancy is not uncommon, occurring in roughly two percent of pregnancies, and it will never lead to the birth of a baby. Left untreated, however, it can cause serious damage, rupturing fallopian tubes leading to hemorrhage, sepsis, and death.

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Kamala Harris Keeps Beating Ron DeSantis In Polls. Why Don't We Hear More About That?

While we keep hearing a lot about how Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is supposed to be the anointed GOP candidate in 2024 if Donald Trump doesn't run, or is (ahem) otherwise occupied, like if he's throwing trays of prison food at the walls (don't get your hopes up), we aren't yet seeing much speculation about the Democratic ticket. That's mostly because it seems pretty likely Joe Biden will run for reelection. But if he chooses not to, polling has already pretty consistently shown Vice President Kamala Harris doing especially well against DeSantis. A recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll even shows her running about even with Trump, with both Harris and Trump getting 41 percent.

Yes, this is where we remind you that, four months before this year's midterms, it seems pretty daft to be talking about polling for the 2024 presidential race, and any numbers out there represent vague impressions, not an outline for what's coming. Heck, by the time the 2024 primaries are supposed to start, America may already be under martial law after Canadian peacekeepers march in to save us from ourselves.

Again, don't get your hopes up.

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Recipe Hub

Women Share Times When They Were Annoyingly Mansplained! Tabs, Fri., July 8, 2022

So every time then. It's tabs!

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine trying to find the guy who did this. HAHA was hot dog guy joke about DeWine signing a bill forcing a 10-year-old to carry her rapist's baby to term, but he actually means it. He means he sure hopes they'll find the rapist, not the person (Mike DeWine) who signed the bill. (Cincy Inquirer)

Montana abortion clinics, profiles in courage ...


Hohoho don't we have *pukes*. (NPR)

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Hi Have You Put GOOD Into The World Today, And By Good We Mean Money And By World We Mean Wonkette!

Yes, it is that time again!

Hi it's me, your Editrix, whom you love and adore and wish only good things for, popping in to yell HELP HER, HELP THE BOMBARDIER, except I am not a bombardier I am a leftist news website proprietress, and I got SALARIES TO PAY.

You love Dok, who does all your policy and terrible puns, and SER who tells you what's up in political races and culture, and Evan who's just disgusting and mean and you love that for him, and Robyn who's on the abortions and wackjobs and white nationalists and musical theater beats, and Liz who explains law and government at you so you could understand them (and also is mean). You love Michael who watches the Sunday shows and Hooper who gives you 47 steps for each Happy Hour cocktail (step one, mill your grain), and Martini who makes you art EVERY DAY, and you love ME.

You love us because we are ad-free and investor-free and paywall-free and the only thing you have to do to not pay up to read the news we bring you on the World's Last Website is ignore my screeching for money just once a month and at the end of every post!

Well, you have been ignoring it very well, probably because when I don't say AIYYEEE HALP HALP WONKETTE IS GOING TO DIIIIIIE, then you have other priorities, like "shelter" and "food"! And Wonkette is not going to DIIIIIIIE this month, but it has been three months since I've paid my husband or me. (We sold a house! We bought a house! There was money left over between those two things! It didn't seem CLASSY to scream AIYEEEEE HALP when we have a 95-year-old terra cotta tile — mansard? hip gable? — roof over our heads! But now, you know, give us money.)

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Ben Smith Lets Tucker Play With Himself On Camera, It Goes Great

Really, for sure.

The headline from the dopes at The Hill says "Tucker Carlson defends his commentary on race in fiery interview." Oh golly! That almost sounds like Tucker Carlson did a fiery interview where he defended his commentary on race!

The headline at Media Matters says "There’s no point to interviewing Tucker Carlson." That's the ticket.

Ben Smith has some new goddamn thing called Semafor, because what the world was crying out for was another internet guy to have a new internet guy idea for a new internet guy news website. "Today, readers are overwhelmed by too many options and unsure of what to trust," says its "About Us" page.

So of course they decided to jizz-splat themselves into the discourse by doing a "hard-hitting" interview with Tucker Carlson, who is so much better at this than Ben Smith it's really truly not funny. Because readers are overwhelmed by too many options and unsure of what to trust.

A lot of people are making fun of this thing Tucker said, but what you need to see, and what Media Matters does an excellent job of diagramming, is just how skilled Tucker Carlson is at completely stealing an interview from an interviewer. The video excerpt below shows Tucker saying he has never met a white supremacist. You can keep to yourself whatever snarky comments questions your brain is asking about if there are any mirrors in Tucker's house or if he's ever metany of his biggest fans, because if we are all thinking the same thing, there's just no reason.

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