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Reblog to save a life

Source: quasibee
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this one’s for all the fat girls who’ve cried in dressing rooms 💗


You’re fine. The clothes are made to be easy to manufacture on machines, not for bodies. The clothes suck, not you.


They’re also manufactured to look attractive on hangers, and very few of us are shaped like hangers. You’re fine.


😱😰😭😭😭😭😭😭😭thank u please more of this type of body positivity I need it


Legit though! I’m a hobbyist seamstress and these are my experiences when shopping mainstream:

For example, most H&M blouses these days don’t even have boobdarts. Which means they will sit awkwardly on literally anyone with boobs, no matter the size. But on hangers or when folded on display? They look fab as fuck. Because hangers don’t have boobs. And the models chosen to show them on the catwalk are usually chosen for their lack of boobage too (unless it’s for lingerie), other requirements including ridiculous size and weight requirements. As for the average (EU available) clothing shops, the worst offender I’ve encountered yet was Zara. Everything’s way too long and way too flat: clearly aimed to look good on the catwalk models but not intended for normal people. At all.

Also sizes are just numbers. Shopping online has taught me that I’m a European M, an American XS-S, and a Japanese L-XL. And then these sizes even vary from shop to shop in the same country: I’m an XL at Apples but an S at Lola&Liza, for example. They’ve also been reducing the sizes of these numbers throughout the years to make people feel bad about themselves and to sell more weight-loss products. Don’t let a number get you down, it does not define you.

So please don’t feel bad about yourself when shops refuse to cater to your size. The clothes they sell are not aimed at real human beings. They are the ones in the wrong here, not you!


body posi posts are the ones 


I needed this after yesterday. :/

Source: kristineirl

Fun fact: According to Greek legend there was a famous prostitute who managed to avoid a death sentence by showing the judges her boobs and arguing that it would be a crime against the Gods to destroy something so beautiful. 

Before you ask, yes there are paintings of this. And yes, they’re amazing.

Read more.


I love history.


Role models tho.



The gay one


No, but this is one of my absolute favorite bits of history! 

The courtesan named was named Phryne and she was indeed a renowned beauty, and was indeed was put on trial for a capital crime. And yes, the sum of her defense consisted of her stripping in court (helped by her lover/defendant) and asking the jury (all males) if they were prepared to destroy this

But this is actually a very interesting case of Values Dissonance - the capital crime she was accused of was blasphemy. In Ancient Greek society, exceptional beauty was a sign of favor from the gods, and they took the idea that beauty indicated goodness with great seriousness. They even called their nobles Kaloi k'Agathoi, “the Beautiful and the Good.” 

So by showing off her great physical beauty, Phryne was being very clever indeed, her argument essentially being “How could I possibly commit blasphemy if the gods have given me this body?“ 

God, I adore history. 


”If these tits are legit, you must acquit.”

Source: factfiend
“ necrobob:
“That’s not quite true. The reporter behind the story, Daphne Caruana Galizia, was murdered.
Not just murdered, that could have been coincidence.
She was murdered with a fucking car bomb.
That’s not a botched robbery...

That’s not quite true. The reporter behind the story, Daphne Caruana Galizia, was murdered.


Not just murdered, that could have been coincidence.

She was murdered with a fucking car bomb.

That’s not a botched robbery or a serial killer, that’s a professional assassination. Someone with money and political power, someone you might have voted for, planned and paid for this homicide.

An international group of journalists still collaborate to continue her work. It’s called The Daphne Project.

Source: memescomedy

Y’all need to recognize that black resistance isn’t interchangeable with other minorities. You can’t take the black out of “black lives matter” or “black excellence” or “black girl magic” and substitute it with “women” or “Asian” or “trans” or “gay” ect. Doing so really dilutes our message and it’s just another form of appropriation that harms black activism. You need to find your own forms of resistance and respect ours as intrinsically tied to blackness.


Y’all clearly need this reminder.

Black lives matter. That’s the phrase and the word black is not interchangeable with anything else.

Not gay, not trans, not Jewish, not asian, not latinx, not anything.

Black, with a capital B, lives matter.

Source: afronerdism