
really not enjoying the recent push for xenogenders to only be used by neurodivergent people,, it feels like so many genders coined in the twitter mogai community are listed as neurodivergent-exclusive for no reason other than the fact that so many people now think xenogenders can’t be used by neurotypicals. it’s perfectly fine to coin neurogenders or to want a gender to only be used by neurodivergent people due to certain characteristics of the term, but if you’re just coining a general xenogender, please don’t make it neurodivergent-exclusive.

like, yes, it’s very common for xenogenders to be coined by and used by neurodivergent people, but we are not the only people who benefit from these terms. spreading the idea that xenogenders can only be used by neurodivergent folks is going to harm neurotypical trans people. it makes me sad to see neurotypical questioning people asking if they’re allowed to use xenogenders because they’ve seen so many younger/newer community members claiming they can’t.

(not to mention that the idea that only neurodivergent people can have ‘weird’ genders is. kind of ableist.)

so like. i thought we’d settled a while back that using asexual spectrum/acespec for both ace and aro is arophobic. especially alloarophobic.

like, i don’t care that you’re using ‘asexual’ in the general ‘not attracted to anyone’ sense rather than the ‘not sexually attracted to anyone’ sense. it’s still arophobic. it’s still lumping us in with asexual people. the aro community has been trying SO HARD to spread information about our identities and make people understand that we are not always asexual/aroace, and it’s fucking regressive to lump us into the asexual spectrum.

acespec and aspec are not interchangeable. full fucking stop.

hello all!! so this is a flag that i’ve wanted to make for awhile now, but i wasn’t really sure how to approach it. i decided to just give it a shot and see what people think!! so this is my flag for azurmalachitian, which is a person who considers themselves to be mlm, nblm, and xlm (aka me!). the name is a lil long and i’m not entirely certain of the flag colors, but i think it’s a good start, and i’d love to hear any thoughts people have on it!!

(also, sorry for posting this on my headcanon blog, but it’s the only mogai blog i’m on fjskd)

edit: the term is now chrysocollian (thanks @pastelmemer for the idea!)

‘common sense gang’ anon just got blocked because they sent in an ask with so many inaccuracies that i refuse to answer it, but i would like to say one thing if they’re checking my blog desperate for me to answer them:

if seeing someone identify with a more specific label or use a newer pronoun makes someone ‘skeptical’ of trans people (aka transphobic), they were never a trans ally in the first place. if all it takes to change someone’s mind about the entire trans community is a small group of people with experiences they don’t quite understand, they were ALREADY transphobic.

to the person with the really long pokemon req - which green are you referring to? i know there’s a green in lgpe, one in the manga, and one who’s called blue in english and green in japanese, so i want to make sure i’m using the right one!!

also, i am gonna change the red/green relationship to qp crushes and ethan/silver relationship to crushes since i just feel a bit odd about headcanoning anyone under 12 as dating (just a personal comfort thing, sorry!)

faq - please read!

firstly, i want to link a few resources:

ezgender’s carrds on the basics of mogaixenogenders, neurogenders, and coining mogai terms

my deviantart for flag templates and symbols

the pride-flags deviantart, which has a ton of high-res flags for older mogai terms and more flag templates/symbols

pronoun-provider’s lists of neopronouns divided by theme (this page hasn’t been updated in a while, but it does have a ton of pronoun sets to peruse through!)

a list of other mogai blogs i enjoy that i try to update as new blogs pop up

and now on to the faq!

q: is this blog fake? are you a troll? is this satire? do you actually believe mogai is valid/real?
a: no, no, no, and yes!

q: what do you use to make your flags/edits?
a: gimp on desktop!

q: how often does the queue post?
a: 2 times daily, though i do up it to 3-4 daily when i can.

q: what requests are open? what kinds of requests do you do?
a: check out this page, it has all the requests i currently do and which ones are open/closed! you can also reach this page by opening my carrd and clicking the button that says ‘neopronouns’.

q: are you alright with requests involving [insert identity]?
a: if it’s not on this list, the answer is more than likely yes!

q: are you alright with requests related to [insert source]?
a: same as above - check this list, and if it isn’t there, the answer is more than likely yes!
a2: if you’re concerned for a specific reason (content in the source, something the creator did, etc) i’d appreciate if you could include that in your ask!

q: did you receive [insert request]?
a: try to wait at least a week or so before asking this! i don’t mind answering, but i don’t always queue requests super quickly, so i may not have answered your request yet because i’m busier than usual.
a2: if i say that i didn’t get your request, you can send it in again no matter if requests are open or not! i don’t want to make someone wait till the next time the inbox is open just because tumblr glitched and didn’t send their ask.

q: when will my request be posted?
a: at some point! the queue isn’t set at a super high number so that if i hit a period where i’m very busy, i don’t have to feel anxious about the queue running out. that means that it could take a while to see your requests, but i promise, you will see them!

q: can you tag [insert thing]?
a: yes, i’ll try my hardest to remember!

q: can i use one of your edits for [my icon/my carrd/etc]?
a: yes!! i’d prefer if you credited me somewhere if you do.

q: can you use [insert version of a flag] for [insert identity] in my request?
a: yep, just make sure to either include it in the ask or send another ask afterwards specify which flag you’d like!

q: [insert nice thing]
a: i love you dearly and your ask will sit in my inbox forever along with all the other incredibly sweet asks i’ve received over the course of this blog. i apologize for not answering kind asks, i just really like being able to scroll to the bottom of the inbox and see all the love there!

q: [insert argument against one of my opinions]
a: i’ll more than likely block you, but if i’m in the right mood or you’re egregiously uneducated on the topic, i’ll answer it.

q: [insert rude/mocking thing about me, my blog, and/or mogai]
a: asks like this accomplish nothing and don’t bother me. again, you’re either getting blocked or i’ll just make fun of you/be rude to you back.

so i’ve had the ideas for these two gender systems for ages now and i keep putting them off - i’m gonna start on them soon and try to get them done within a week or so, i’m posting this so y’all can yell at me if i put them off again jfkldgs

i’m going to

  • coin genders related to the playable races in dnd (and perhaps their subraces) to go with tiefleic
  • coin genders based on types of gems from steven universe (pearls, rubies, peridots, etc - i’ll at least do the gems of the main cast and may do more)

so i just noticed i’m 15 followers away from 2,000! i was happy enough when this blog just had 100 followers, and absolutely shocked when i hit 1k, since i’d never had more than 800 on a blog

just… thank you all so much.