
With Great Salt Lake Drying Up, Utah Lege Looks Into Pipeline From Pacific Ocean. Yes Really.

What about just buying up all the bottled water in the stores and dumping it into the lake bed?

Utah's Great Salt Lake is, like a lot of western lakes, drying up and shrinking at an alarming rate due to long-lasting drought that's intensified by climate change. Unlike Lake Powell and Lake Mead, the Now Just Adequate Salt Lake is a natural lake, not the result of damming the Colorado River (or damning it, as Ed Abbey used to say), but the calamitous drop in water levels results from similar causes: not enough water coming into the lake from rivers, plus lots of thirsty humans and their agriculture using upstream sources. In late April, state water officials projected the lake will once again hit a new record low water level this year, a good two feet lower than the previous record low level of 4,190 feet, set just in October 2021.

The Deseret News explains,

The projection is based on levels that flow into the lake from its core tributaries, like the Bear, Weber and Jordan rivers. Normally those rivers add about 3 feet of water during the irrigation offseason, while there’s a 2-foot reduction once the irrigation begins. That’s a net gain of about a foot per year.

But this year’s spring runoff is not looking good for the lake. The National Weather Service’s Colorado Basin River Forecast Center announced last week that it adjusted its forecast to project a runoff at 60% of normal. It previously forecast a normal runoff at the start of the year.

Last year, instead of the usual off-season increase of a foot, the lake's level only rose by six inches. And the state's snowpack is far lower than normal due to the drought. Also, fun fact: because of mineral concentrations in the lakebed, the drier the lake gets, the greater the chance of toxic dust blowing into populated areas.

Yeah, that's bad. Here, have some video from a BOAT, mofo, with more walking than there oughta be on a boat tour.


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2020 presidential election

Egad, A Dinesh D'Souza Movie LIED? Fetch Forth My Smelling Salts!

Next you'll say the movie's entire premise is bad just because it is.

Poor Dinesh D'Souza can't seem to get a break, apart from his pardon from Donald Trump, his constant appearances in rightwing media, and all the money he gets from adoring low-information fans. His latest documentary-shaped object, 2000 Mules, alleges there's evidence off rampant voting fraud in the 2020 election. But it's being ignored by Tucker Carlson and even Newsmax, and there's practically nothing too stupid or crazy for Newsmax.

Read More: No One Taking Dinesh D'Souza's Documentary Seriously, Except Other People Who Also Make Things Up

And now some snotty liberal fact checkers at NPR have confirmed that one of the film's central claims is just plain false. In the film, the bogus "election integrity" group True the Vote claims it used cellphone tracking data to prove massive voter fraud; to show just how reliable its methods are, the group claimed its data analysis even helped solve a MURDER that had police baffled.

But as NPR explains, hahaha LOL LMAO True the Vote didn't solve dick. (Slight paraphrase of NPR.) Also, have we mentioned D'Souza was himself convicted of election fraud? But he was pardoned, so now he's blameless.

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Trump Thought China Controlled The Weather With A Hurricane Space Laser. Because Of Course He Did.

Can't wait for that loon to get back on Twitter. Gonna be so awesome.

Does China have a space laser that it's firing at the US to cause hurricanes? Many people are saying China controls the weather and we should bomb the shit out of them if they don't stop fucking with the weather in God's own US of A.

And by "many people," we mean the former president and no one else.

Asawin Suebsaeng and Adam Rawnsley recently decamped from the Daily Beast to Rolling Stone, but they're still supplying us with all the good dirt on wingnut crazytimes. Hashtag blessed!

Today's offering is a batshit story about "your favorite" weather-obsessed president. The same guy who wondered why we couldn't just nuke a hurricane and drew dicks on a map to prove that Hurricane Dorian was actually going to hit Alabama. Apparently that weirdo thought about weaponized weather so much that it was known around the White House as the "Hurricane Gun" thing.

“I was present [once] when he asked if China ‘made’ hurricanes to send to us,” a former senior official told RS. "[Trump] wanted to know if the technology existed. One guy in the room responded, ‘Not to the best of my knowledge, sir.’ I kept it together until I got back to my office… I do not know where the [then-]president would have heard about that… He was asking about it around the time, maybe a little before, he asked people about nuking hurricanes.”

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Fine, Tucker, See You Lext Tuesday.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson was simply delirious with joy at learning that New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul was diagnosed with COVID-19 on Sunday, because it proves no one needs to be vaccinated or something. Hochul wrote on Twitter, "Thankfully, I’m vaccinated and boosted, and I’m asymptomatic. I’ll be isolating and working remotely this week."

Tucker found it simply hilarious that, after saying she was vaxxed and boosted, Hochul called on all New Yorkers to get vaccinated and boosted, because what the hell good would that do? Like, apart from the vaccines' proven effectiveness at preventing serious illness and death.

Also too, Carlson left out the part about her being asymptomatic, which is kind of a big deal, and the point of why the vaccines are extremely effective even against a quickly changing virus.

Here's the video of Carlson being extremely weird about all of this, via Media Matters:

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