requests are mostly open, check the carrd! — help #ProtectRussianTransLives

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help #ProtectRussianTransLives

currently, there is a russian bill being pushed that will:

- allow sex markers only on birth certificates, thus disallowing trans people from changing their gender marker and forcing those who already have to change theirs back.

- re-label current straight marriages involving a trans person as ‘same-sex’, and as gay marriage is illegal in russia, no more straight couple involving trans folks will be allowed to marry and those that are already married will no longer have their unions recognized by the government.

- birth certificates will be requested at the time of future marriages, disallowing folks who changed their documents after transitioning from getting married, as their birth certificate HAS to indicate their birth sex now.

- no longer recognize gay marriages that were performed outside of russia. some of you may remember similar things happening before gay marriage was legalized in all 50 states - a gay couple could leave their state to get married somewhere where it was legal, but when they returned home, their marriage would not be recognized.

- and couples russia considers ‘same-sex’ - both gay marriages performed outside of russia and straight marriages including a trans person performed in russia - will no longer be able to adopt or otherwise become legal guardians of children.

here’s a carrd on the matter, and twitter threads in english and russian. if you can speak russian, here’s a way to submit a complaint to the state duma.

if nothing else, sign this petition. if you can, donate to this russian lgbtq+ organization. if you have a platform at all, post this information, use the hashtag #ProtectRussianTransLives (as well as #явместестранссообществом and #НетТрансфобнымЗакона), and get this message out to as many people as you possibly can.

dexter.txt protectrussiantranslives явместестранссообществом НетТрансфобнымЗакона current events politics trans rights

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